
Organization is the core of talent, any organization development cannot leave the thirst for talent, as a leader of an organization, a team TL, how to identify and find talent in some people’s eyes can be a kind of metaphysics, but in my opinion, men of the Ming is erratically, is a kind of objective evaluation and subjective intuitive comprehensive judgment.

The so-called recognition of people is to see clearly a person’s present and future possibilities, which is usually said to be ability and potential.

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Numerically judge people

When I was a child to play << three Kingdoms overlord mainland >>, inside each military general, each counsellor is data, such as Zhuge Liang intelligence 99, Lv Bu force 99, I remember that time and a few classmates play together, we come up to rob Jingzhou waiting for 194 years zhuge Liang was born, (know this game, you will expose the age 😀), Does this scene look familiar?

When we get resume, degree, big factory background, open source project, influence, technical ability, engineering ability, professional ability, programming… From the screening process to the interview process, we are actually numerically quantifying a person. Two years ago, I wrote an article on how to model a candidate during the interview process. This numerical way to recognize people can be said to be the general trend, is the mainstream method, and relatively small error, just like I recruit Zhuge Liang, recruit Lu Bu and then set up a team, and other military commanders in the team PK, the odds will be much greater. But reality is not a game, because games are relatively fair, but reality is not.

The numerical method of human recognition is the only way to attract and collect talents efficiently and quickly for large enterprises with absolute resources. In this respect, it is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises to form a competitive advantage. If you are a TL of a big factory, you naturally don’t worry about not having a good resume. You will only worry about having too many resumes and not knowing how to choose a better one.

However, the most magical point in reality is not only the inequality caused by the resource gap, but also nothing is absolute. If Liu Bei had not visited the hut three times, how could Zhuge Liang prove his intelligence 99? Without Dong Zhuo’s preference for Lu Bu, how could Lu Fengxian prove his strength? Before they were born, lu was not famous. If we say that numerical recognition of people is the right method, is the mainstream, is the basic principle of choose and employ persons. However, this method is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises that lack resources to attract excellent talents, and most of them can only choose the rest.

But sometimes what’s left isn’t always good.

Know people outside the box

In fact, in cities such as hangzhou, whether the interviewer, recruiters mouth break out with such a long word, for the ali p a few, this is actually a kind of low cost method of numerical value talented people, but, like business, if you copy the mode of a major corporation, you must have gone sooner or later, talented people of choose and employ persons is also in the same way, In addition to the regular operations, sometimes will not stick to one pattern, and large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprise team size is limited, usually on the front end may be about five, or even less, if you are a received professional training, has built numerical model of TL in the brain, in places like hangzhou, you will find it difficult to recruit people You can’t even recruit at all, because you can’t offer anything attractive to attract candidates who have a chance to go to Dachang.

This is when you can try to be unconventional. What is unconventional? For example, there is a candidate who talks well, and then there is a candidate who does not have a good education background or a big factory background, or does not have the experience to match the current business. For example, if you are dealing with React, he only knows Vue, or he has never used Webpack or Git before, all these conditions are “case”.

React: Proficient 25, Proficient 50, Expert 75, authority 99. And so on and so forth. Eclecticism means not sticking to any one “case.”

If you do this, your resume will be blank, and you won’t see anything that can be used to quantify or evaluate the candidate’s abilities.

Break out of the static “box” and see a person dynamically

Zhuge Liang was not born with a intelligence of 99, but his ability was also developed through constant practice, and So was Lu Bu’s force. What we are doing numerically and setting up the grid is in essence a person’s present situation, which is static. This static method is simple and effective. However, I think this method is not an ability that a team leader should cultivate, because through big data, past experience and the answers to questions can be used to numerically transform a person. I believe that AI will do this job for you in the future, and it will be better and more accurate than you.

So how do you look at people dynamically, or how do you identify candidates who have potential but aren’t showing it right now?

The depth of one’s thinking

A tree to grow high, the root will run deep, to grow, from trees to the towering trees, this is a continuous and stable process, we often say ten years trees ents in one hundred, still but is great, the difference of people and trees in a forest of towering trees may be countless, but a group of people in the great trees is few and far between, Why is that?

Because the tree never confused, from seeds to towering trees of the process is very stable, as long as it is not interfered by external forces, it can grow higher and higher, the larger and larger, between the tree and the tree because of each other’s competition for sunlight intensified this process, but the result is still benign, the whole forest has become higher.

And people? Desires, big city’s subway, each person’s personality be fond of growth environment, the choice of the people around you to form a very complicated causal relationships, in such a net, it’s easy to lose yourself, the lost don’t know how to deliver nutrients is like a tree, where transport, analogy to our business, React, Vue, Webpack, Snowpack, Babel, take a look at Node. Do micro services, do K8S, and then turn over a << HTTP authority guide >>, unknowingly a year or two in the past, grow into a towering tree? No, most people in the front field of knowledge lost to make themselves into a bush fork countless, but no fork is strong, tall, because can not compete for sunlight resources, had to make their own roots small, lest because of water and death.

So trees have forests, people have no forests, the reality is that most people become bushes, and a few people become towering trees. Shielding the bushes from rain and wind, shielding them from the sun and sucking up nutrients.

What is the difference between those who become great trees and those who become bushes?

There’s no difference, no difference in intelligence, no difference in emotional intelligence, the only difference is that they have their own trunk and those bushes don’t.

This backbone is the depth of a person’s thinking. If you cut through the trunk of a tree, you’ll see rings that get smaller and smaller and bigger and bigger, just like those basic computer courses that we programmers take, operating systems, data structures, algorithms, and so on. React Vue, Webpack, Nodejs and other technology stacks are the outer ring of the tree ring. The content is complicated, while ECMAScript specification, W3C specifications, V8, browser runtime environments, Babel compilers and so on are like tree rings in the middle, relatively stable and complex.

And then you see, the characteristic of the bush is that he’s learned all these things, he knows all these things, but he bifurcates. In their concept, Nodejs is Nodejs. What does Nodejs have to do with data structures? What is the connection to the operating system? React is React. All I have learned is that the concepts I have learned are isolated in my mind without any connection

Just like your favorite face sutra, each one is not long, connected just can’t remember 😀

So there’s only one essential difference between a giant tree and a bush, and it’s a very central one

The giant trees know their own trunk, and they will continue to steadily build connections among different rings with the knowledge they have learned and the experience they have gained from practice, so that their trunk can grow and compete for the sun on the top with the strong trunk

So protean talent show, in fact is to at the time of this person or saplings, see he has potential to become a towering trees, for the growth of the trunk will require a huge amount of nutrients, not a brush, brush and see it can crash, the depth of this kind of thinking, is a reflection of the need to accumulate over a long period of stable and practice to get.

Usually this kind of eclectic is for people who have changed careers, inexperienced people, people with less education, when we don’t pay attention to his age, his background, we don’t see all kinds of rules, you just need to look at a little bit.

Does he or she have the ability to make connections between what he or she has learned and what he or she has learned? Does he or she have the ability to produce consistently and consistently, which is the potential of a person to grow into a towering tree?

The latter

Here attach a question of skills to help explore this ability, one must have a core cognitive rings, namely cognition of computer basic disciplines, or hollow tree, brittle, secondly he you’d like to ask you some questions, or to lead him to let him think conventional the front-end everyone know what and what’s the relationship between core tree-ring knowledge

For example, I often ask this question

  • Const var let; const var let; const var let
  • With var, why does the ES6 specification add const and let(middle tree rings, from usage to syntactical understanding)
  • How Babel handles these keywords, the compilation process looks like this (see if you know AST)
  • What is the AST data structure, what are the basic characteristics of this data structure, how to traverse (investigate the basic understanding of the tree)
  • What are the common scenarios in front-end development where trees can be used to solve problems? What types of problems are common (looking backwards at the ability to use data structures to solve real business problems)

It’s a formula. I always ask about the core ring, no matter what the candidate is good at, because that’s how I see potential in a front-end engineer.

For an organization, it needs people with “dignity” to solve current problems, but more importantly, it needs people with potential, because they are the future of the organization. And because of them, the organization has more possibilities.