For more articles see:…


Another month without more bo, in order to own the first nest continuously rushing about in Suzhou and Shanghai.

Recently, the team had an assignment about sharing the front-end layout, so they seized the opportunity to claim it and summarize it.

About the layout

Basic layout

0. General/document flow layout


, and later HTML5 semantic tags are arranged in a top-down fashion.
, later

1. The Float layoutsfloat: left/right

Originally designed for use in surround layout, but now commonly used in left and right layouts.

2. Absolute layoutposition: absolute.position: fixed

Keep an absolute distance from the target element (the nearest parent element whose position is not static). Use scenarios such as fixed top advertising bars, waterfall streams, and so on.

3. Grid layout:display:grid

A systematic layout plan, see:…

4. CSS3 Flex Flex box layout:display:flex

A systematic layout plan, see:…

Common layout concepts and implementation methods

0. Static layout

Static layout: A web page layout is always displayed with a fixed layout and size, instead of using elastic box schemes such as Flex.

Implementation method:

  • Normal/document flow layout
  • Float layout
  • Absolute layout

For PC: general center layout, all styles use absolute width/height (PX), screen width and height adjustment, use the scroll bar to see the covered part;

For mobile devices: Create a separate mobile site, design a separate layout, and use a different domain name such as WAP. Or m., set width on the < viewPort Meta > tag, and each element of the page also takes px units. Dynamically modifies the initial-scale of the label with JS so that the page scales equally to fill the entire screen.

Pros: This layout is easiest for designers and CSS writers, and there are no compatibility issues.

The disadvantages are obvious, the display cannot be different according to the user’s screen size:

  • The narrow screen scrollbar experience is poor
  • Widescreen has a lot of white space, which is not conducive to space utilization

Here’s an example: the black Alma mater, of course)

1. Streaming layout

Streaming layout is designed to render the same web page on a full screen on devices of different sizes. It is used to solve the compatibility between different resolutions of similar devices (general resolution differences are less).

Implementation method:

  • Allows page width to be automatically adjusted:<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
  • Don’t use absolute sizes (including containers/fonts/images), use percentages, EM, REM, VW, VH, etc
  • Use flexible boxes like Flex (don’t use PX for sizing)

Advantages: The left and right sides of the page are full.

But the disadvantages are obvious:

  • Using the percentage definition, the effect on a large phone /Pad screen (or landscape screen) is that some page elements are pulled very large, but the amount of content remains the same, making it sparse, uncompact and inefficient in space utilization.
  • If the text is also enlarged in percentage, the overall effect will be very incongruous (old machine effect).

Here’s an example:…(I’m used to overusing this link)

2. Adaptive layout

Adaptive layout defines different layouts for different screen resolutions. Changing the screen resolution allows you to switch between different static layouts (the position of page elements may change), but in each static layout, page elements do not change with window size.

An adaptive layout is considered a collection of static layouts.

Implementation method:

  • Static layout method
  • Resolution Detector (Media Query/Server-side Detector /UA)

The position of elements in the adaptive layout page will change, which is a good solution to the disadvantage of low utilization of large screen space in the flow layout.

Disadvantages: Single layout containers cannot scale flexibly, and containers are still prone to the problems mentioned in static layouts without triggering layout switches.

Here’s an example: this would be a difficult example =,=)

3. Responsive layout

Responsive layouts also define layouts for different screen resolutions. Changing the screen resolution allows you to switch between different layouts in real time with CSS Media Query (the position of page elements may change), and within each layout, page elements change size automatically as the window size changes in streaming layout.

Implementation method:

  • Fluid layout
  • CSS media query

Responsive layout combines the advantages of both streaming and adaptive layout.

Disadvantages: The CSS code is cumbersome and has much redundancy for specific devices. It is suitable for Blog Dos sites that do not have high performance requirements for each terminal (especially the mobile terminal).

Here’s an example:

About Web Design

The purpose of layout, after all, is to serve the purpose of web design. So let’s talk about responsive design (RWD) and adaptive design (AWD).

1. Responsive Design (RWD)

Wikipedia: Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design which makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. Content, design and performance are necessary across all devices to ensure usability and satisfaction

“Progressive enhancement”, “one – fits – all”

Responsive design is based on responsive layout, using the same set of pages to present the right size, layout (and even function) on a wide variety of devices of different sizes.

Responsive design adjusts the position, or even shows and hides, specific pieces of content displayed according to the screen width.

Implementation method:

  • Responsive layout
  • Feature detection (for progressive enhancement of web features)

Here’s an example:
Elevenbeans. Making. IO /,

2. Adaptive Design (AWD)

Wikipedia: Adaptive web design is a process of server-side detection that chooses a design layout and size to display. All types of web design layouts can be used, including responsive layout. The adaptive design will serve different versions of the site to different devices based on common screen sizes and resolutions. The only difference is the way the design is looked at from a collateral or device viewpoint rather than the responsive web design (RWD) one-size-fits-all approach to layout

“All Types of Web Design layouts”, “Different versions to Different Devices”,

The adaptive design is displayed by detecting the device type and selecting the most suitable design layout/size version from different versions of the site. It can be used for all layout schemes, including reactive layouts.

Implementation method:

  • server-side detection
  • different versions to different devices

    For PC: streaming layout available;

    For Mobile: Use streaming layout. A Rem solution is recommended:
    • Sets the size of elements (which can include fonts, etc.) toremremBase elementfont-sizeIs the benchmark unit)
    • JS dynamically set according to screen width<html>font-sizeSize, elements will also be scaled to screen width and so on

Here’s an example:

Similarities and differences between RWD and AWD


  • All adopt different styles and layouts for different resolutions/devices to achieve optimal page display
  • AWD also including Responsive layout


  • The former emphasizes the multi-terminal compatibility display of the same set of pages, while the latter provides multiple sets of pages and classifies different devices
  • The former uses CSS Media Query for resolution detection, which can respond to browser size changes in real time and change element size/layout, while the latter is usually Server Side Detection, which renders the given layout and style at one time


  1. “Responsive web design”, wikipedia,… ;
  2. “The Adaptive web design”, wikipedia,… ;
  3. Discussed shallowly responsive Web design and implementation of ideas “, Xiong Jiangang blog,… ;
  4. Responsive Web Design? Adaptive Web Design? Don’t Despair! , Elegant MicroWeb,… ;
  5. The adaptive Web Design (Responsive Web Design), nguyen other Web logs,… ;