The basic idea is to draw the video on a canvas and use it
Export Base64 format, assign SRC to image for image preview, click download Put Base64 into href attribute of A tag and simulate click to download
<video src="1.mp4" id="video" controls width="300"></video>
<img src="" alt="" id="image" width="300">
<button id="shot">screenshots</button>
<button id="download">download</button>
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A video player, a preview area, a screenshot button, and a download button
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const video = document.querySelector('#video');
const image = document.querySelector('#image');
const shot = document.querySelector('#shot');
const download = document.querySelector('#download');
let url = ' ';
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Create a Canvas and get a reference to the DOM in the page
video.addEventListener('loadedmetadata'.function (e) {
canvas.width = this.videoWidth;
canvas.height = this.videoHeight;
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Set the width and height of the canvas after the video is loaded
shot.addEventListener('click'.function () {
ctx.drawImage(video, 0.0);
url = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpg');
image.src = url;
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Click the Screenshot button and draw the video on the Canvas, then take the dataURL and assign it to the SRC of the image
download.addEventListener('click'.function () {
const a = document.createElement('a');
const event = new MouseEvent('click'); = 'screen_shot';
a.href = url;
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Finally, create an A tag, assign the url to href, create a click event and simulate the click event for download
Download successful