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How do I change an unrelated file but cause a WebPack rebuild

Has anyone brushed the issue of Webpack-dev-server

Watch Files Not Required with Webpack if you have.

In the previous journal, we shared the author’s analysis article on the implementation process of watch source code. In this article, the author encapsulated a plug-in by himself on these bases: Extra-watch-webpack-plugin sets fileDependencies and contextDepencies based on the after-compile hook



Video mining pit

H5 – Video practice

A particularly detailed article about video also mentioned the inconsistency of UI in various environments and other issues

PS: ChimeeJS – Chimee for working with video on the web, as an HTML5 video player




Mobile terminal the simplest animation production scheme – multimedia H5

An article 16 at the end of the old, but still more popular multimedia h5, now for development is also quite simple, an entire video dynamic effect, of course, there are disadvantages: in terms of preloading, part of the equipment cannot be automatically playback, weak play experience poor network environment, there are also some pit, etc., but in the end the author gave some advice or have reference value



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