Today’s Knowledge Points (2021.01.20) — Day 645 (I’m going to write a problem)

  • What’s the difference between local storage and cookies?
  • What are the different types of functions in Less?
  • Write a JS method to determine if the element is in the visible region
  • [Soft Skills] Tell me about your understanding of 3-minute enthusiasm and sustained enthusiasm

In the Analects of Confucius, Confucius Zeng said:
“I think about myself three times a day”(I reflect on myself many times a day).

Front-end interview 3+1 questions a day, interview questions to drive learning, progress a little every day!

Let efforts become a habit, let the struggle to become a kind of enjoyment!

Adhere to theThe power of!!

Welcome to discuss and learn with friends at Issues!

Welcome to work with Jsliang on the front-end. The system is sorting out the front-end knowledge. At present, we are working on Leetcode and intend to get through the two veins of the management of algorithm and data structure. Making the address

WeChat official account

Welcome everyone to come to discuss, if feel to have certain help to your study, welcome to clickStarAt the same time welcome WeChat scanning code concernThe front-end sword solutionPublic number, and join“Front-end learning daily 3+1”WeChat groups communicate with each other (click the menu of the public account: communication).

  • Learn not to close up, charging refueling only to meet a better yourself, 365 days without holidays, every morning at 5:00 purely manual interview questions (knock yourself, happy everyone).
  • I hope you stay calm in this grandiose front circle and spend 20 minutes a day learning and thinking.
  • In this ever-changing, endless class library front end, I suggest you do not wait to find a job, just crazy brush, advocate daily learning! HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the cornerstones!
  • Welcome to Issues, encourage PR, thank STAR, you can join me WeChat if you have any good suggestions to discuss!

I hope you
dailyTo study and think, this is the purpose of coming here!! Don’t come for anyone, come for yourself!


Please come and discuss with us. If you think it is helpful to your study, please click [Star]