I don’t want to say more about them. Let’s take a look at what problems they have encountered in the interview.


At the very beginning, she asked me about my project in great detail.

Webpack’s way to speed up builds

What does loader input?

Webpack principle

Webpack dynamic loading principle

Webpack hot update

How to write a WebPack Plugin

The application of the AST

How to parse an HTML text or take an AST

How to write the Babel plugin

How to design a sandbox?

Small program API to do what processing, can achieve global variables hidden, if you, how to design?

Color conversion ‘RGB (255, 255, 255)’ -> ‘#FFFFFF’

Give a number n, generate a set of integers from 0 to n-1, shuffle the order to form an array, shuffle it several times, how it looks balanced, name any method you can think of.

Second interview

Business, business, business, there is no better solution to the project review.

How to handle a critical incident bug

Monitoring system

What’s so good about the virtual DOM? Why did the framework design the virtual DOM?

Disadvantages of WebPack, let you design a new build packaging tool, how would you design?

Online document editing, how to deal with conflict between two people, how to display, consider various scenarios

Excel document conflict advanced processing, article conflict? It’s a continuation of the last question.

On three sides

Find two numbers from array [1, 5, 8, 10, 12] that sum to 9, return [1, 8].

Find three numbers in array [1, 5, 8, 10, 12] that sum to 19, return [1, 8, 10].

Algorithm: Given an unordered array of integers, find the length of the longest ascending subsequence.


One side

Webpack principle

Babel principle

Understanding the virtual DOM

How was the performance optimization done in the project

Have you ever written a WebPack Loader or plug-in

Tell me about the Babel plugin you wrote

The principle of the story

What’s the difference between redux doing state management and publish-subscribe

How does the principle of React redux relate to React

Understand the principle of multiterminal?

Relationship between HTTP and TCP

Can TCP establish multiple connections?

Tell me why there are three handshakes, four waves

Have you ever written a Babel plug-in? What is it for? How to write the Babel plugin

Do you know how to convert to AST?

Have you studied the React runtime?

Career planning.

On three sides

Project introduction

Describe the complexity of your project and how it was resolved

How many and what kind of components do you have in your business component library

How is the permission component designed

Will the node?

Introduce your understanding of middleware

How to ensure the stability of back-end services and how to implement DISASTER recovery

How to make database query faster

What does the database use?

Why mysql

What do you want Didi to offer you?

All around

Introduce the difficulties of the project and how to solve them

What technical advantages do you have

What technology are you currently working on?

Career planning

Have you ever done mobile business?

How do you manage your time when business is heavy?

Tiger tooth

One side

HTTP get and POST are different

Caching strategies

HTTPS handshake process

The characteristics of http2

Weak-set and weak-map are different from Set and Map

MVVM model is different from MVC model

How to implement an MVVM model

Why did you refactor Saga with Mobx? Tell me the difference between the two

Talk about VNode

Talk about webpack performance tuning

Have written a plugin

Are you familiar with the HMR implementation of Webpack-dev-server

Hand write anti-shake and throttling

Second interview

You have done live broadcasting, can you introduce webRTC or use live broadcasting plan now

Do you know anything about coding? Can you explain the bit rate

Do you know anything about coding? Can you explain the bit rate

RGB is different from YUV

I’ve learned about live streaming protocols

FLV and MP4

MediaSource specification

On three sides

WebSocket vs. Ajax

Do you know about XSS and CSRF and how to prevent it

Have learned about React fiber

Can you briefly introduce the React implementation process

Can you introduce hook

Situational problem, do a live barrage

HTML and CSS, HTML5 and CSS3, JS basics, Ajax, popular frameworks, 10, Node.js, front-end general questions, etc. If you want to see the full version of the interview questions summary (1), click here to get it


On which browsers have your pages been tested? What are the kernels of these browsers?

There’s a very important thing at the beginning of every HTML file, Doctype, you know what that is?

What is the Quirks pattern? How is it different from Standards mode

What are the advantages of div+ CSS over the Table layout?

What’s the difference between Alt and title for IMG? The similarities and differences between strong and EM?

Can you describe the difference between progressive enhancement and graceful degradation?

Why is it more efficient to use multiple domain names to store website resources?

Please discuss your understanding of web standards and the importance of standards-setting bodies.

Please describe the difference between cookies, sessionStorage and localStorage?

Outline the difference between SRC and href.

What are the picture formats that you will use to make web pages?

Do you know what microformats are? Talk about understanding. Should microformats be considered in front end builds?

Developers often optimize performance after CSS/JS code goes live, starting with the user refreshing the web page, and one JS request is generally available

There are a lot of pictures on a page (large e-commerce website), loading is very slow, what methods do you have to optimize the loading of these pictures, to the user better

How do you understand the semantics of HTML structures?

What do you need to consider to do SEO from the perspective of the previous end?

Is there a way to set CSS styles for a DOM?

What are the selectors of CSS?

What attributes can be defined in CSS so that a DOM element is not visible to the browser?

What is the problem with the hover style not appearing after a hyperlink visit? How to solve it?

What is a Css Hack? What are the hacks in IE6, ie7, and IE8?

Please write a simple slideshow effect page with Css

What are the specific differences between inline elements and block-level elements? Are the padding and margin of the inline elements settable?

What is margin overlap? What’s the result of the overlap?

Second, JS foundation

What data types are returned by javascript typeof

What are the three types of casts and two types of implicit casts?

Split () join()

Array method pop() push() unshift() shift()

What is the difference between event binding and normal events

The difference between IE and DOM event streams

The difference between call and apply

B inherits a’s method

JavaScript this pointer, closure, scope

How do I prevent event bubbling and default events

The difference between “and” =”

What are JavaScript data types?

What is the output of the following code? Explain why.

Foo = foo | | bar, this line of code is what mean? Why do you write that?

Complete the foo() function with a pop-up dialog indicating the number of checkboxes currently selected.

Complete the function showImg(), requiring the ability to dynamically change the options of the drop-down list, update the display of the image

Prevent bubbling functions

How much is output?

Accuracy problem: JS accuracy is not accurate to 0.1, so… It’s in both the value and the difference

The output

When is the end string printed in the following code

Use native JS to implement jquery’s get/post functionality, as well as cross-domain scenarios

Please briefly describe what aspects of web front-end performance need to be considered, and what are your optimization ideas?

Third, HTML 5 range

CSS3 has those new features

What are the new features and elements removed from HTML5? How to deal with the browser compatibility of HTML5 new tags? How to Distinguish between HT

The difference between Local Storage and cookies (data stored on a user’s Local terminal)

How to implement communication between multiple tabs in the browser?

How do you optimize your site’s files and resources?

What is responsive design?

What are the new HTML5 document types and character sets?

What is the use of HTML5 Canvas element?

What are the differences between HTML5 storage types?

Use H5+CSS3 to solve the problem that the last item of the navigation bar falls off

CSS3 new pseudo class has those?

Please use CSS to achieve: a rectangular content, with shadows, rounded corners, hover state slowly become transparent.

Describe how CSS3 implements element animation

What are the new features and elements removed from HTML5 \CSS3? How to deal with the browser compatibility of HTML5 new tags?

How do you implement the page design, and how do you think the front end should do the job with high quality? How to design a full screen word layout?

Four, Ajax

What is Ajax? How do I create an Ajax?

What’s the difference between synchronous and asynchronous?

How to solve cross-domain problems?

What if the page encoding and the requested resource encoding are inconsistent?

Briefly describe the ajax process.

Describe asynchronous loading.

Explain JavaScript’s same-origin policy.

The difference between GET and POST, when to use POST?

What is Ajax? Ajax interaction model? What’s the difference between synchronous and asynchronous? How to solve cross-domain problems?

What are the biggest features of Ajax?

The disadvantage of ajax

The difference between GET and POST for Ajax requests

Explain how JSONP works and why it’s not real Ajax

What are Ajax and JSON, and their pros and cons?

Five, front end general problem

What libraries are commonly used? Common front-end development tools? What applications or components have you developed?

Understanding of the BFC specification?

How do WEB applications actively push Data from the server to the client?

How do you manage your projects? How do you design sudden large-scale concurrency architectures?

Which operations cause memory leaks?

What do you think you could do to make the project better?

Can RMdir in PHP delete folders directly? The directory must be empty and have the appropriate permissions – from the API

The difference between phpinset and empty is illustrated

How to get the current execution of the script from the $_SERVER variable in PHP

Write a PHP function that asks for the difference in the number of days between two date strings, such as 2012-02-05 to 2012-03-06

How to optimize web page loading speed?

Due to the length of the reasons listed content is not much] need to complete version of the small partners directly click on this claim, :Jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k…]

I wish you all a pleasant wind and smooth water and the God of wealth!


No matter what you do, you should have your own ideas and thinking, so that you can do things well and do them deeper. Otherwise this is like a dream, wake up or very moved. Hope you readers, look at the above topic is not back the answer, but to understand it, and can be used, do similar things in the future, there is a reference train of thought. If I meet with the same interviewer, of course, the topic is not exactly the same, at this time need to play their own accumulation and flexible use.

Finally, if you have seen the universal situation and understood the universal phenomenon, then if everything is the same as others, won’t it finally become the universal level? If you want to break away from the current status quo and achieve a breakthrough, then the goal should be to become a person with personality, characteristics and distinction, to become a different front end, a different person.