We all have a scenario like this in the requirements development process:

When the requirements are scheduled, the front and back ends start to develop, with the front end working in parallel with the back end based on interface documentation and mock data provided by the back end. We will convert the interface document into JS/TS code with a similar definition:

Interface to get a list of databases
url /api/get/list
method post
request {“userId”:”123″}
response {” data “: [],” result “:” 1 “, “message” : “success”}

Manual conversions, including type definitions for TS, are usually sufficient for business purposes

We then need to use tools like Yapi or Mock to produce Mock code that we can follow.

(PS: Maybe there is a better, more convenient way, here is just a common scenario)

But I wonder if we could automate the process?

Thus, a vscode plug-in API complete appears with the following functionality:

  • Automatically converts JSON to interface code, supports JS/TS, including TS type definitions
  • Collect interfaces to provide mock functionality (remote test environments will act as fallbacks to be compatible with existing apis and can be configured in vscode Settings), eliminating manual operations

Think about:

Microfront-end frameworks like Single-SPA are pretty familiar. Essentially, it’s about efficiency, and this widget is about efficiency, but in a different direction, similar to the concept of this widget. Are there other ways to improve efficiency and reduce rework?