From the beginning, I felt that it was standard to have an independent blog, but over time, I felt that blog had become a persistence. Whatever it is, write it down, either for yourself or for someone else. As you have seen before, the influence of others is accumulated, and your own influence is slowly generated.

Recommend a few of your favorite bloggers who have been updating their blogs for at least the last quarter.

  • Ruan Yifeng blog

Content is very rich, and search Chinese weight is very high, but also has been in the original adhere to.

  • Zhang Xinxu’s personal blog

Ha-ha is known to pre-school kids as a very productive and high quality person who is willing to explore.

  • Ten years of blogging

The legendary yueying blog has a high output and good quality recently. It is very willing to explore, and will also write some of its own thoughts on the career growth and team management of front-end engineers.

  • The station JerryQu

Curvy blog, searchable director. I have written a lot of original technical articles, especially the recent one on HTTP/HTTP2, which is worth studying, and I have been accumulating articles.

  • Hax’s technology blog

Hax’s big blog is especially helpful for programming literacy basics and problem analysis depth.

  • When Knight’s blog

When Nate, the core of Tencent Aolly Team, blogs about some cool implementations and articles about Aolly Team projects.


Jenkov has written many tutorials, including Angular,Svg,jQuery, etc.

  • Una Kravets’ Blog

Personally very admire a female blogger, the author of CSSGram, SVG, CSS more deep research. It is especially stimulating for one’s growth. Check out her Github page.

  • Todd

I’m a Google Expert, Angular Expert, and Angular articles and projects.

  • A mustache and elder brother

Domestic small fresh meat, 90 generation, very high yield, love to toss and share. He currently works for Alibaba.

  • 60’sky

The blog of lui (my gay angel friend), a very naughty little meat, and recently loved making video tutorials. React.

  • Xin Xing tutorial network

Hei (one of my colleagues) focuses on the backend tutorials, which are very informative and great for anyone who wants to get new skills.

  • Puhua’s blog

I have a thick skin, so I have to collect a number of records about entrepreneurship and technical solutions. If I promise to write 100 technical blogs this year, I will refuel.

Another reason why I write my own blog is because I read that girls should find a boyfriend who has an independent blog yes, everyone should believe that.