What is the HTTP

What is the HTTP? “HTTP is a hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), but if you continue to ask what is a hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), you may get confused.

HTTP is called hypertext Transfer protocol. We can divide it into two parts: hypertext and transport protocol.


In the early days of the Internet, browsers could only receive and display text, similar to newspapers on the Internet. However, with the development of the Internet and browsers, users are increasingly dissatisfied with reading text and want to browse more abundant consultation on the browser, such as pictures, videos, audio, hyperlinks and so on. We call this hypertext on the web.

Transfer protocol

What is the agreement? , the agreement is an agreement between the two sides, is a kind of restriction on both sides of the specification, such as your company signed a contract of employment, also is a kind of agreement, agreed you work for the company, the company to pay you the corresponding compensation, and HTTP is an agreement in the computing world, it USES a language that the computer can understand established norms of computer to communicate with each other before, And various controls and error handling.

And the transmission protocol here refers to the computer world between the two ends of the mutual communication and transmission of data conventions and norms.


HTTP is a convention and specification for the transfer of hypertext information, such as text, pictures, video, and audio, between two points in the computer world.