
In daily development, some people may develop according to the requirements specification provided by the project manager, or according to the PSD diagram provided by the UI; When you find that there are unreasonable and cumbersome requirements, you may choose to talk to the project manager or THE UI ‘red in the face’, and the result is almost always compromise; Actually these largely because the user needs to understand in-depth or no clear user needs all of the actual situation and so on (I don’t mean to say blame anyone here), if at first you will have access to the user, then try to contact to know, things will get better, more contact you will master the user some habits, Let me share some practical situations and solutions I have encountered and some details to improve the user experience.

All hands knock, if there is any error please point out, thank you!

The body of the

Digg friends may not be able to reach users due to their different project sources. Through this article, you will have a new understanding and a new way of thinking.

This article refers to the book “Elements of User experience”, if you are interested, you can go to see it.

Four elements of user experience

  • Product use attributes first. How a product is designed doesn’t change how it ends up working;
  • ‘No’ user reads the instructions. In the many users I contact, most of them do not look up the manual, but ask directly when they encounter problems.
  • Competition is fierce, and once you lose a user, it’s hard to get back to that user. The truth is that once we feel bad about using something, we don’t want to touch it again.
  • A good user experience may not make a product, but a bad user experience can definitely break a product. Focus on the user experience or you’ll fail.

Analysis of user experience factor model

User experience elements model

Users touch the product from top to bottom; The first is the appearance of the performance layer, and then to the specific operation mode of the framework layer, and finally is the perception of the product structure and the overall impression of the user in use.

The five levels are built from the bottom up, but each level is not independent, but an interlinked relationship.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a bright user experience, but don’t have a design that seriously impacts the user experience.

As a front end, I have the following to share:

Specific cases and analysis optimization

  • How does the overall appearance level and structure of the page give users a good impression?

The user’s first sight of color, remember not the more beautiful color, but to pay attention to the overall tone should be consistent; The operation mode of the same function on different pages should be unified; ICONS should be used uniformly, and a page should not put too much information and modules too dense, so that users will be disgusted, and key information can not be found by users.

  • Is the all-select button really enough for checkBox?

When you need to choose a number of data, the user is generally disgusted with a selection, of course, the full selection function can be alleviated, in fact, you can add a point of light in it, such as double click on the same type or other attributes, this specific can see the user’s focus, and then specific to optimize.

  • A maintenance data page, add, delete, change data should do?

Most of you probably know that an event is added by default after an operation; Of course, you have to discuss this with the project manager or the user, after all, it is not the user’s intention to refresh the page.

  • Frequent and multi-step optimizations?

For example, you need to see the details of a data. The normal operation may be to select a data and click the details button. In fact, such operation we can carry out shortcut key operation, for example, we can double click this data, and then immediately tick this data (and clear the other tick outside this article), and show details, this is a highlight for users oh.

  • How to make the user happy when the data is large and complex?

For the data is large and complex, the combination of multiple criteria input query is necessary, when the page can not sacrifice too much space to put multiple criteria query, we can combine those less used criteria to select the conditions you need to use; There should also be a clear button to clear all the values of the query input fields when we fill in several fields and want to re-fill the criteria. Eventually, the user may want to sort by one of the fields, which can be done by clicking title.

  • How do you notify users when a query fails?

When querying data, if there is no response, there will be many kinds of situations. In order to increase the identification, we should adopt asynchronous mode in GET query. When the data is not completely rendered, loading a GIF image to display on the page to let the user know that the query is being performed. When the query data is empty, the returned data may or may not be told to you in the MSG. I recommend the front-end judgment, when the data array length is 0, to tell the user that no data was queried.

  • Part of the page different users need to pay attention to different fields?

I have encountered this kind of problem. Because there are many common fields, it is impossible to display the fields that many people care about, so I choose to let users decide what fields to display by themselves. I let the user choose which fields to display, how to sort, how wide and so on, and let the user work it out. Note that it is best to let the user see the effect in time while editing.

  • What happens when a user’s proposed optimization needs to sacrifice performance?

If users need to sacrifice performance to optimize for a few rare cases, they can feel free to refuse, because this does not take into account the majority of other use cases, which is a waste; If it is a commonly used function should be implemented, this should be treated in a specific way.

  • What can we do when we have a lot of input fields that require user input?

We can achieve automatic filling or automatic generation of some fields that have a fixed association, as much as possible to make the user less hands, because the user is’ lazy ‘, you can make the user can be lazy to use your product, then you win.

  • Do you need to add data in batches or of the same type?

Batch add, you can upload files through the front desk, let the background to deal with; At the front desk if you need a new batch, we should understand the first batch is certainly to running water, how the water depends on user demand, most definitely make mass production serial number key fields, and then press requires a new number, here is the key field must end suffixes to digital, then leave a little behind in the input box input box to enter the batch number; If it is of the same type, we can select one of the same type to copy the new data, and then let users modify part of the copied data by themselves, eliminating most of the same input.

  • When some subtasks are added, the same fields are filled in the same, how to make users happy operation?

When there is a large task and multiple small tasks need to be added line by line, this is most obvious. The first analogy is that the operation date is today. I can only fill in the first one, and then in the current input box a enter or double click, so that the same fields below are written into the same field content. If the user data is different from top to bottom, when it is in Excel, you can copy -> paste -> Enter to directly fill multiple input boxes neatly.

At the end

The examples above are full of words, which may be a bit dull, but you will definitely get something out of reading them. In specific cases, the optimization I proposed is definitely not the best, and I hope you can draw inferences based on different situations in the actual situation; What I want to say is that the user’s actions can be understood as a line, so there is no break in the operation.

If you want to improve your comprehensive ability, you should not only take the time to remember it, but more importantly understand it and form a thinking. We all know the truth, can do it depends on their own.

If you have any questions, please point out, welcome to add, later there will be new content will continue to add, if you feel useful, welcome to like and forward, thank you.