1. Write in front

Since the recruitment last fall, I have sent out hundreds of resumes, starting from small factories and getting buffs and upgrades along the way. Now entering the spring recruitment, began to deliver some factories, some into the interview, some into the written test, some of the written test did not pass. The interview experience of Ctrip is better, the interviewers are looking at the basic front-end technology, which is more friendly to me who has been through a lot of battles. Due to catch up with the spring recruitment, is through the promotion directly into the interview, no written test.

2. 2

The biggest characteristic of ctrip interview is: the interview method is half chat and half technology. The interviewer is doing the front-end infrastructure, so he attaches great importance to the foundation and does not make flashy things.

(1) Regular self-introduction

(2) How to manage the rights of the front end?

Interface-level permissions:

Determine whether the user is an administrator or a common user through login, obtain the page URL from the background according to their role, and render the page according to the URL in the front end. Those with permission are displayed, and those without permission are not displayed.

Page level permissions:

Pages and permissions are mainly realized by vue-router. The basic idea is to register a “front guard” hook function router.beforeeach for the global.

const router = new VueRouter({ ... })

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) = > {
  // Check permissions and jump

Copy the code

Each guard method takes three arguments:

  • to:RouteThe target you’re about to enter
  • from: RouteThe route that the current navigation is leaving
  • next: RouteThe next task to perform


  • Next (): Makes the next hook in the pipeline. If all hooks have been executed, the state of the navigation isconfirmed(confirmed).
  • Next (false): Interrupt the current navigation. If the browserURLHas changed (possibly by user manual or browser back button), thenURLThe address will reset tofromIndicates the IP address of the route.
  • next('/')ornext({ path: '/' }):Jump to a different address. The current navigation is interrupted and a new navigation is made. You can pass any positional object to next and allow Settings such asReplace: true, name: 'home'And anything used inrouter-linkto proprouter.pushOption in.
  • Next (error): (2.4.0+) if passednextThe parameter of is oneErrorInstance, the navigation is terminated and the error is passed torouter.onError()Registered callbacks.

Make sure you callnextMethod, otherwise the hook will not beresolved.

(3) Do you know how to use NPM to publish plug-ins?

npm init // Initialize the project
npm login // Log in to the NPM user
// Create the js file
npm publish .// Publish the upload package fileNPM install package name// Download the installation package
Copy the code

(4) How to implement on-demand loading and lazy route loading?

Vue loading on demand: Vue-router configures routes and uses vUE asynchronous component technology to realize asynchronous loading.

Lazy loading: When you package to build your application, the JavaScript package can become very large and affect page loading. It would be more efficient if we could split the components of each route into separate code blocks and then load the components when the route is accessed. With Vue’s asynchronous component and Webpack’s code split, lazy loading of routing components is easy.

(5) What are the commands for git project management?

The command instructions
git init Initializing the warehouse
git clone Make a copy of the remote repository, that is, download an item.
git add Add files to the repository
git status View the current status of the repository and display the files that have changed.
git diff Compare the differences between files, i.e. the staging area and the workspace.
git commit Commit the staging area to the local repository
git reset The rollback version.
git rm Deleting workspace files
git mv Move or rename workspace files.
git log View the historical commit record
git blame View the history modification records of a specified file in a list
git remote Remote warehouse operation
git fetch Get the code base remotely
git pull Download the remote code and merge it
git push Upload remote code and merge
### (6) What is the React lifecycle? In which lifecycle is the initial render data placed?
Before and after mounting, before and after updating, and before and after unmounting

The initial render data is used only once, before mounting.

(7) Commonly used cross-domain processing?

Jsonp, proxy, nginx reverse proxy, background Settings CORS, script import external files

(8) Commonly used asynchronous processing mode?

Promise, async await, and callback

(9) WebPack configuration and principles?

Webpack is a front-end management tool for building files. It can package files created by various plug-ins and files of various versions of resources into code and resource files compatible with various versions of browsers. Webpack is a plug-in tool that relies on NPM to create.

The specific process is as follows: Firstly, various module files are imported into webPack configuration files, and the module files are parsed into chunk code blocks. Then, the relationship between modules is static analyzed, and various files are packaged into various versions that can be recognized by the browser according to the dependency relationship of modules. The browser entry file bundle is configured

Entry: The Entry file that instructs WebPack to start packaging from the Entry point and analyze the build’s internal dependency graph. Loader: The pre-parser that allows WebPack to process non-JS files Plugins: Plug-ins for richer tasks, from packaging optimization to compression, all the way to redefining variables in the environment. Model: mode, since it instructs WebPack to use configuration information that responds to the environment mode.

(10) Common design patterns?

3. Ctrip second interview

(1) The difference between TCP and UDP?

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a connection-based Protocol. That is, you must establish a reliable connection with the other party before sending and receiving data. A TCP connection must go through three “conversations” before it can be established.

User Data Protocol (UDP) is a Protocol corresponding to TCP. It is a connectionless protocol, it does not establish a connection with the other party, but directly to send packets to the past! UDP is suitable for applications that transmit only a small amount of data at a time and have low reliability requirements.

(2) What do you know about HTTP2.0?

HTTP/2 introduces the concept of “server push”, which improves performance by allowing the server to proactively send data to the client cache before the client needs it. HTTP/2 provides more encryption support HTTP/2 uses multiplexing technology to allow multiple messages to be crossed simultaneously over a single connection. It adds header compression, so that even for very small requests, both the request and response headers consume a small percentage of the bandwidth.

(3) Why is HTTPS secure? Asymmetric encryption and decryption process?

HTTP is a hypertext transfer protocol. Information is transmitted in plain text. HTTPS is an SSL-based encrypted transmission protocol that encrypts the communication between the browser and the server to ensure the security of data transmission. The HTTP protocol is usually carried over the TCP protocol, adding a security protocol layer (SSL or TSL) between HTTP and TCP, in this case, we often call it HTTPS.

HTTPS selects the scheme of exchanging keys during the handshake.

In general, during the handshake, the server issues a certificate (with the public key), and the client encrypts a short piece of data S with the public key and returns it to the server. The server unlocks with the private key. Get S. At this point, the handshake step is completed, and S becomes a symmetric encryption key that is securely transmitted to the other party. After that, the server and my request response only need to use S as the key for a symmetric encryption.

(4) Simple user login logic?

A token has three states

  • There is no value
  • It’s valuable. It’s valid
  • There is value, expired

What the token does: It acts as a passport when interacting with the back end.

There are two types of HTTP interception:

  • Request to intercept
  • The response to intercept

[1] Request interception: If there is a token locally, add the token field to the headers before sending the request. [2] Response interception: The current token is invalid, but the token is still stored locally. When you access an interface that requires login, you should actually let the user log in again. In this case, you need to combine the HTTP interceptor with the HTTP status code returned by the back-end interface.

(5) What is the browser Event Loop?

Event loop mainly involves the concepts of event queue, microtask and macro task

In JavaScript, tasks are divided into tasks (also known as macroTasks) and microtasks (microtasks). Each of them contains the following:

Macro task: setTimeout setInterval setImmediate (effective in ie) MessageChannel MessageChannel

Microtask: promise.then MutationObserver (listening for dom node updates) process.nexttick () (node grammar, faster than promise.then)

Code execution, from top to bottom will perform synchronization code, executing the task again, do you have any time to wait for macro task, time to macro task in the macro task queue, after the completion of the task, from macro task queue to retrieve a macro task to performed in the current browser’s execution environment, the current execution environment after the execution, will go to empty the task, Let’s look at some code.

setTimeout(() = >{
    Promise.resolve().then(data= >{
Promise.resolve().then(data= >{
    setTimeout(() = >{
    },0)})//then2 timeout1 then1 timeout2
Copy the code

Again, asynchronously, why have macro tasks?

Since the macro task involves calling the browser’s IO interface to run, the macro task is always done after the microtask has finished,

(6) CSRF cross-site request forgery?

CSRF: cross-site request forgery. The principle is that the attacker constructs the request address of a functional interface in the background of the website, and the user clicks or uses special methods to make the request address automatically loaded. When the user is in the login state, this request will be received by the server, which will be mistaken as a legitimate operation of the user. The interface address in the FORM of GET can be easily attacked, and the interface address in the FORM of POST is not 100% secure either. An attacker can induce users to enter the page for submitting parameters in the FORM of POST.

(7) Algorithm problem: Given an m×n grid, the top left corner of the starting point marked as “Start”, each move one step, find how many different paths to Finish? (Dynamic programming)

For example: The figure above is a 7×3 grid. How many possible paths are there?

Example 1:

Enter: m =3, n = 2Output:3Explanation: Starting from the upper left corner, there are altogether3One path leads to the lower right corner. Go right -> right -> down -> right -> down -> right -> down -> right -> right -> rightCopy the code

Example 2:

Enter: m =7, n = 3Output:28
Copy the code
  • 1 <= m, n <= 100
  • The data in the question guarantee that the answer is less than or equal to2 times 10 to the ninth

According to the movement rule, we can determine that the point at position [I, j] can only be reached by [i-1, j] and [I, j-1]. Based on the above analysis, we can write the solution code.

class Solution {
    // Using dynamic programming, you can only reach each cell from above or to the left
    int uniquePaths(int m, int n) 
        / / dp is established
        vector<vector<int>>dp(m, vector<int>(n, 0));
        // Fill the first row
        for(int j=0; j<n; ++j)
            dp[0][j] = 1;
        // Fill the first column
        for(int i=0; i<m; ++i)
            dp[i][0] = 1;
        // Fill the remaining space
        for(int i=1; i<m; ++i)
            for(int j=1; j<n; ++j)
                dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j] + dp[i][j-1];
        return dp[m-1][n-1]; }};Copy the code

For this solution, its time complexity and space complexity are:

  • Time complexity: O(m * n)
  • Space complexity: O(m * n)

As we know, usually for the initial solution of the DP problem, it’s possible to optimize the space complexity, for example, in this case, we started with a two-dimensional array, so it’s O(m * n), but we can compress it into a one-dimensional array, so let’s try to do that.

Remember, the rule is: number of paths (I,j) = (I -1,j) + (I, j-1)

class Solution {
    public int uniquePaths(int m, int n) {
        int[] result = new int[m];
        // Initialize the first line
        for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) result[i] = 1;
        for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){
            for(int j = 1; j < m; j++){
                // Update the array, current position = left after update + last bit before update
                result[j] += result[j-1]; }}return result[m-1]; }}Copy the code

Finally, attach the JS code:

// Dynamic programming implements minimum path sum

// The m and n can be entered manually using the prompt statement. I'm specifying the values here, but the following programs are all using m and n, so if you want to change the values of m and n you just have to change what's defined here.
var m = 4;
var n = 5;
/* Is not very good at defining structs, so we define three two-dimensional arrays, the basic idea is the same */
// The up array stores the upward path of each coordinate, the right array stores the downward path of each coordinate, and the v array uses dynamic programming to store the minimum path sum of the values of this coordinate to the upper right endpoint
var up = new Array(a);for(var i=1; i<=m; i++){ up[i] =new Array(a);for(var j=1; j<=n; j++){ up[i][j] =0; }}var right = new Array(a);for(var i=1; i<=m; i++){ right[i] =new Array(a);for(var j=1; j<=n; j++){ right[i][j] =0; }}var v = new Array(a);for(var i=1; i<=m; i++){ v[i] =new Array(a);for(var j=1; j<=n; j++){ v[i][j] =Number(0); }}// enter the up and right values of the coordinates from [1,1] to [m,n]
for(var i=1; i<=m; i++){for(var j=1; j<=n; j++){ up[i][j] = prompt("Please input 'up' a["+i+"] ["+j+"]");
        right[i][j] = prompt("Please input 'right' a["+i+"] ["+j+"]"); }}//compute
v[m][n] = Number(0);
for(i=m; i>0; i--) {for(j=n; j>0; j--) {if( m==i && j! =n) { v[i][j] =Number(right[i][j]) + Number(v[i][j+1]);
        else if( n==j && i! =m) { v[i][j] =Number(up[i][j]) + Number(v[i+1][j]);
        else if(i! =m && j! =n) {var n1 = Number(up[i][j]) + Number(v[i+1][j]);
            var n2 = Number(right[i][j])+Number(v[i][j+1]);
            // The shortest path is required, so the ternary expression is as follows:
            v[i][j] = Number(n1>n2? n2:n1); }}}Copy the code

4. Three ctrip meetings?

The three sides of Ctrip are HR sides, mainly asking about some roles played in the project, some understanding of front-end positions, and some offers in hand.

5. To summarize

Ctrip interview overall partial foundation, focus on the principle of discussion. The above is a summary of the face, if there are mistakes welcome to point out.