Write a new
function Person(name){
var sbn = new Person ('Sa Beining');
sbn.sayname(); / / sa beining
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Four things happen during a call to new:
- Create a new object
- Assign the constructor’s scope to the new object (that is, bind this to the new object)
- Execute the code in the constructor (that is, add properties and methods to this new object)
- Return a new object
function Person(name){
/ /... Args is the ES6 expander. If you use arguments, convert it to an array first
function _new(ctx, ... args) {
// Create an empty object
let obj = new Object(a);// Connect to a new object prototype. The new object can access properties in the prototype
obj._proto_ = ctx.prototype;
// Execute the constructor, that is, bind this, and add attributes to the object
letres = ctx.call(obj, ... args);// obj is returned if null or undefined, res is returned otherwise
return res instanceof Object? res:obj;
var sbn = _new(Person, 'Sa Beining')
sbn.sayname(); / / sa beining
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The process of new an object:
- Create an empty object
- On the new object
The binding - Bind the new object to the function call’s this
- Method to execute the constructor
- This object is automatically returned if the function returns no value
Handwritten instanceof
Used to check if an object is an instance of a constructor, returning true if so and false if not. Compare whether two prototypes are equal by === strictly equal.
Prototype objects and prototype chains
Functions are objects. Each function has a prototype property, which is the prototype object of the function. Properties or methods defined on the prototype object are inherited by the instance object of the function, which can directly access the properties or methods on the prototype object.
The prototype property defaults to an empty Object, which is the constructor from Object.
The __proto__ attribute is an attribute that the JS engine automatically adds to an instance when it is created, equal to the prototype attribute of its constructor, meaning that the instance’s __proto__ is the instance’s prototype object.
In code we can directly manipulate the Prototype property, which is called an explicit prototype object. Direct access to __proto__ is not recommended in code, __proto__ is called an implicit prototype object.
If the __proto__ object is not found, the __proto__ object is searched. If the __proto__ object is null, the __proto__ object is not found. Returns an error that the attribute was not found, or the value of the attribute if found. This search path, consisting of several __proto__ objects, is called a prototype chain.
// L instance object, R constructor
function _instanceof(L, R) {
let l = L.__proto__;
let r = R.prototype;
while (true) {
if (l == null) {
return false;
if (l === r) {
return true;
// If the round is not found, continue searching up __proto__l = l.__proto__; }}console.log(_instanceof([1.2.3].Array)) // true
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The function takes two arguments, the first being the object being tested and the second being the instance constructor. The loop then compares the instance’s __proto__ and constructor’s prototype for equality, stopping the loop when __proto__ is null and returning false when found.