FMP statistics accept (1s on the first screen is best)
Vue performance optimization
React Performance Optimization
Anything faster is an optimization
Code optimization
Optimization of the framework itself vue1 vue2 vue3 what does each step do
react15 react16
VUE1 responsive (data monitoring, when the data changes)-> VUe2 component responsive, dom diff within the component (middle, push and pull, single component is not too large)-> VUe3 (Treeshaking, proxy responsive, static marking, to update as needed, granular, without time slice)
React15 dom diff -> React 16 fiber react15 dom diff -> React 16 fiber
The completely opposite architecture can not solve the problem of large data lag
The everyday slash of the frame
js css
Research and development to optimize the depth of infrastructure project optimization
Requirements (project does not know how to describe)
The amount of data increases, the speed of the network becomes unstable, and the interaction requirements become higher
Large file upload
A long list of
Development environment optimization (Vite Snowpack)
Optimization of people (overtime, 35)
Getting to know people won’t
The metric that the actual page is seen by the user
Compared with FP and FCP, it is closer to reality
There is no unified standard, calculation method
1. Their own products, to an element dot
2. MutationObserver
3. Trend Calculate the DOM change trend
It is normally written pureComponent Hook
Load balancing
A long list of
Virtual rolling
Bundle – analyzer visualization