File uploading seems to be a very routine requirement, but it is really not easy to do the extreme, did you do the following points?
Upload progress bar (Interactive optimization)
Uploading the same file multiple times does not take effect
Wrong file, pictures are not satisfactory upload again
File size check
- FileObj. Check the size
- Verify file binary header information
Validation type (extension)
- Fileobj. name Is invalid for verification (how to verify the modified extension)
- Verify file binary header information
Check wide high
Whether drag-and-drop upload is supported
Whether copy and paste upload is supported
Whether large files can be uploaded offline
Large file slice upload add fingerprint
How to optimize MD5 for large files
Consider performance and optimization (Web-worker /time-slice)
File compression (such as Canvas compression)
Upload timeout retry
Basically meet the rigid requirements of upload
<div class="file-upload-wrap"> <div class="file-item-wrap"> <img class="icon-camara" src=".. /assets/img/camara.svg" > <img v-show="isShow" class="icon-close" @click="deletePreview" src=".. /assets/img/close. SVG "> <p class="des"> Please select the positive photo of id card or upload it </p> <! <img class="preview" v-show="isShow" : SRC ="imgSrc" > <input class="inp" type="file" ref="inp" @click="clearInp" @change="showPreview"> </div> < button@click ="upload"> </button> </div> data() {return {imgSrc: '', fileObj: {} } }, computed: { isShow() { return !! ImgSrc}}, methods: {// Local preview showPreview() {const vm = this this.fileobj = vm.$refs.inp.files[0] if (! window.FileReader) return const reader = new FileReader() reader.readAsDataURL(vm.fileObj) reader.onloadend = function() $nextTick(() => {vm.imgsrc = that.result})}}, Upload () {// check file format this.checktype (this.fileobj) // checkSize this.checksize (this.fileobj) // upload file this.uplodHandler(this.fileObj) }, DataURLtoBlob (dataURL) {const vm = this vm. HexStr = "let dataViewObj = {} if (! window.FileReader) return const reader = new FileReader() reader.readAsArrayBuffer(vm.fileObj) reader.onloadend = function(res) { const that = this vm.$nextTick(() => { dataViewObj = new DataView(that.result) for (let i = 0; i < dataViewObj.byteLength; I ++) {vm.hexStr += dataViewobj.getuint8 (I).toString(16)} CheckType (hexStr) {const mimeTypeList = [{typeName: 'JPG/JPEG ', hexStr: 'FFD8FF'}, {typeName: 'png', hexStr: '89504E47'}] Slice (0, 6).toupperCase () const pngHex = hexstr.slice (0, 6) 8).toUpperCase() const matchTypeList = mimeTypeList.filter((item) => item.hexStr === jpegHex || item.hexStr === pngHex) if (! Matchtypelist.length) {this.$dialog.alert({title: ' ', message: 'Please upload in PNG format, '}) return false} /* // get file name const name = fileobj. name // File extension const ext = Name. The split ('). [1] toLowerCase () / / allow to upload the format of the const imgType = [' PNG ', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'the PNG', 'JPG', 'JPEG'] const filterType = imgType.filter((item) => item === ext) if (! Filtertype.length) {this.$dialog.alert({title: ' ', message: 'Please upload in PNG format, JPG or JPEG photo format '}) return false} */}, CheckSize (fileObj) {if (fileObj. Size >= 10 * 1024) {this.$dialog.alert({title: 'alert ', message: }) return false}}, // Upload uplodHandler(fileObj) {// TODO upload interface }, // Clear the input value clearInp() {this.$refs.inp.value = ""}, {this.imgsrc = "this.$refs.inp.value ="}}Copy the code
Continuously updated…
Adding a Progress bar
Drag and drop to upload
Copy and paste upload
File to binary for header verification (to prevent tampering with file extensions)
- File type header information identifier
JPEG (JPG), FFD8FF PNG (PNG), 89504E47 GIF (GIF), 47494638 TIFF (tif), file header: 49492A00 Windows Bitmap (BMP), file header: 424D CAD (DWG), File header: 41433130 Adobe Photoshop (PSD), file header: 38425053 Rich Text Format (RTF), header: 7B5C727466 XML (XML), header: 3C3F786D6C HTML (HTML), header: 7B5C727466 68746 d6c3e Email [thorough only] (eml), file header: 44656 c69766572792d646174653a Outlook Express (DBX), file header: CFAD12FEC5FD746F Outlook (PST), file header: 2142444E MS Word/Excel (xls.or.doc), file header: D0CF11E0 MS Access (MDB), file header: 5374616E64617264204A WordPerfect (WPD), file header: FF575043 Postscript (, file header: Adobe Acrobat (PDF), Header: 255044462D312E Quicken (QDF), Header: AC9EBD8F Windows Password (PWL), E3828596 ZIP Archive (ZIP), file header: 504B0304 RAR Archive (RAR), file header: 52617221 Wave (WAV), file header: 57415645 AVI (AVI), file header: 41564920 Real Audio (RAM), 2E7261FD Real Media (RM), 2E524D46 MPEG (MPG), 000001BA MPEG (MPG), 000001B3 Quicktime (MOV), File header: 6D6F6F76 Windows Media (ASF), file header: 3026B2758E66CF11 MIDI (MID), file header: 4D546864Copy the code
- File conversion
/** * Network image file to Base64 */
function getBase64Image(img) {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = img.width;
canvas.height = img.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0.0, img.width, img.height);
var ext = img.src.substring(img.src.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase();
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/" + ext);
return dataURL;
/** *Base64 string to binary */
function dataURLtoBlob(dataurl) {
var arr = dataurl.split(', '),
mime = arr[0].match(/ : (. *?) ; /) [1],
bstr = atob(arr[1]),
n = bstr.length,
u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
while (n--) {
u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
return new Blob([u8arr], {
type: mime
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