After debugging, exception handling is probably the biggest part of a programmer’s programming time. We deal with exceptions every day, just as we deal with bugs every day. Therefore, it is very important to understand the anomaly correctly and deal with it appropriately.
Let’s move away from the front-end constraint and look at error reporting and exception handling in a broader sense. No matter what language, exceptions happen. What we programmers need to do is to correctly identify all kinds of exceptions in the program, and to do the corresponding “exception processing”.
However, many people deal with exceptions by “patching after the fact”, adding a conditional judgment when an exception occurs, which is a very inefficient development approach and not recommended. So how do you handle exceptions correctly? Because different languages have different characteristics, exceptions are handled differently. But the frame of mind for exception handling must be consistent. This article covers “front-end” exceptions in detail, but the reader can extend it to various other areas with minor modifications.
Exceptions discussed in this article refer to software exceptions, not hardware exceptions.
What is an exception
In plain English, an exception is “something unexpected has happened to the program that has affected its correct operation.”
Basically, an exception is a “data structure” that holds information about the occurrence of the exception, such as error codes and error messages. Take the standard built-in object Error in JS, whose standard properties are Name and message. However, different browser vendors have their own custom attributes, which are not universal. The Mozilla browser, for example, adds attributes like filename and Stack.
It is important to note that errors only generate exceptions if they are thrown, and errors that are not thrown do not. Such as:
function t() {
new Error(a); console.log("end");
t(); Copy the code
(Animation demonstration)
This code does not generate any exceptions, and the console does not generate any error output.
Classification of anomalies
We can classify errors as “compile-time exceptions” and “runtime exceptions” based on whether the program was running when the exception was generated.
Compile-time exceptions are exceptions generated by source code before it is translated into executable code. Runtime exceptions are exceptions that occur after executable code is loaded into memory for execution.
Compile time exception
We know that TS will eventually be compiled into JS and executed in JS Runtime. Since there is compilation, there is a chance that compilation will fail, and there will be compile-time exceptions.
For example, I wrote the following code using TS:
const s: string = 123;
Copy the code
This is clearly wrong code. I declare S as a string, but I assign it a number.
When I try to compile this file using TSC (typescript Compiler for short), AN exception is thrown:
tsc a.ts
a.ts:1:7 - error TS2322: Type '123' is not assignable to type 'string'.
1 const s: string = 123;
Found 1 error. Copy the code
This exception is a compile-time exception because my code hasn’t been executed yet.
However, it is not only TS that has compile-time exceptions, JS also has compile-time exceptions. Some people may ask: isn’t JS an interpreted language? There is no compile link. How can there be a compile-time exception?
Don’t worry, I’ll give you an example. The following code:
function t() {
await sa
t() Copy the code
The above code will not compile due to a syntax error, so it will not print start, which is a compile-time exception as evidenced by the side. Even though JS is an interpreted language, there is still a compilation phase, which is inevitable, so there will be compilation exceptions as well.
In general, compile exceptions can be found before the code is compiled into final code, so they are less harmful to us. Next, take a look at the dreaded run-time exception.
Runtime exception
You’re probably familiar with runtime exceptions. This is probably the most common type of exception encountered by most front ends. The well-known NPE (Null Pointer Exception) [1] is a runtime Exception.
Modify the above example slightly to get the following code:
function t() {
throw 1;
t(); Copy the code
(Animation demonstration)
Notice that end is not printed and t is not popped off the stack. In fact, t will eventually be ejected, but not in the same way as normal returns.
As above, start is printed. Because the exception is thrown while the code is running, this exception is a runtime exception. They are much harder to find than compile-time exceptions. The above example might be simple, but what if my exception is hidden inside a process control statement (such as if else)? The program might walk into an if statement that throws an exception on the client’s computer and walk into another statement on your computer. This became known as the “Good on my Computer” incident.
Propagation of anomalies
The propagation of exceptions is very similar to the browser event model [2] I wrote earlier. It’s just that that works on “data structures like the DOM” and this works on “data structures like the function call stack”, and event propagation has a capture phase, not exception propagation. Different C language, JS exception propagation is automatic, do not need programmers to manually pass layer by layer. If an exception is not caught, it propagates down the function call stack until the stack is empty.
There are two keywords in exception handling. They are “throw” and “catch”. Exception propagation begins when an exception is thrown. Exceptions propagate until the first catch is reached. If the programmer does not have a manual catch, the program generally throws something like “unCaughtError”, indicating that an exception has occurred and that the exception is not handled by any catch language in the program. Exceptions that are not caught are usually printed on the console with detailed stack information to help the programmer troubleshoot the problem quickly. In fact, the goal of our program is to avoid exceptions like unCaughtError, not general exceptions.
A little premise
Since JS Error objects have no code attribute, they can only be rendered according to message, which is not very convenient. I have made a simple extension here, and I will use the Error of my own extension in many places, rather than the native JS Error, so I won’t repeat it again.
oldError = Error;
Error = function ({ code, message, fileName, lineNumber }) {
error = new oldError(message, fileName, lineNumber);
error.code = code;
return error;
}; Copy the code
Manual throw or automatic throw
Exceptions can be thrown either manually by the programmer himself or automatically by the program.
throw new Error(`I'm Exception`);
Copy the code
(Manual throw example)
a = null;
a.toString(); // Thrown: TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of null
Copy the code
(Examples thrown automatically by the program)
Automatic exception throwing is easy to understand, after all, which programmer hasn’t seen an automatic exception thrown by a program?
“The anomaly just popped up! What a surprise!” “Said an unnamed programmer.
So when should you throw an exception manually?
A guiding principle is “you have already predicted that the program will not work correctly”. So if we want to do division, the first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to have a dividend of 0. What do we do when the dividend is zero? Throw an exception or return a special value? The answer is yes, as long as you can tell the difference, there is no hard and fast standard. Let’s first look at throwing an exception that tells the caller, “I can’t handle your input.”
function divide(a, b) {
a = +a;
b = +b; // Convert to a number
if(! b) { // Matches +0, -0, NaN
throw new Error({ code: 1. message: "Invalid dividend " + b, }); } if (Number.isNaN(a)) { / / match NaN throw new Error({ code: 2. message: "Invalid divisor " + a, }); } return a / b; } Copy the code
The code above will throw an exception in two cases, telling the caller that I can’t handle your input. Because both exceptions are automatically and manually thrown by programmers, they are “predictable exceptions.”
As I said, we can also distinguish abnormal input by returning a value. Let’s look at what the return value input is and how it relates to exceptions.
Exception or return
If it is in the form of an exception (an exception is thrown if input cannot be handled). We need to catch divide ourselves when other code calls it.
function t() {
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 1) {
return console.log("The dividend has to be something other than zero."); } if (err.code === 2) { return console.log("The divisor must be a number."); } throw new Error("An unpredictable error."); } } Copy the code
However, as I mentioned above, divide can be designed using return values instead of exceptions.
function divide(a, b) {
a = +a;
b = +b; // Convert to a number
if(! b) { // Matches +0, -0, NaN
return new Error({ code: 1. message: "Invalid dividend " + b, }); } if (Number.isNaN(a)) { / / match NaN return new Error({ code: 2. message: "Invalid divisor " + a, }); } return a / b; } Copy the code
Of course, the way we use it has to change accordingly.
function t() {
const res = divide("foo"."bar");
if (res.code === 1) {
return console.log("The dividend has to be something other than zero.");
} if (res.code === 2) { return console.log("The divisor must be a number."); } return new Error("An unpredictable error."); } Copy the code
This method of function design is functionally the same as the method of exception design, except that the method of telling the caller is different. If you choose the second option instead of throwing an exception, you actually need to write extra code for the caller to distinguish between normal and exception cases, which is not good programming practice.
However, in languages such as Go where the return value can be complex, we don’t have to use the above lame trick. Instead, we can:
res, err := divide("foo"."bar");
iferr ! =nil {
Copy the code
This is different from the try catch used by Java, JS and other languages. Go uses the panic Recover defer mechanism to handle exceptions. For those interested, check out the Go source code for error testing. [3]
Maybe you’re not familiar with Go. That’s okay. Let’s move on to the shell. In fact, the shell also handles exceptions by returning values. Fetching the return value of the previous command is essentially stack propagation, and exceptions are handled by returning the value rather than catching it.
As with try catch, this is something that the designers and developers of the language have decided to do together.
As mentioned above, exception propagation works on the “function call stack”. When an exception occurs, it is returned layer by layer down the function call stack until the first catch statement. Of course, exceptions can still be raised inside catch statements (automatically or manually). If an exception occurs within a catch statement, the same logic continues down its function call stack, known in the technical term “stack unwinding.”
In fact, not all languages do stack unwinding, which we will discuss in the next article, Can Run-time Exceptions Be Recovered? Part of the explanation.
Pseudocode to describe:
function bubble(error, fn) {
if (fn.hasCatchBlock()) {
if (callstack.isNotEmpty()) {
bubble(error, callstack.pop()); } } Copy the code
From my pseudo-code you can see that the so-called stack unwinding is actually the callstack.pop()
That’s what anomaly propagation is all about! That’s all.
Exception handling
We already know how the anomaly spreads. So the next question is, how do we handle exceptions during this propagation?
Let’s look at a simple example:
function a() {
function b() {
} function c() { throw new Error("an error occured"); } a(); Copy the code
If we execute the above code in Chrome, the console will display the following output:
We can clearly see how the function is called. That is, the error occurs in C, which is called by B, and B is called by A. This function call stack exists to help developers locate problems.
In the above code, we do not have a catch Error, so it has “uncaught Error”.
So what happens if we catch? How does the location of the catch affect the results? Does catch have the same effect in A, B and C?
Let’s take a look at each:
function a() {
function b() {
} function c() { try { throw new Error("an error occured"); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } } a(); Copy the code
(in C) Catch
If we execute the above code in Chrome, the console will display the following output:
As you can see, there is no “uncaught Error” anymore, just “standard output” on the console, not “Error output” (because I’m using console.log instead of console. Error). More importantly, however, if we do not have a catch, the synchronization code will not execute.
For example, adding a line of code under c’s throw cannot be executed “whether the error is caught or not.”
function c() {
try {
throw new Error("an error occured");
console.log("will never run");
} catch (err) {
console.log(err); } } Copy the code
Let’s try and move catch into B.
function a() {
function b() {
try {
c(); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } } function c() { throw new Error("an error occured"); } a(); Copy the code
(in B) Catch
In this case, there is no essential difference from the above capture in C. In fact, capture in A is the same, here no longer post code, interested in their own try.
Since the function at the top of the stack reports an error, any function below the stack can be caught, and the effect is no different. So, where do I do error handling?
The answer is the chain of responsibility model. Let’s start with a brief introduction to the chain of responsibility model, but we won’t go into details here.
Let’s say Lucifer takes a leave of absence.
- If the number of days of leave is less than or equal to 1 day, the supervisor can agree
- If the leave is greater than 1 day, but less than or equal to 3 days, the CTO approval is required.
- If you take more than three days off, you need your boss’s approval.
This is a typical chain of responsibility pattern. Be sure who is responsible for what you do. Don’t do more than you can do. For example, supervisors should not agree to an approval longer than one day.
For example, suppose our application has three exception handling classes: user input error, network error, and type error. The following code, when the code executes, will report a user input exception. This exception doesn’t get caught by C, it unwinds the stack to B, and THEN B catches this error, looks at the code value and decides it can be handled, and prints I can handle this.
function a() {
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === "NETWORK_ERROR") {
return console.log("I can handle this"); } // can't handle, pass it down throw err; } } function b() { try { c(); } catch (err) { if (err.code === "INPUT_ERROR") { return console.log("I can handle this"); } // can't handle, pass it down throw err; } } function c() { throw new Error({ code: "INPUT_ERROR". message: "an error occured". }); } a(); Copy the code
If C throws something else, such as a network exception, b can’t handle it. B catches it, but since you can’t handle it, it’s a good idea to continue throwing rather than “engulfing” the exception. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, throw it. “Only exceptions that are not caught are scary.” An error is not scary if it can be caught and handled correctly.
Here’s an example:
function a() {
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === "NETWORK_ERROR") {
return console.log("I can handle this"); } // can't handle, pass it down throw err; } } function b() { try { c(); } catch (err) { if (err.code === "INPUT_ERROR") { return console.log("I can handle this"); } } } function c() { throw new Error({ code: "NETWORK_ERROR". message: "an error occured". }); } a(); Copy the code
The code above does not throw any exceptions, it is completely engulfed, which is a disaster for us to debug the problem. So don’t swallow exceptions you can’t handle. The correct approach is to catch the exceptions you can handle and throw the exceptions you can’t handle. This is a typical application of the chain of responsibility pattern.
This is just a simple example, enough to go around. The actual business is certainly much more complicated than that. So exception handling is definitely not an easy task.
If it’s hard to decide who handles exceptions in asynchrony, it’s even harder to decide who handles exceptions in asynchrony. Let’s take a look.
Synchronous and asynchronous
Synchronous asynchrony has always been a big hurdle for the front end, and it’s the same for exception handling. Take the “read file” API that NodeJS uses a lot. It comes in two versions, one asynchronous and one synchronous. Synchronous reads should only be used when you cannot proceed without the file. Like reading a configuration file. Instead of reading an image on the user’s disk in the browser, for example, this would block the main thread and cause the browser to freeze.
// Read files asynchronously
// Read files synchronously
Copy the code
When we attempt to “synchronously” read a file that does not exist, the following exception is thrown:
console.log('Front end of imagination');
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'something-not-exist.lucifer'
at Object.openSync (fs.js:446:3)
at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:348:35) { errno: 2 -. syscall: 'open'. code: 'ENOENT'. path: 'something-not-exist.lucifer' } Copy the code
And the imagination front end will not be printed. This is easier to understand, as we explained above.
In asynchronous mode:
fs.readFile('something-not-exist.lucifer', (err, data) => {if(err) {throw err}});
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'something-not-exist.lucifer'] { errno: 2 -. code: 'ENOENT'. syscall: 'open'. path: 'something-not-exist.lucifer' } > Copy the code
The imagination front end is going to be printed.
The essence of this is that the function call to fs.readfile has been successful and is returned from the call stack and executed on the next line of console.log(‘lucifer’). Therefore, the call stack is empty when the error occurs, as can be seen from the error stack information above.
For those of you wondering why the call stack is empty, take a look at my article on Understanding Browser event loops [4]
The purpose of a try catch is simply to catch errors in the current call stack (as discussed in exception propagation above). Therefore, asynchronous errors cannot be caught, such as;
try {
fs.readFile("something-not-exist.lucifer", (err, data) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
}); } catch (err) { console.log("catching an error"); } Copy the code
The above Catching an error will not be printed. The catch statement is not included in the call stack when an error is thrown, but only when fs.readfile is executed.
If we change to the synchronous file reading example:
try {
} catch (err) {
console.log("catching an error");
Copy the code
The code above will print Catching an error. Because the read file is initiated synchronously, the thread is suspended until the file is returned. When the thread resumes execution, fs.readFilesync is still in the function call stack, so exceptions generated by fs.readFilesync bubble up into catch statements.
To put it simply, “Asynchronous errors cannot be caught with a try catch, but with a callback.”
You might ask, I’ve seen asynchronous exceptions caught with a try catch. Such as:
rejectIn = (ms) = >
new Promise((_, r) = > {
setTimeout((a)= > {
}, ms);
}); async function t() { try { await rejectIn(0); } catch (err) { console.log("catching an error", err); } } t(); Copy the code
This is essentially just a syntactic candy, a syntactic candy from promise.prototype. catch. The reason this syntactic candy works is because it uses the Promise wrapper type. If you don’t use a wrapper type, such as fs.readFile above, instead of a Promise wrapper type, you can’t use a try catch at all.
If we use the Babel escape, we’ll see that the try catch is missing and it’s a switch case statement. That’s why try catch “can catch asynchronous exceptions,” and nothing more.
(Babel escape result)
The Babel escape environment I use is recorded here [5], you can click on the link to view it.
Browsers don’t implement Babel escapes like this, but at least we get the point. The current try catch mechanism does not catch asynchronous exceptions.
The use of a container wrapper, such as Promise, is recommended for asynchronous error handling. Then use catch for processing. In fact, there are a lot of similarities between a catch and a try catch, so you can use the analogy.
As with synchronous processing, many of the principles are common. Asynchrony, for example, does not swallow exceptions. The following code is bad because it swallows exceptions that “it can’t handle.”
p = Promise.reject(1);
p.catch((a)= > {});
Copy the code
A more appropriate approach would be something like this:
p = Promise.reject(1);
p.catch((err) = > {
if (err == 1) {
return console.log("I can handle this");
throw err; }); Copy the code
Is it possible to eliminate runtime exceptions completely?
My personal pet peeve with the current state of the front-end is that “people rely too much on runtime and too little on compile time”. I’ve seen a lot of programs, and if you don’t run them, you don’t know what the program is going to do, what the shape of each variable is. No wonder you see console.log everywhere. I’m sure you feel the same way. Maybe you’re the one who wrote the code, maybe you’re the one who wiped someone’s ass. Why is that? Because people are so dependent on the runtime. The advent of TS greatly improves this, provided you use typescript instead of AnyScript. Eslint and StyLint also contribute to this, as they are both static analysis tools.
I strongly recommend reserving exceptions at compile time, not run time. Take it to the extreme: if all exceptions occur at compile time, they certainly do not occur at run time. Can we be confident that we can refactor the application?
Fortunately, we can. But if the current language cannot do this, the existing language system needs to be modified. It’s really expensive. Not only the API, but also the programming model has changed dramatically, or functions would not have remained popular for so many years.
For those unfamiliar with functional programming, check out my introduction to Functional programming [6].
What if you can eliminate exceptions completely? Before we answer that question, let’s take a look at elm, a language that boasts no runtime exceptions. Elm is a functional programming language that can be compiled into JS. It encapsulates side effects such as network IO. It is a declarative and derivable language. Interestingly, ELM also has exception handling. There are two sections on Error Handling in ELM: Maybe and Result. One reason ELM has no runtime exceptions is because of them. In a nutshell, why ELM doesn’t have exceptions is that ELM views exceptions as data.
Here’s a simple example:
maybeResolveOrNot = (ms) = >
setTimeout((a)= > {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
} else {
throw new Error("error"); } }); Copy the code
The above code has a 50/50 chance of error. This is not allowed on ELM. All code that can fail is forced to wrap a container, which in this case is Maybe.
The names may be different in other functional programming languages, but the meaning is the same. In fact, not only exceptions, but also normal data will be wrapped into the container, and you need to retrieve the data through the container’s interface. If it’s hard to understand, you can simply say Promsie (but it’s not quite equivalent).
Maybe may return normal data or may generate an error. A moment can only be one or the other, and we don’t really know what it is until it’s running. In that sense, it’s a bit like Schrodinger’s cat.
But Maybe has fully considered the existence of exceptions, everything is under its control. All exceptions can be derived at compile time. Of course, in order to derive these things, you need to encapsulate the entire programming model and abstract it. DOM, for example, can’t be used directly, but you need an intermediate layer.
Let’s look at the next, more general example, NPE:
Copy the code
Elm doesn’t happen either. The reason is simple, because NULL is also wrapped, and the container has the ability to avoid this when you access it through the wrapper type, so no exceptions can occur. There is, of course, an important prerequisite for this, which is the nature of functional programming languages. This part is beyond the scope of this article and won’t be covered here.
Can run-time exceptions be recovered?
One final topic to discuss is whether runtime exceptions can be recovered. Let’s first explain what run-time exception recovery is. Again, use the above example:
function t() {
throw 1;
t(); Copy the code
We already know that, end is not going to print. It doesn’t help that you write it this way:
function t() {
try {
throw 1;
} catch (err) { console.log("relax, I can handle this"); } } t(); Copy the code
What if I want it to print? I want to let the program face abnormal can recover itself how to do? I’ve caught this error, and I’m sure I can handle it, so let the process continue! If you have the ability to do this, this is “runtime exception recovery.”
I regret to tell you that there is currently no engine that I know of that can do that.
This example is too simple to help us understand what run-time exception recovery is, but not enough to see how useful it is.
Let’s look at a more complex example where we use divide directly.
function t() {
try {
const res = divide("foo"."bar");
alert(`you got ${res}`);
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 1) { return console.log("The dividend has to be something other than zero."); } if (err.code === 2) { return console.log("The divisor must be a number."); } throw new Error("An unpredictable error."); } } Copy the code
In the code above, a catch is entered, not an alert. Therefore, the application is not responsive to the user. This is unacceptable.
The funny thing about this is that it’s actually quite common, but it’s just not alert.
It would be nice if our code could return to the error location and continue executing after we enter a catch.
How to recover from abnormal interrupts? I just said: to my knowledge, there is currently no engine that can do “abnormal recovery.” So I’m going to invent a new grammar to solve this problem.
function t() {
try {
const res = divide("foo"."bar");
alert(`you got ${res}`);
} catch (err) {
console.log("releax, I can handle this"); resume - 1; } } t(); Copy the code
The resume above is a keyword THAT I defined to return to the place where the exception occurred, then return the current exception function with a value of “-1” and allow the rest of the code to run undisturbed. This is actually a fallback.
This is definitely a concept ahead of its time. Of course, the challenges are also huge. It will have a big impact on the existing system and many things need to be changed. I hope the community will consider adding this to the standard.
Best practices
You already know what exceptions are, how they are generated, and how to handle them properly (synchronous and asynchronous). Next, let’s talk about best practices for exception handling.
We usually build an app. If stand in the producer and consumer’s point of view. We are consumers when we use frameworks, libraries, modules, or even functions that others have encapsulated. And when what we write is used by others, we are producers.
In fact, there will be multiple modules within the producer, and there will be another identity transformation between the producer and the consumer. However, for the sake of simplicity, this article does not consider this relationship. A producer here is a function for others to use, a pure producer.
From this perspective, let’s look at best practices for exception handling.
As a consumer
When we are consumers, we care about whether the functions we use throw exceptions, and if so, what exceptions they have. Such as:
import foo from "lucifer";
try {;
} catch (err) {
// What are the exceptions?
} Copy the code
Of course, could theoretically raise any exception, regardless of how its API is written. But what we care about are “expected anomalies.” So you want to have an API documentation at this point that details what exceptions the API can raise.
For example, foo. Bar has four possible exceptions A, B, C, and D. A) I can handle B) I can handle C) I can’t handle D) I can’t handle Then I should:
import foo from "lucifer";
try {;
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === "A") {
return console.log("A happened"); } if (err.code === "B") { return console.log("B happened"); } throw err; } Copy the code
As you can see, both C and D, as well as the various possible exceptions not listed in the API, are thrown directly.
As a producer
If you are a producer, all you need to do is provide the detailed APIS mentioned above to tell the consumer what you might be wrong with. In this way, consumers can make corresponding judgments in the catch and deal with abnormal situations.
You can provide error tables like the one above so that people can quickly know what “predictable” exceptions are possible. I have to say that a lot of frameworks and libraries are terrible at this. Hope you can pay attention to it and strive to maintain a good front-end development environment.
This article is very long, if you can read it patiently, you can really give yourself a high five .
From what is an exception, as well as the classification of exceptions, let us have a correct understanding of exceptions, in short, an exception is just a data structure.
Next, I talked about exception propagation and handling. The two parts are closely linked. Exception propagation is not fundamentally different from event propagation, the main difference is the data structure is different, the idea is similar. Specifically, the exception is pushed back down the call stack from where the error occurred until either the first catch statement or the stack is empty. If the stack is empty and no catch is encountered, an “uncaught Error” is raised. The special thing to watch out for is asynchronous exception handling, but if you understand what I’m talking about, that’s not a big deal.
Then I posed two imagination questions:
- Is it possible to eliminate runtime exceptions completely?
- Can run-time exceptions be recovered?
These two questions are well worth investigating, but for space’s sake I’ll just give you an outline. If you are interested in these two topics, you can communicate with me.
Finally, I mentioned best practices for front-end exception handling. Through the transformation of the two roles (producer and consumer), you can understand the differences in the focus of decision and responsibility. Specifically, it mentions “explicitly stating possible exceptions” and “handle what you should handle, and don’t swallow exceptions you can’t handle.” Of course, this best practice is still sketchy. If you would like a front-end best practices Checklist, drop me a comment. If there are a lot of comments, I would consider writing an article in the style of a front-end best Practices Checklist.
Null Pointer Exception:
Browser event models:
Go the source of error test:
“The article read browser event circulation:
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