1. Introduction

Time flies and 2018 is drawing to a close. It’s been a year and a half since I left college, and a year and a half since I started working.

2018, my birth year, this year 24 years old, from the “30” – 30 years old, another step closer. This year is a milestone in my life. This year has been the fastest I’ve ever felt, and the fastest I’ve ever grown.

2. Technical

As a code porter, technology as the capital of a life, this year’s technology has been quite big.

Technically, both the front end and the back end are exposed to the current popular technology stack. The front end includes vue.js and react.js. Back-end aspects include: Python 3, Node, Express, mongodb, mysql.

However, the knowledge of application layer is secondary, but the programming ability and programming thinking learned are the most important, after all, one can do everything. Moreover, for programmers, programming ability and thinking account for 80%, and the use of other apis account for only 20%.

2.1 the front

As for the vUE related technology stack, although I have used it before, this year is a year of technical proficiency, I have done the public account, PC management background and H 5 application. After several projects tempered, the application should reach the proficiency level, but also learned a lot of good skills.

React related technology stack is learned in the latter half of this year. Learning without using is not learning. Therefore, it is necessary to practice, so I made a blog website project, which is my current personal website, and put the source code of the project on Github. In the process, I learned some common and basic apis and was able to build and develop react projects by myself.

I also finished a book this year: Inside WebKit Technology. What I saw was not the paper version, but the electronic version of PDF. I also had a deep understanding of the browser and WebKit. As time goes by, I forgot almost 😅.

2.2 the back-end

Python 3 and mysql are the first half of the year to learn, initially wanted to do the front-end side of python, but did not find the corresponding job, finally do front-end, now for a long time useless, also forgot about 😅.

For Node, Express, mongodb is learned in the second half of this year, mainly to quickly build the back end of the blog site. There are still a lot of areas to optimize, especially the query aspect of the data, but it is finally built. Along the way, Node is easier to learn than Python, because it’s javaScript.

I also have a little understanding of programming. Before see ruan yifeng teacher’s article content, said well reasonable. Here’s what he said in the original:

To quote a developer’s admonishment to young programmers: In software development, technology changes so quickly that you spend so much time learning techniques and tools that once those techniques are replaced, your knowledge becomes worthless because it’s mostly details of implementation.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Is software development real knowledge? If it were real knowledge, then in theory, much of what we learn should be timeless, just as calculus is timeless. But the truth is, we all know that software development skills are time-sensitive, and programming learned ten years ago will almost certainly not be productive ten years later. In that case, software development is not real knowledge, but only implementation details.

There is a tax office next to the company, and many people queue up to pay tax every day. If you are the first time to pay taxes, certainly do not know how to pay taxes, tax is a knowledge, must be taught, to take what documents, to fill in what forms, to what window line up and so on.

I now think that learning to code is like learning to pay taxes. It’s all about learning the details of implementation. Once the external environment changes, the original implementation details are useless. Because of the layers of abstraction and encapsulation in contemporary programming, we no longer have to touch the truly universal knowledge at the bottom. Most of the time, programming is writing the configuration of some abstraction layer. Web styling, for example, is writing CSS configurations, and you can’t tell whether this is real knowledge or implementation details like a tax guide.

Implementation details are not knowledge, but steps. Implementation details are useless if the technology stack changes. However, you have to learn it, do not know the implementation details, can not do the project. I think programmers should be wary of falling into the trap of putting all their energy into implementation details and thinking they’ve learned the real thing. The right approach to languages and tools is to “get in, get out”, knowing enough details but also being able to take a big picture view of what’s going on underneath.

3. Work

In May of this year, he changed his ownership.

I learned a lot at my last employer, and it was my first year out of college. The two front-end leaders of the previous company and the other two back-end developers have greatly influenced me both in terms of technology and work. Thank you. The working atmosphere of my previous employer is very good. What I miss most is the sports once every Friday.

In the present company, it is also good, there are many examples to learn from, but there are few activities and sports programs.

I always think that a qualified programmer, the normal work arrangement, should be efficiently finished in working hours, off work on time. So most of the time, I leave work at 5.30pm sharp, after all, there are a lot of things I want to do when I get back.

The same can’t be said for unusual work schedules, such as tight projects. Due to the tight schedule of the project, I tried to work overtime to repair bugger until 3am for several times this year, and then I got up at 7am to continue. I also tried once that the data in the project was deleted by a colleague by mistake, and I had to cooperate with the back-end development rescue. The rescue lasted until nearly 4am, and I got up and went to work at 8am the next morning as usual. Can only sigh: Xiuxian really great, young good!!

4. The movement

Body is one, money, position, honor are zero, only have the front one, the back zero will be useful; Otherwise, it is useless work.

This year, as in previous years, I will do various sports from time to time, including running, fitness, badminton, cycling and so on.

The frequency of running is about 3 times a month on average, and each time is usually 5 kilometers. Working out about twice a week; Badminton depends on whether the time is right; As for cycling, now as long as the weather permits, I cycle back from work, because it is much faster than taking the bus, time is precious ah. Continuous exercise is also slowly becoming a habit. Just because there has been a continuous exercise, so this year did not have a cold, the body is still healthy.

  • Figure 1 shows the data of all sports from July 17, 2018 to December 18, 2018, mainly cycling.

  • Figure 2 shows the data of all sports from March 20, 2017 to July 15, 2018, mainly running.

The total distance of the two pictures adds up to two trips home 😇.

Continuous exercise is not persistence. It is just what I think I should do and what I like to do. Do it all the time becomes a habit, can do what you like is a happy thing. Of course, it is winter now, and the frequency of outdoor sports should be reduced accordingly.

The benefits brought by sports are really immeasurable. During the four years of college, I never got sick, and only caught a cold once when I was at home in the winter vacation of freshman year. In the past 5 years, there is still a cold is more than a year ago, just graduated when looking for a job, by two students take turns to catch a cold, and finally failed to resist. Still have the benefit is to maintain a healthy body shape, abdominal muscle, pectoral muscle is still in, just this year feeling belly than before a bit thicker 😂. Sitting for ten hours a day really hurts a programmer.

When exercise becomes a habit, it will be a lifelong benefit.

5. Extra skills

In the 21st century, writing, English and programming are probably the most promising skills.

5.1 writing

The most useful skill you’ll learn this year will be writing, a skill that will last a lifetime.

In July this year, my classmate, nicknamed Manager Chen, opened a public account and wrote a blog on it. He also told me to write, and to keep at it will yield great results. I’ve always wanted to write a tech blog, but I didn’t do it, and I didn’t decide to do it. In July, I also decided to start a tech blog and started an official account to share my skills and growth. Now I have hundreds of followers.

Gradually, writing became a hobby and habit. When a skill becomes a hobby, it generates a lot of power (like king Pesticide, which many people like to play). Since writing, I have spent more time on study than before, and have a certain depth in learning knowledge. After all, if I don’t understand what I want to write to others, how can others understand it?

In the past six months, I have successively written more than 30 articles, including reading notes, essays and technical articles, some of which are not good, some of which are quite good and have won many praises. Although I sometimes refer to others’ articles, I always encourage originality and insist on originality. Perhaps only the author can understand the difficulty of originality.

Since writing a blog for half a year, I have also seen a different landscape. Write good articles, there will be editors to find you out of the book; A headhunter will come to you with a good job at a big factory. You will be approached by team leaders from good companies who want you to join their team, etc. I have encountered all of these, but I know that I still lack the ability to accumulate and precipitate. Writing is a great way to show your talents and abilities, and when you reach a certain level, good opportunities will come your way.

If after the age of 30, you don’t want to write code or can’t write any more, you can also have an extra skill to make a living, and this skill is a hobby, how happy it is.

Trying to be a slash youth is the way to go. (Slash youth: Not just people with multiple identities and incomes. It represents a new value of life, the core of which lies in a diversified life.

Spend the same age, the age of struggle is not comfortable, realize the dream at the same time, and make some money, why not?

5.2 Cook a delicious meal

In the second half of this year, I also tried cooking, porridge and soup by myself. Although these can, but the first year after work, have not done. But they rarely cook, because it takes too much time, and they have to watch. Most are porridge and soup, put all kinds of materials can be, and then: while playing computer, while waiting to eat can be, very convenient ah.

Making a delicious meal is also a necessary skill, after all, diy, abundant food and clothing.

5.3 financial

Financial management – life will skill. Began to try to conduct financial affairs with other means this year, buy a stock for instance, buy fund, buy current product to wait, although still be in deficit all the time, but try, just know these things good. Of course, the water of financial management is also very deep, not a day can learn, need long-term study.

After coming out of society, MY understanding of money became more and more profound. 99% of my troubles when I grew up were due to lack of money.

6. Entertainment

Most of the free time this year has been spent with the computer. Watching movies, TV shows, anime and sports. This year, I have watched a lot of cartoons. I have watched all the popular 3D Chinese cartoons, or I am following them. China comics is really coming on strong.

This year is the least time to go out to play, it seems that I have not been to play, the only few times are called by friends around. In fact, I really want to go to a lot of places. I just haven’t found the right person to go with.

The motherland is so beautiful mountains and rivers, or have to work hard to earn money, to have a look.

7. Expect to 2019

Things we accomplished in 2018:

  • Get started with the React stack
  • The hands-on Node technology stack
  • Completed his own personal blog site
  • Open source the blog site on Github
  • Make writing a habit
  • Operate personal public account [BiaoChenXuYing]
  • Keep your body healthy by exercising continuously
  • Finished reading a book [Inside WebKit Technology]
  • A taste of other ways to manage your money
  • Cook a delicious meal

Goals for 2019:

  • The personal blog site access to the public inside
  • Deep into the vUE technology stack principle and internal implementation
  • Familiar with react and Node stacks, and possibly Java.
  • Learning algorithms and data structures
  • English vocabulary reaches 7000
  • Increase the amount of exercise and gain 5 jin
  • Adhere to writing, operating a good public number
  • Read more books and articles (books to time square hate less)
  • Gradually diversify into other ways of managing money
  • Develop other skills

When a goal takes a long time to achieve, it becomes easier to make a habit of doing something every day (e.g., English).

It was winter. It was cold. There was nothing to do. Recently I am learning English. I read English original works with water drop. I always read if I want to, but I don’t want to. Make it a habit to spend 20 minutes a day reading original English.

The ultimate goal is to achieve personal wealth and freedom as soon as possible and do what you like.

My preferred interpretation of financial freedom is that someone no longer has to sell their time to meet their necessities.

It’s not life! Who the hell wants to work?! Goals or some, or what is the difference with salted fish? Although efforts may not have results, but not efforts must be very comfortable.

There are only two possibilities for not being tortured by life, one is that someone else takes it for you, and the other is don’t worry, it’s not your turn yet.

8. To summarize

Salute to 2018 that will pass, look forward to 2019.

Either don’t work hard, let life choose you, go with the flow; Or you can choose your own life and do what you love.

No matter where you work, no matter what job you do, to grasp the life you can control and meet a better version of yourself is a very lucky and happy thing.

For the rest of my life, I hope you and I can, life was work, work is life.

The time is right, the future is endless possibilities, come on!

9. The last

github: https://github.com/biaochenxuying

Denver annual essay | 2018 technical way with me The campaign is under way…