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What is front-end engineering?


Front-end engineering is a concept that has been put forward in recent years as front-end projects have become more and more complex. This concept is not new in software engineering.

From my personal perspective, front-end engineering is a way of thinking of front-end development, which is a solution to a series of problems encountered in the process of front-end development, such as componentification, software quality, maintainability, teamwork, development efficiency, testing efficiency, construction efficiency, automation, etc.

I suggest that you take a god-like look at the concept of “front-end engineering” and look at every aspect of the front-end team from above, and you’ll see that there is one core that runs through it all: efficiency.

Therefore, front-end engineering can be simplified as the improvement of front-end efficiency.

What is efficiency?

There are two types of efficiency: human efficiency (time latitude) and code efficiency (quality latitude)

  • Human efficiency: development efficiency, construction efficiency, automation level
  • Code efficiency: running efficiency, maintenance efficiency, testing efficiency

The next aspect of front-end engineering will revolve around efficiency.

Why front-end engineering?

To sum up, 👇 can be summed up in a word

Front-end engineering is to solve various efficiency problems in the process of front-end project development

Iii. What kind of capabilities does front-end engineering need?

Due to the many knowledge points involved, the following content is only a primer, all aspects involved can be consulted according to personal needs, not to expand here.

From the Perspective of human efficiency: Time latitude

Human efficiency is mainly affected by development efficiency, construction efficiency and automation level.

1. Development efficiency

Technology selection

Choose front-end frameworks such as React, Vue, Angular, Ember, Svelte, etc.

  • Team maturity, such as speed and ability to solve problems
  • Software maturity
  • Community activity
  • Software scalability
  • Software documentation friendliness
  • Software update speed
  • Some pit predictions (avoiding too new technology adoption? Can be used for experimentation, but not for large projects that are difficult to iterate on)
  • Relevant talent pool

By analogy, the selection of other libraries or software can be judged in the same way.

Code specification
  • Code writing specification
  • Git submission specification
  • Code review specification
The scaffold
  • Being good at evaluating, learning and using scaffolding can save a lot of time in building new projects, such as:create-react-app.vue-cli.taro.ewa ç­‰
Cloud development, low code, and no code development

A sharp tool for reducing cost and increasing efficiency.

  • Cloud development: Services such as Small Program Cloud development and Leancloud can reduce the dependence on back-end development and improve the efficiency of front-end development
  • Low code and no code: such as Baidu’samisLow code framework andnode-redNo code visual programming tool
Debug efficiency
  • Understand front-end debugging methods
  • Use tools such as sourceMap to view the source code
  • Use code checking tools such as Eslint

2. Build efficiency

Build tools
  • Old: Grunt, Gulp
  • Popular: Webpack, Rollup
  • New: Snowpack, Vite
Building efficiency
  • The above build tool configuration, hot update, build speed optimization, plug-in customization, etc., focusing on the hot and new build tools.

3. Automation level

  • Front end automation: Jenkins, Gitlab, Travis-CI, Github Actions
  • Optimize deployment efficiency and deployment process

From code efficiency: Quality latitude

The efficiency of code is mainly influenced by the efficiency of operation, maintenance and testing

1. Operating efficiency

  • Performance optimization: JS/CSS performance, memory consumption
  • Resource loading speed optimization (compression size, Gzip, CDN, lazy loading, on-demand loading, etc.)
  • Browser Rendering optimization

2. Maintain efficiency

  • Code specification
  • The document
  • componentization
  • Stratification, abstraction, decoupling
  • Code versioning

3. Test efficiency

  • Interface data Mock
  • Unit testing, functional testing, automated testing

Two final pieces of half-baked advice

  1. MDN is a good thing, nothing more than turn over the portal 👉
  2. Think more, do more, do not blindly follow (I said, is not necessarily right!

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