Front End Engineers -01- Stage 1: Introduction to front End Basics – Week 1, Article 2

Form creation

1. What forms are used to collect information, such as registering, logging in, sending comment feedback, buying goods, etc.

All HTML forms are created with one

Other features of the table

1. Unordered lists

An unordered list is a list that has “no intended order.

    The labels and

  • Tag unordered list use

      Tag, for each list item

    • The label

      The unordered list of parent and child combination tags is a parent and child combination tag

      When HTML tags are nested, you must pay attention to the indentation (Tab key) of the code

    • Cannot be used alone
    • The tag cannot be used alone, it must be * (video resource Vx (cmL46679910)) * placed
        The use of

        The child tag of the

      • HTML,
          The child tag of the

        • , must not appear any other tags