Function integration

Lodash: a consistent, modular, high-performance JavaScript utility library.

Underscore: A JavaScript utility library that provides a whole set of functional programming utility functions

Ramda: an important library that provides many useful methods that every JavaScript programmer should master

Ramda compares Lodash and Underscore:

Underscore (Lodash, data last)

2. All functions have Currie call (ex: all functions with multiple arguments can be used with one argument by default)

30 seconds of code: Quick query of js related selected implementation fragments

MathJS: A Math extension library on Node.js and JavaScript that is compatible with the built-in Math library

Lazy. Js: Similar to Lodash and Underscore libraries, but uses Lazy evaluation to handle large data cases for improved performance

Reference address features: lazy evaluation

Vocajs: String processing

Big.js: a small, fast JavaScript library for arbitrary precision decimal arithmetic operations

The time integration

Moment: fully functional, moment.min.js size dozens of k, with time/time zone processing

Day.js: A lightweight JavaScript library that handles times and dates, keeping exactly the same API design as moment.js, and only 2KB in size

Date-fns: a small time-processing library loaded on demand

Network request

Axios: A Promise-based HTTP library that can be used to make HTTP requests on Node.js and browsers, supporting all modern browsers, even IE8+

Fly.js: a promise-based HTTP request library that can be used in Node. js, Weex, wechat applets, browsers, React Native

Mouse/keyboard related

KeyboardJS: a library for use in browsers (compatible with Node.js). It makes it easy for developers to set up key bindings and use key combinations to set up complex bindings

SortableJS: a powerful JavaScript drag and drop library

DOM manipulation library

Jquery: Common Dom operations

Tethys: Miniature library that contains the most common Dom operations

Zepto: a lightweight JavaScript library for modern advanced browsers

File processing

File-saver: A solution to save files on the client, perfect for Web applications that generate files on the client

Js-xlsx: a powerful library for parsing and writing Excel files


Layui.js: one of the three components maintained independently by LayUI (layDate, Layer, layim)

Although layui contains these components, because they are widely used or used, a copy of layui is extracted and can be referenced independently. We also maintain them synchronously.

Bootbox.js: Bootbox.js is a small JavaScript library that allows you to create programming dialogs using Bootstrap patterns without having to worry about creating, managing, or removing any required DOM elements or JavaScript event handlers.

Scroll/scroll animation library

Better Scroll: Optimized version of Iscroll, support mobile/PC, native implementation, expand flexible scroll plug-in, pursuit of silky, make mobile terminal sliding experience more smooth

Iscroll: a lightweight scrolling plugin for mobile

Fullpage.js: a javascript scrolling animation library that can easily create a full screen scrolling website, compatibility is irreplaceable

Scroll Reveal: zero-dependency, provides simple scrolling animation for Web and mobile browsers to display scrolling content in an animated manner

Vuescroll: A lightweight scrolling plug-in for mobile devices

Mescroll: Pull-up refresh and pull-down load on mobile

Animatescroll: jQuery scroll to the specified position

Shuffling figure

Swiper: Used for touch swiping of content on mobile sites

ISlider: Mobile side sliding component

Slip: The mobile end follows the finger to slide the component, zero dependence

OwlCarousel2: The mobile side follows the finger sliding component, zero dependency

Graphics/image processing library

Html2canvas: a powerful browser web screenshot tool using JS development

Dom-to-image: A library that converts any DOM node into a vector (SVG) or raster (PNG or JPEG) image written in JavaScript

Pica: a very fast image processing library that resizes images in the browser without pixel distortion

Lena.js: a lightweight JS library that allows you to add various filters to your images

Compressor. Js: A JS library that uses the native Canvas. toBlob API for lossy image compression

Fabric.js: An easy-to-use image editor based on the HTML5 Canvas element

Merge-images: A JS plug-in that combines multiple images into one image

Cropperjs: a powerful image cutting library that supports flexible image cutting methods

Grade: A library that generates complementary gradient backgrounds based on the first 2 main colors in an image

The animation library

Collect more animation library:…

Animo.js: A JavaScript animation library that can handle CSS properties, single CSS transformations, SVG or any DOM properties as well as JavaScript objects

Animate. CSS: CSS3 animation library, is the most common animation library

Velocity: An efficient Javascript animation engine that has the same API as jQuery’s $.animate(), while also supporting color animations, transformations, loops, easels, SVG support, and scrolling effects

Vivus: a zero-dependent JavaScript animation library that allows us to create animations in SVG that look like they are being drawn

GreenSockJS: A JavaScript animation library for creating high-performance, zero-dependency, cross-browser animations. It is used on over 4 million websites and can be used in React, Vue, Angular projects

Kute.js: a powerful, high-performance and extensible native JavaScript animation engine with basic capabilities for cross-browser animation

Hover. CSS: The CSS Hover effect can be applied to links, buttons, images, and more

Wow.js relies on animate. CSS, so it supports animate. CSS with more than 60 animation effects

Magic. CSS: CSS3 animation library

Waves. CSS: Click the ripple effect

Do whatever you want CSS

Stylus: provides an efficient, dynamic and expressive way to generate CSS. Supports both indent syntax and regular CSS styles

Less: Less is a CSS preprocessor language that extends the CSS language by adding features such as variables, mixins, and functions

Sass is a pre-compiled CSS language that gives CSS more power. It provides variables, mixins, functions, and is fully compatible with CSS syntax by nested rules.

Spinkit: A snippet of CSS code that implements various loading effects

Animista: Various CSS implementation effects

Css_tricks: Records some new CSS properties and a few tricks

Css-inspiration: A classification showing various ways in which different CSS properties or topics can be solved using CSS

You-need-to-know-css: Implementation of various effects of CSS, especially animation effects

Rich text editor


Baidu UEditor:







Markdown editor

Editor, md:

Image preview/slide toggle

Viewer.js: Image preview

Swiper: Used for touch swiping of content on mobile sites

React-viewer: previews images

React-photo-view: this is a nice react-photo preview

React-zmage: a react-based zoomable image control

Video player

Xgplayer: watermelon player

Flv. js: Bilibili open source JS player written

Video.js: Watermelon player

Chimee.js: H5 player framework for the dance company

Bullet screen video player

DanmuPlayer: Html5 DanmuPlayer plugin

Danmu. js: jquery danmu plugin

Scroxt: subtitle font scroll plugin

Copy and paste plug-in

Clipboard. Js:


Bar code/QR code plug-in


Jquery. Qrcode. Js:

Qrcodejs: Qr code plug-in

Drag and drop



The react – beautiful – DND:

The react – draggable:



Howler. Js:

Front-end internationalization I18N


Vue – i18n:

The map

Baidu Map:

Google Maps:


Tencent Map:

Web instant Messaging


Small talk:

PDF reader


PDF. Js:

Mock data request

Easy to Mock:


Json – server + fakerjs:


Typed. Js: a javascript plug-in that easily implements typing effects

Faskclick: an easy-to-use library that eliminates the 300ms delay between a physical click on a mobile browser and the triggering of a click event. The goal is to make your application feel less lag and more responsive without interfering with your current logic

Typed. Js: very lightweight open source gesture library

Introjs: Is a lightweight JS library for creating product guides