
I found that I haven’t updated my blog for more than a year (/ω \). Recently, some students asked me what environment I need to build to use Mac as a front-end. Asked the number of times, simply sorted out a set of more general and simple construction process, if it is helpful to you, welcome to like and collect ❤️~


Essential App development and debugging tools, App Store search download


Homebrew is a software package management tool for The Mac OS platform. It has many useful functions, such as installing, uninstalling, updating, viewing, searching and so on.

# it is recommended to use tsinghua source/bin/ZSH - c "$(curl - fsSL" remember to restart the terminal # # installation is completed Verify that brew --version is installed successfullyCopy the code



A more user-friendly terminal than native bash

  1. To download, go to
  2. Install using BREW
brew cask install iterm2
Copy the code

Switch shell

Shell CHSH -s /bin/zsh -s /bin/zsh -s /bin/zshCopy the code

Oh My Zsh

Make iTerm2’s theme more beautiful


sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Copy the code

Set the theme

ZSH_THEME is the default theme. ZSH_THEME=" robbyRussell "# ZSH_THEME=" style name" # more themes # remember after the modification of configuration items to make the effective source ~ /. ZSHRCCopy the code

Upgrade your own Git

# # download the brew install git configuration environment variable vim ~ /. ZSHRC # add export git = / usr/local/Cellar/git / 2.1.3 # here to write your own git version download address export $GIT/bin:$GIT/bin:$GIT/binCopy the code


Download the NVM

NVM is used to manage the Node version Manager.

# # download curl - o - | bash configuration environment variable export NVM_DIR = "$([z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && "$NVM_DIR/ NVM. Sh "# This loads NVM # save ~/.zshrcCopy the code

M1 chip uses NVM to install an earlier version of the node error solution

M1 chip in the transition period apple gave the corresponding X86 chip compatibility scheme

Softwareupdate # install-rosetta # Install -rosetta # install the arch-x86_64 ZSH # install 14.15.0Copy the code

Control the node version with NVM (NPM is installed with node)

NVM install stable # Install the specified version NVM install <version> # Delete the specified version NVM Uninstall NVM use <version> Node # Specify the default version NVM alias default <version>Copy the code

Use YARN to download packages

Contrast yarn with NPM

brew install yarn
Copy the code

Example Set the NPM image source

# # NPM obtain image source address NPM get registry # set up the mirror source NPM set registry # # yarn to get the mirror source address yarn config Get registry # set up the mirror source yarn config registry at the code

A good plugin for VS Code

# Auto Close Tag # Auto Close Tag # Auto Close Tag # Auto Close Tag # Bookmarks # Static code check tool Eslint # HTML & Css related CSScomb HTML Css Support HTML Boilerplate HTML Snippets # JS related ES7 React/Redux/React-Native/JS snippets React-Native/React/Redux es6/es7 React/Redux/react-router Snippets Typescript React Open in Browser # Git wizard to view the submitter for each line of code GitLens # SVG # theme One Dark Pro # file ICONS theme vscode-iconsCopy the code