1. postman

2. json-server

  • Json – server installation
npm install json-server
Copy the code
  • Create virtual interface data db.json
// db.json
	// Interface access path/getInfo
    "getinfo": {
        "success": true."msg": "Request successful"."code": 0."data": [{"name": "Tom"."age": 18
                "name": "Tony"."age": 20}},// Interface access path /user or /user/1 accesses deep data
    "user": [{"id": 0."name": "Tony"
            "id": 1."name": "Tom"}}]Copy the code
  • Start the mock service
Json --watch db. Json --port 9090Copy the code

3. RAP

  • Create account

Visit RAP, register an account and log in

  • Create a warehouse

  • Enter the repository to create the interface

  • Configure interface parameters and return parameter rules

Regular grammar reference

  • Save to access

Click to get access address information

4. mock.js

  • Install mockjs
npm install mockjs
Copy the code
  • Create server.js and introduce MockJS
// server.js
/ / the introduction of express
const express = require('express');
/ / introduce mockjs
const Mock = require('mockjs')

// Prepare service objects
const app = express()

// Listen for routes
app.get('/getinfo'.(req, res) = > {

  // Prepare random data
  var data = Mock.mock({
    'list|1-20': [{
      'name|3-5': /[a-z][A-Z]/.'age|10-15': 15.'gender|1': true,

// Start the service
Copy the code
  • Start the service
node server.js
Copy the code

