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In object-oriented languages this represents a reference to the current object, whereas in JS this is an entirely different concept.

JS this can be divided into two types, one is the global context of this, one is the function context of this.

The this of the global context points to the window.

The this reference to a function context is not fixed and depends on where the function is called and how it is called, which can be summarized as follows:

This in the global context

This refers to the global object in the global execution environment (outside any function body), whether in strict mode or not.

console.log(this= = =window) // true

age = 18
console.log(window.age) / / 18 = '阿林'
console.log( // 'alim'
console.log(name) // 'alim'
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This in the context of a function

This, like arguments, is an implicit argument to a function and can be called from any function.

The value of this in a function is not fixed, depending on where the function is located and how it is called.

Functions in the global context

Calls functions in the global context directly, this pointing to window by default.

function fn () {
  console.log(this) // window
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function fn () {
  var a = 1
  console.log(this.a) / / 2
var a = 2
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In strict mode, undefined

'use strict'

function fn () {
  console.log(this) // undefined
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Functions in objects

Call the function on the object that this refers to.

const obj = {
  a: 1,
  fn () {
    console.log('this :>> '.this)
    console.log('this.a :>> '.this.a)

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However, if the function has nested functions, this refers to window, which can be very confusing.

const obj = {
  a: 1,
  fn () {
    return function () {
      console.log('this :>> '.this)
      console.log('this.a :>> '.this.a)

var a = 100

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In fact, it can be understood as follows:

Is equivalent to obj. Fn () ()const temp = obj.fn() // Define a temporary variable to store the function returned by obj.fn
temp() // Execute this function
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Temp in the above code example is in the Window environment at runtime, so this points to window.

If you want this to point to an object that has functions nested within it, before ES6, you can use a temporary variable _this to hold this,

const obj = {
  a: 1,
  fn () {
    const _this = this
    return function () {
      console.log('this :>> ', _this)      / / output obj
      console.log('this.a :>> ', _this.a)  / / output 1

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Arrow function

For example, if you want this to point to an object that has functions nested within it, you can also use the arrow function.

const obj = {
  a: 1,
  fn () {
    return () = > {
      console.log('this :>> '.this)      / / output obj
      console.log('this.a :>> '.this.a)  / / output 1

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For normal functions, the inner this refers to the object on which the function is run.

For the arrow function, it does not create its own this; it only inherits this from the upper level of its scope chain.

So this in fn’s nested anonymous arrow function points to this at the next level in its scope chain, which is fn’s this, which is obj.

Babel es6: _this: _this: _this: _this: _this: _this

Babel online address

The constructor

Inside the constructor, this points to the newly created instance.

function Person (name) {
  console.log('this :>> '.this) = name
const p = new Person('lin')
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The value of this in the function can be changed explicitly

You can use call, apply, and bind to explicitly change the this reference in functions.


The () method calls a Function with a specified this value and one or more arguments given separately.

function fn () {

const obj = {
  name: '阿林'
} // Specify this as obj and print 'alin'
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Using call, you can implement inheritance by changing the reference to this in the constructor

function Person (name, age) { = name
  this.age = age

function Student (name, age, grade) {, name, age) // Call the Person constructor to specify this as the Student instance to implement inheritance
  this.grade = grade

const s1 = new Student('阿林'.18.100)
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The function.prototype.apply () method calls a Function with a given this value and arguments supplied as an array (or array-like object).

The function of apply is exactly the same as that of call, except that the parameter form is different. Call is to pass multiple parameters, while apply is to pass only a set of parameters.

/ / use the call
function add (x, y, z) {
  return this.x + this.y + this.z

const obj = {
  x: 1.y: 2.z: 3

console.log(, 1.2.3)) / / 6
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/ / use the apply
function add (x, y, z) {
  return this.x + this.y + this.z

const obj = {
  x: 1.y: 2.z: 3

console.log(add.apply(obj, [1.2.3])) // Output 6, just pass the argument in a different form
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The function.prototype.bind () method creates a new Function. When bind() is called, this of the new Function is specified as the first argument to bind(), and the remaining arguments will be used as arguments to the new Function when called.

The difference between call and apply is that calls to call call and apply are called directly, whereas calls to bind create a new function that must be manually called again.

function add (x, y, z) {
  return this.x + this.y + this.z

const obj = {
  x: 1.y: 2.z: 3

console.log(add.bind(obj, 1.2.3)) // Outputs the created function

const add1 = add.bind(obj, 1.2.3)
console.log(add1()) / / output 6
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At the end

The this of the global context points to the window.

The this reference to a function context is not fixed, depending on where the function is called and how it is called.

If my article is helpful to you, your 👍 is my biggest support ^_^

I’m Allyn, export insight technology, goodbye!

The last:

“Front-end Daily Query (23)” implements a function that outputs +1 each time it is called

Next up:

“Front-end Daily Question (25)” describes function parameters, arguments, residual arguments, default arguments, implicit arguments