The background,
On the front end, even with small teams, there are occasional multiplayer issues.
- Coding styles do not guarantee uniformity
- Git use is not standard, some non-standard code push causes history code loss
- New people make changes that are not familiar with other people’s code context and cause bugs
And so on.
Problem avoidance requires that individuals be unreliable, and distracting attention to trivial details such as indentation reduces productivity.
Therefore, consider using automation plus process improvement solutions to effectively intercept problems.
Second, the target
Standardize the process
- The code of the product and project is set as a protection branch, forbidding dangerous operations such as force push
- Git commit is controllable, such as when conflict resolution error, inadvertently overwrite multiple files, inspectors can easily see, avoid merging the main branch
- The jIRA ID must be added to the commit to facilitate the development of git history for context and QA analysis
Keep your code elegant
Uniform coding style
For example, the file display rules are consistent
Increased maintainability and readability
For example, variable representation, no large section of useless code, try to use new stable syntax sugar, reduce redundant code
Avoid potential Bugs
Such as equality judgment should use the congruent symbol, not just compare valuesCopy the code
Quality assurance
Avoid low-level errors, such as merging poorly compiled code into the main branch that results in a blank screen
Ensure that the functionality of the code covered by unit tests is not broken
Three, processes,
Four: audit method: Merge Request
Merge Request must be used before code is merged into the project/product main branch.
- Setting all project/product branches as protected branches prevents dangerous operations like Force push (
- You can add a series of automatic checks to make code specification checking mandatory, regular, and automatic.
- Nature provides convenience for code review
- For the initial continuous integration solution, the time cost to build and practice is low
Automatic inspection: assembly line
A number of checks are required before local commits can be merged into remote trunk branches.
Why do we need assembly lines
Avoid local checks being skipped for a variety of reasons (e.g. code is in a hurry to skip checks, bad habits don’t like checking, environment configuration doesn’t work because of local checks, etc.)
Check the content
If the check fails, pipelining will fail, for example if the submitted changes add lint errors.
Manual Review: Code Review
After passing the MR assembly line, it is necessary to be confirmed by others that there is no problem. To be merged by someone with access.
Review basic Rules
- Strictly follow the MR/ Git/code style specification
- It is not allowed to use Git incorrectly to reference other people’s code (e.g., commit dozens of file changes without renaming)
- A potential bug was mentioned by the Reviewer, and the Reviewer had to submit a new fix commit before the review was approved
Prerequisite: self-review
You are the ultimate responsible person for MR to avoid incorrect submission.
Commit Whether only valid commits are included
Does not include other people’s submissions
If MR individuals commit only 5 commits this time, there should be only 5 commits
If there is an unnecessary merge COMMIT, normal modify logic should not have such a commit
Is change in line with expectations
- You can clearly see the number of file changes. Large file changes are not normal
- The left change navigation allows you to clearly see which files have been changed and whether you have not actively changed the file changes
After the assembly line run, please have a review to avoid wasting time back and forth
These are obvious problems.
The pros and cons of Code Review
- Reduce problems ahead of time
- Ideas can collide, making code more robust and elegant.
Concerns Q&A:
Q: Development styles vary, and if a reviewer has a personal preference (e.g., a time conversion tool called DateUtil or DateTransfromer), it may be difficult to take the time to discuss and accommodate
- A: Do not mention personal preferences, mainly according to personal suggestions to find another time to communicate with everyone, put in the development specification.
- A: It is strongly suggested to mention the Gitlab issue, find time to sort out the issue, and list it as the technical debt designator to solve one by one
- A: Bad practices that are not documented in the specification, but are recognized by the community, will not be approved, such as abandoned methods
Q: Does it take too much effort to review other people’s code?
- A: With familiar code, you quickly know what you’re doing
- A: If you are not familiar with the code, ask the other party to explain, so as to increase your basic understanding of the project. When time is tight, you can ignore logic and just examine a few issues of principle.
- A: Reviewer is just A risk-averse person making recommendations. The author is ultimately responsible.
Q: If one person is in charge of a project, but not a newcomer, partner or intern, is code review required before merger?
- A: Code merged into the main branch needs to be flexible.
5. Submit MR steps
If Xiaoming needs to contribute code to feature-AAA of product branch, it corresponds to JIRA task JIRA-1001
Jira-1001 is a new branch named Xiaoming, and we recommend naming it jIRA. Personal branch name should not be similar to the main product, project branch name, other if there is no standard depends on personal habits.
git checkout feature-AAA git pull --rebase git checkout -b JIRA-1001 Copy the code
Commit the changes on the local branch JIRA-1001.
Push to the corresponding remote branch
git push --set-upstream origin JIRA-1001 Copy the code
The command line automatically prompts you to create a merge-request link
Or click on the GitLab website to create a Merge Request. Note the correct selection of [branch to be merged] and [branch to be merged]
Click the Merge button immediately after the pipeline run, and the merge will occur after the run. The remote branch is deleted by default.
If you want to continue submitting code on the same local branch after the above operation, ensure that the local code is synchronized with the code to be merged before the Merge Request is raised.
Git fetch origin feature-aaa (or simply git fetch --allCopy the code
If there are conflicts, resolve them locally before pushing. Avoid repeated submission or finding conflicts after MR, wasting time.
MR Format requirements
Whether to merge multiple Commits into one
- For commits that vary very little (such as all MR doing the same thing, select compress all commit into one). Keep master branch change history clear.
- Each COMMIT does something independently, not squash
For functional modification code, the change history needs to contain the JIRA ID.
If you compress commit: MR title with jira ID
Uncompressed: COMMIT requires a JIRA ID
Ensure that the main branch code history is based on changes.
The problem
What if someone submits new code before the merge request is submitted?
Click Rebase to update the code online and continue the process if there are no conflicts
Why do you submit the merge Request after synchronizing the latest code and then find a conflict later?
It is possible that someone else has incorporated code that conflicts with your MR.
At this point, remove the remote branch, update the local code, resolve the conflict and resubmit.
Git fetch origin feature -aaa (or git fetch --all) git rebase origin feature-AAACopy the code
Six, tips 
Configure automatic formatting code in the local IDE, automatic repair tool
The configuration is automatically formatted when saved.
Simple errors can and can be fixed automatically.
- Run automatic repair commands after the functional code is submitted. If there are changes caused by autofixes, commit another fixed commit.
7. Further expectations
Additional tests
Static checking/code scanning
- Sonar, can find more problems.
Functional testing
Primary functional test to ensure correct operation
Role: development to ensure that the page can be accessed, at least to visit the home page (or the default page), avoid low-level errors (such as page interception logic writing error led to the project white screen)
Test writing: front-end development
Environment maintainer: front-end development, integration into the front-end pipeline
Cost: small. To configure for functional testing, it takes some time to set up at least one mock Server with basic API access.
Primary functional test to ensure front-end function
Function: from the front end to unilaterally ensure that all basically stable page interaction is correct, avoid new code to change the old function and repair the old function caused by QA duplication
Test writing: QA writes its own test cases, front-end development writes some white box use cases
Environment maintainer: front-end development, integration into the front-end pipeline
Cost: large. It takes quite a bit of time to set up a Mock Server that requires automated synchronous update back-end interface + artificial mock data merge. Maintenance can become an open source project. Prepare some initial data separately for each project.
More complete functional testing, end to end
Function: Restores the real test scenario, tests important functions of stability, and ensures that all links in the tested scenario function normally.
For example, when testing a page, you can wait for a few seconds to take a screenshot and send the screenshot to QA. You can check periodically whether the screenshot meets expectations. You can even save a base image for pixel comparison, and send an alarm email only when the similarity is lower than a certain level.
After release development is complete and testing is committed, the repair code should pass functional testing before merging.
Test writing: QA writes its own test cases, front-end development writes some white box use cases
Environmental maintenance person: all development, operation and maintenance. Separate into a pipeline, does not affect the pre-test code merge. Assembly line failures can also be seen.
Cost: Big. For the front end and test, you only need to prepare your own test cases. For all the upper development of the front end, you need to prepare some initial data to ensure the stability of the test environment. Operation and maintenance needs to prepare and reset the test environment and prepare the pipeline. Prepare some initial data separately for each project.
Analysis of possible problems
After testing, the fix code may cause new bugs
Manual mode:
After the proposed test, the relevant branches must be reviewed and approved by others in addition to passing the assembly line before merging.
Review the code of new people (completely unfamiliar with the project), partners, interns, in addition to the basic guidelines, always check to understand the code logic.
Automated approach: Run functional tests before merging (wait for future build)
The assembly line is sometimes slow, so operation and maintenance colleagues need to help optimize it
- Optimized CI configuration to download predependencies for multiple jobs.
- Configure caching to at least reduce the time of repeated download dependencies.
Better closed loop
- Process visualization, such as setting up a large public screen in the office (projection, or TV hanging on the wall), and displaying the UI that hangs when the assembly line fails
- Notify the failure of main branch assembly line in time, and remind corresponding submitters by email, group robot
️ and loudspeaker broadcast
- If there are automated functional tests, functional test failures are automatically emailed to QA