
Software testing is the process of using manual or automatic means to run or test a software system, its purpose is to check whether it meets the specified requirements or to find out the difference between the expected result and the actual result. [1]

From the point of view of whether or not to care about the internal structure of software and concrete implementation, testing methods are mainly divided into white box testing and black box testing. White box testing methods mainly include code inspection, static structure analysis, static quality measurement, logical coverage, basic path testing, domain testing, symbol testing, path coverage and program variation. Black box test methods mainly include equivalence class division method, boundary value analysis method, error conjecture method, causal diagram method, decision table driving method, orthogonal experimental design method, function diagram method, scene method and so on.

Software Testing classification

1. White box test

White box testing is also called structure testing, transparent box testing, logic driven testing or code based testing. White box testing is a test case design method where the box refers to the software being tested and the white box refers to the box being visible, meaning it is clear what is inside the box and how it works. The “white box” method has a comprehensive understanding of the internal logical structure of the program, and tests all logical paths. The “white box” method is an exhaustive path test. In using this scheme, the tester must examine the internal structure of the program, starting with the logic of the program, and derive test data. The number of independent paths through the program is astronomical

2. Black box test

Black box testing, also known as functional testing, tests each function to see if it works. In testing, the program as a can’t open the box, in a completely regardless of the program under the condition of internal structure and internal characteristics, in the test program interface, it only check whether the program function normal use according to the terms of the requirements specifications, whether the program can properly receive input data and produce the correct output information. Black box testing focuses on the external structure of the program, not considering the internal logical structure, and mainly tests the software interface and software function.

3. Exploratory testing

Exploratory testing can be said to be a testing thinking technique. It doesn’t have many practical testing methods, techniques, and tools, but it is a way of thinking about testing that all testers should master. Exploratory emphasizes the subjective initiative of testers, abandons the complicated test plan and test case design process, and emphasizes the timely change of test strategy when encountering problems.

The most straightforward definition of exploratory testing is: design tests and execute tests simultaneously. Exploratory testing is sometimes confused with AD hoc testing. Impromptu testing is usually an ad-hoc, impromptu bug-finding testing process. By definition, anyone can do an impromptu test. Exploratory testing, proposed by Cem Kaner, is a refined, thoughtful process compared to impromptu testing.

Types of front-end tests

Unit Test

Unit test, also known as module test, mainly aims at the test of the smallest testable unit in the program (generally referring to methods and classes). It has the characteristics of small investment and high yield. It can find the code defects early and is suitable for the test of public function library.

Unit tests are the easiest to implement: libraries of utility classes shared by multiple components in your code, subcomponents shared by multiple components, and so on.

In general, there must be unit tests in common functions/components to make sure the code works. Unit tests should also be the most numerous and have the highest coverage in your project

Integration testing

Integration testing is usually applied to functions/components with high coupling degree, functions/components with secondary encapsulation, functions/components composed of multiple functions/components, etc.

Integration test mainly includes module interface test, functional module test integrated by sub-functional modules, etc. The purpose is to verify whether the subsystems and sub-functions integrated by all modules still meet the quality objectives on the basis of unit test.

The purpose of integration testing is to test whether the modules combined together can work properly after unit testing. The combined code as a whole is tested against the exposed interfaces to see if the combined code works as expected.

E2E test

E2E(End to End) testing is used to verify software quality from the perspective of software users. For example, open a browser and perform a series of operations to verify whether the interface or function meets expectations. Is the user’s real use of the scenario simulation.

In the rapid iteration of the product now, there is an automated test, is an important guarantee of reconstruction, iteration. For the Web front end, the main test is whether forms, animations, page jumps, DOM rendering, Ajax, etc., work as expected.

Front-end automated testing – egg rolls and pyramids

Dynamic testing is a testing method that uses specific software to control the testing process and compare the actual results with the expected results. Through the test automation, the testing behavior of the software can be transformed into the automatic testing behavior of the machine, so as to replace a lot of manual testing operations, so that the test can be carried out quickly and repeatedly.

Cone model

A straightforward approach would be to write more high-level tests, such as lots of system tests, to cover more low-level tests, since higher-level tests cover more coverage. Of course, there were still some underlying tests that couldn’t be covered, so we wrote separate unit tests to supplement them, and we ended up with a model like this: an ice cream cone

However, this is time-consuming and laborious, and sometimes the test link of a complex system is extremely troublesome. At this time, we need to change the way of thinking.

Pyramid model

Pyramid model, which divides testing from bottom to top into unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing (E2E testing /UI interface testing). As you go down the pyramid, testing becomes cheaper and more efficient, and as you go up the pyramid, testing becomes more expensive and less profitable.

Front-end automation test framework choice

1.1 Classification of test frameworks

1.1.1 Browser Control Framework

It is mainly used to control elements on the browser or app. Common frameworks include:

Web: Selenium/TestCafe/Cypress/Playwright/Puppeteer/Protractor/Nightmare

Mobile app: Appium/Robot Framework

1.1.2 Manage the test case design framework

It is mainly used to organize the design of test cases and the structure of test cases. Common frameworks include:

All: Cucumber

JS: Mocha/Jest/Jamine/TestCafe/Cypress/CodeceptJS

Ruby: Rspec

Java: TestNG/Junit

Python: pytest

1.1.3 Managing the Test Case execution framework

It is mainly used to organize the execution of test cases. Common frameworks include:

All: Cucumber

JS: Mocha/Jest/Jamine/TestCafe/Cypress/CodeceptJS

Ruby: Rspec

Java: TestNG/Junit

Python: pytest, unittest

1.1.4 Managing the test case reporting framework

Mainly used to organize test results and presentations, common frameworks are:

All: Cucumber/Allure

JS: Mocha/Jest/Jamine/TestCafe/Cypress/CodeceptJS

Ruby: Rspec

Java: TestNG/Junit

Python: pytest, unittest

1.1.5 Assertion Framework

These are mainly used to test assertions about results. Common frameworks include:

All: Selenium

JS: Chai/Jest/Jamine/TestCafe/Cypress/CodeceptJS

1.1.6 Coverage framework

Mainly used to collect code coverage, common frameworks are:

JS: Istanbul/Jest/blanket

Ruby: Rcov

Java: jacoo / cobertura

1.1.7 Visual test framework

It is mainly used for visual testing. Common frameworks include:

JS: Cypress/CodeceptJS/Applitools

1.1.8 support Mock/Spy/Stub

Mocks are used to mock requests. Common frameworks include:


1.1.9 Integrated Framework

Do not need to integrate with other frameworks to complete the entire test activity. Common frameworks include:


1.2 Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of each testing framework





  • Free open source

  • Support for multiple languages: Java/Python/Ruby/JS…

  • Cross-platform support: Windows/Mac/Linux/Mobile (IOS/Android)

  • Support multiple browsers: Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Edge

  • Support the Headless, CI/CD

  • Test case design: Support PageObject/ Snapshot

  • Test case execution: Support concurrency

  • Easy to get started

  • Browser version compatibility needs to be considered

  • Poor debugging and slow execution

  • Stability is moderate and Retry is not supported

  • Need to manage test design and execution with other testing tools: BDD, LLDB: Cucumber

  • Needs to be used in conjunction with another test assertion framework: CHAI

  • LLDB Test execution and report presentation: LLDB TestNG/ReportNG

  • Visual testing is not supported


  • A complete framework that does not need to be used with other frameworks

  • Open source free version and paid version, easy to get started

  • Support cross-platform: Windows/Mac/Linux

  • Support for Web/ unit/integration testing

  • Browser: Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Electron

  • Support for Headless, CI/CD(Edge, XX limits)

  • Test case design: BDD/ snapshot/video recording

  • Test case execution: fast execution, concurrent support, various execution modes, no need to integrate with third-party frameworks; Support element global automatic wait; Analog bandwidth

  • Test case debugging: Visual debugging window

  • Good test stability: Supports Retry

  • Test results: Good report HTML page, support for Flaky Tests, support for Coverage report

  • Support visual testing

  • Only supports JS

  • Safari testing is not supported (it may be later)

  • Mobile testing is not supported and the test compatibility for Mobile Web apps is not very good

  • Test case design: PageObject is not supported; Multiple tabs are not supported. Iframe can be problematic in some cases; Hover /scroll, file upload;

  • API/ unit testing support is not very friendly and is not recommended if you are doing API testing alone


  • A complete framework that does not need to be used with other frameworks

  • Open source, free, easy to use

  • Support cross-platform: Windows/Mac/Linux

  • Support Web/Mobile(Android/IOS)/ integration testing

  • Browser: Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Edge…

  • Support the Headless, CI/CD

  • Test case design: BDD/ snapshot

  • Test case execution: fast execution, concurrent support, various execution modes, no need to integrate with third-party frameworks; Support element global automatic wait

  • Good test stability: supports various levels of Retry

  • Test result: good report HTML page

  • Support visual testing

  • Flexible switching various popular driver, test maintenance cost is low (webdriver/playwright/puppeteer/testcafe/appium/nightmare/protractor/API helpers, graphql)

  • Good compatibility with third party frameworks and easy to expand

  • Only supports JS

  • API testing support is not very friendly and is not recommended for standalone API testing

  • In some cases, video recording is supported: switch between different drivers, where LLDB: WebDriver

  • Analog network speed is not supported

  • Test case debugging does not have a visual window, but does have debugging commands

  • Test case report: No coverage report currently available


  • Open source, free, easy to use

  • Support cross-platform: Windows/Mac/Linux

  • Browser: Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Edge/mobile browsers…

  • Support the Headless, CI/CD

  • Test case design: PageObject/ Snapshot /Video

  • Test case execution: fast execution speed, support concurrency, support element automatic waiting; Script changes are automatically executed

  • Independently manage test case design and execution, assertions, and test reporting

  • Only supports JS

  • Compatibility: Mobile native apps are not supported

  • Native support is not very friendly, it is a proxy server that communicates with the Web browser

  • Does not support BDD and needs to be integrated with other tools

  • Visual testing is not supported


  • Microsoft development, open source free, easy to use

  • Support cross-platform: Windows/Mac/Linux

  • Supports multiple languages: JS/Java/Python/C#

  • Web/ Emulated Mobile(Android/IOS)

  • Browser: Chrome/Firefox/Webkit based Apps

  • Support the Headless, CI/CD

  • Test case design: Built-in Inspector element

  • Test case execution: fast execution speed, support concurrency, support element automatic waiting; Monitor simulated network requests; ** Supports native mouse/keyboard operation; Upload and download files; ** Support cross-page /frame/ TAB operation, dark mode operation

  • API testing is not supported

  • Test case debugging does not have a visual window, but does have debugging commands

  • There is no way to independently manage test case design and execution, requirements and other frameworks

  • Visual testing is not supported


  • Open source and free, higher than Cypress

  • Support cross-platform: Windows/Mac/Linux

  • Support Web/Mobile(Android/IOS)/ integration testing

  • Browser: Chrome/Firefox, its own installation package and Chrome drive, support more native browser operations (native mouse/keyboard operation; Upload files)

  • Support the Headless, CI/CD

  • Test case design: Snapshot /BDD

  • Test coverage: Collect front-end code coverage

  • You can collect page performance data

  • Lots of downloads

  • JS support, poor compatibility with other languages

  • Compatibility: Firefox and other browsers are not very friendly

  • Community activity is moderate

  • Just an API for Chrome Driver, there is no way to independently manage test case design and execution required with other frameworks


  • Open source and free, higher than Cypress; Setup is not convenient and needs to be used with Selenium

  • Developed for AngularJS app

  • Support cross-platform: Windows/Mac/Linux

  • Support Web/Mobile (Android/IOS)

  • Browser: various browsers, supporting more native browser operations (support native mouse/keyboard operations; Upload files)

  • Support the Headless, CI/CD

  • Only supports JS

  • There is no way to manage test case design and execution independently. It needs to be integrated with other frameworks, where: Db: Jasmine/Mocha


  • An API library for browser automation

  • Open source and free, higher than Cypress

  • Support cross-platform: Windows/Mac/Linux

  • Browser: The electron Engine is used and does not need to be compatible with the browser

  • Support the Headless, CI/CD

  • It’s very fast and very stable

  • Does not truly reflect compatibility

  • Need to be used with other testing frameworks

  • Only supports JS


  • An automated testing framework for mobile Apps (Android/IOS)

  • Multilingual support

  • Open source free, general, easy to build

  • Support image comparison

Robot Framework

  • An automated testing framework for mobile Apps (Android/IOS)

  • Multi-voice support

  • Open source, free, relatively easy to build

Article 2 tools

Tools are generally more user-friendly and tester friendly than frameworks.

However, tools are rarely free, and the degree of customization is not very high, and sometimes cannot meet the needs of project customization.







Supported test types

Unit testing

Unit testing

E2E test

E2E testing, Node.js unit and integration testing

E2E test

Unit testing, integration testing, E2E testing

Support language

JS, Node

JS, Node

Java, Python, C#, JS

JS, Node

JS, TypeScript


Whether visual testing is supported







Whether to come with an assertion library







Out of the box




Yes (Cumbersome installation and configuration)



Recording generation script




Does not support

Does not support

Does not support

Github Star

35.2 k.

20.5 k.

20.8 k.

10.7 k.

8.9 k.

31.3 k.

The document

Jest document

Mocha document

The Selenium document

Nightwatch document

Testcafe document

Cypress document

3, conclusion

With the ability to support unit testing, integration testing, and E2E testing at the same time, Cypress provided a complete test solution that met our needs. In addition, Cypress supports JS test case writing, Jquery element location selector, Headless and CI continuous integration, fast running, low cost to get started, and has a visual debugging interface for easy problem location

Cypress practice is the sole criterion for testing truth

1, install,

  • yarn add cypressornpm install cypress
  • After the installation,./node_modules/.bin/cypress installInstall the Cypress environment (including GUI tools)

2, configuration,

Cypress mainly includes the following two boot modes:

1) Command line execution of NPX cypress open: the test case set interface will be opened in the browser, which needs to be manually run.

2) Command line execution of NPX cypress run: all specified test cases will be run in headless browser mode without visual interface, but videos of the whole test process will be recorded during running, which can be viewed under cypress/ Videos directory.

Of course, in addition to running the above commands directly from the command line, you can also configure the scripts field of package.json to define the startup mode.

  • Package. json: Configure both GUI and non-GUI (terminal) modes to run Cypress

    "scripts": {
        "cypress": "cypress run",
        "cypress-gui": "cypress open",
    Copy the code

    Copy the code

⚠️ After the configuration, run YARN Cypress [-gui] or NPM run cypress[-gui](parentheses mean optional) to initialize cypress and generate default configurations and directories

  • Cypress. json(the same directory as package.json): Cypress provides a flexible configuration that allows you to customize your behavior to suit your needs, such as the following configuration I have for a project

  • Visual interface operation

If we need to test in visual interface, after package.json is configured, we just need to run NPM run cypress:open to start Cypress and realize visual debugging. If we encounter the following error during startup, To restart cypress, run the NPX cypress install-force command.

If you successfully start Cypress, you will see the following screen. The examples directory contains Cypress’s own test case demo code (you can delete the test cases if you don’t need them later). Clicking on one of the test cases will automatically open the browser to run the test cases.

3. Introduction of project catalog

4. Run in headless browser mode

If we want to run in headless browser mode, after package.json is configured, we need to execute NPM run cypress:run, and cypress will run all of the specified test cases in headless browser mode

5. Write test cases

Next, using the example of verifying the search function of a Baidu page, I will show you how to write test cases that can end with.spec.js or.js and put into Cypress/Integration.

Create the test.js or test.spec.js test case file in cypress/ Integration as shown in the project directory below.

Next, you can start writing test cases in test.js. Cypress supports Jquery element selectors and Chinese character selectors, and also supports chain operations. Cypress automatically waits for an element to be operable before executing a command or assertion.

// <reference types="cypress" /> context() => {it(); Verify the search function ', () = > {cy. Visit (' '). Then (() = > {/ / 1. Enter the search content cy.get(".s_ipt").should("exist").type("Cypress automated test "); / / 2. Click on the baidu the button cy. Get (". S_btn "). The contains (" baidu ") should (" exist "). Click (); Get ("#content_left").find("div").then(ele => {expect(ele. Length).gt(0); }); }); }); });Copy the code

After writing the above code, we can start Cypress directly. Of course, we can also do some configuration in Cypress. json as needed. Some common configurations are listed below.

Finally, execute NPM run cypress:open to start cypress. After successful startup, we should see the following screen, click test.js to run the test case in the browser.

During the execution of test cases, every step of operation will be recorded. You can click the interface on the left to review each step of operation, which can help us quickly locate problems.

6. Upload/download Cypess files

In the real world, we often need to verify file upload or download functions, and Cypress can fulfill these requirements.

1) File upload

First you need to install the cypress-upload-file plug-in.

npm install cypress-upload-file --save-dev
Copy the code

Put the files to be uploaded into cypress/fixtures.

Write test case code.

/ / / < reference types = "cypress" / > context (' file upload, () = > {it (' validation file upload function, () = > {/ / access page, Let file = "file/cover.jpg"; cy.get("input[type='file']").attachFile(file); }); });Copy the code

2) File download

Cypress will automatically create a downloads directory under the Cypress directory where the downloaded files will be automatically saved if a file is downloaded while we are running our test cases.

The downloaded files can be read and parsed in the test case.

/// <reference types="cypress" /> const path = require("path"); The context (' file downloads, () = > {it (' validation file download function, () = > {/ / access page, download operation, Const downloadsFolder = cypress.config ("downloadsFolder"); Const downloadedFilename = pa. join(downloadsFolder, "download file.xls "); ReadFile (downloadedFilename).then(data => {// perform the assertion, step omitted}); }); });Copy the code

7. Cypress Test Report

After performing automated tests, we often want a detailed test report, and Cypress provides this feature. In addition to built-in test reports, Cypress also supports user – defined report formats.

1) Built-in test reports

Cypress’s built-in test reports include spec reports (which output nested hierarchical views in the console window), JSON reports (which output a large JSON object in the console window), and junit reports (which output an XML file). Using the spec format report as an example, start Cypress with the following parameters.

2) Custom test report

Common custom test reports are the Mochawesome report, which is a custom reporting program used in conjunction with Mocha and in conjunction with Mochawesome -report-generator to generate standalone HTML/CSS reports.

Install Mocha and Mochawesome.

npm install mocha --save-dev
npm install mochawesome --save-dev
Copy the code

Modify startup parameters.

Run NPM run cypress:run, and the mochawesome-report directory will be generated in the project root directory.

You can view the visual test report by opening mochawesome. HTML in your browser.

Maintainable test scripts

In the process of actually writing test cases, with the increase of pages, we often encounter the following problems, and at this time, how to write maintainable test scripts, convenient later maintenance, also appears very important, here also summarizes some experience in the actual development.

1. Test case code structure organization

In the preparation of test cases, we can have a page corresponding to a test file, or the same functional module page corresponding to a test file, and similar to the code organization structure adopted in the development, different test files are divided into corresponding directories for management, convenient later maintenance.

2. Unified management of page selectors

In E2E testing, we usually need to get page elements before we can do things like click. While Cypress supports Jquery selectors, we can locate elements by their class or ID. But once the class name or ID of the page changes, we have to modify all the test cases for the corresponding page.

In the process of writing test cases, we can unify the page selectors and realize the separation of the class name or ID selectors from the logical code. For each page or test file, we can create a corresponding xxxControl.js file, in which a JSON object will be defined and exported, where key is the selector name we defined ourselves and value corresponds to the actual class or ID in the page

As the iView component library is used in the current project, commonControl.js is also extracted to manage the selectors of iView uniformly.

Because each page uses the iView component, the control.js corresponding to each page or test file needs to import the commonControl.js above.

Finally, each test file simply imports the corresponding Control.js to retrieve the actual class or ID of the page from its own defined key value.

The above method may seem a bit cumbersome, but it has two advantages. First, using a self-defined key value makes it easier to remember and reduces the need to repeatedly check the corresponding class or ID name of the page element in the process of writing test cases. Secondly, when the class name or ID of the page changes, we only need to modify the corresponding control.js file of the page, instead of modifying all the test case files, which is conducive to the subsequent maintenance.

3. Manage path names and interfaces in a unified manner

In the process of writing test cases, we usually need to use cy.visit() to access a page, or use cy.request() to call the background interface to request data or create test data. We can also put the page URL or background interface API into a file for unified management.

4. Code reuse

In the course of testing, we may notice that some of the same functionality may exist on different pages. Such as the current project, different pages all need to play some operating box to confirm or form input, and in the process of verification bounced function is correct, we all need to play box click ok button, click the cancel button, click the close button, such as operation, but this time you can adopt the method of object oriented programming to realize the encapsulation and reuse of code.

Define a popbox class and define properties and methods.

In the test file, you need to instantiate the object and call the related methods to do something.

Of course, some methods are not common to all pages, but are used over and over again in a page or function, so it is possible to encapsulate the corresponding methods individually for each page or test file. For example, encapsulate a common approach to course management pages.