“This is the third day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The last Gwen Challenge in 2021.”

The amount formatting presentation is a common requirement in front-end projects, and some common handling is sorted out here, such as toLocaleString(); Regular matching; Slice () loop interception, etc

Take this as an example: 12341234.246 => ¥12,341,234.25

Way 1: use the browser’s own Number. The prototype. ToLocaleString () to handle the integer part, the decimal part with Number directly. The prototype. ToFixed () round

/ * * *@params {Number} Money amount *@params {Number} Decimals preserve the number of decimal places *@params {String} Symbol prefixes symbol */
const formatMoney = (money, symbol = "", decimals = 2) = > {
  if(! (money && money >0)) {
    return 0.0;

  let arr = money.toFixed(decimals).toString().split(".");
  let first = parseInt(arr[0]).toLocaleString();
  let result = [first, arr[1]].join(".");
  return `${symbol} ${result}`;

formatMoney(12341234.246); / / 12341234.25
formatMoney(12341234.246."Selections".1); / / selections 12341234.2
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Method 2: Use the regular expression to process the integer part and the decimal part. There is a “JS regular mini-book” regular expression is very good, in chapter 2.4.2 on the “thousands of digits separator notation”, introduction is very detailed, recommended to see.

  • \b: Word boundary, specifically between \w and \w, and also between \w and ^, and between \w and $
  • \BThe opposite meaning of: \b, non-word boundary
  • (? =p): where p is a subpattern, that is, the position before p, or the character after the position should match P
/ * * *@params {Number} Money amount *@params {Number} Decimals preserve the number of decimal places *@params {String} Symbol prefixes symbol */
const formatMoney = (money, symbol = "", decimals = 2) = > {
  let result = money
    .replace(/\B(? =(\d{3})+\b)/g.",")
    .replace(/ ^ /.`${symbol}$`);
  return result;

formatMoney(12341234.246."$".2); / / $12341234.25
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Method 3: Loop a string through slice

  • Substring (start, end) : contains start but does not contain end
  • Substr (start, length) : contains start and is length
  • Slice (start, end) : operable arrays and strings; Contains start, not end
  • Splice (start, length, items) : only for arrays; Add, delete, or change
const formatMoney = (money, symbol = "", decimals = 2) = > {
  let arr = money.toFixed(decimals).toString().split(".");
  let num = arr[0];
  let first = "";
  while (num.length > 3) {
    first = "," + num.slice(-3) + first;
    num = num.slice(0, num.length - 3);
  if (num) {
    first = num + first;
  return `${symbol} ${[first, arr[1]].join(".")}`;

formatMoney(12341234.246."$".2); / / $12341234.25
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