Many students want to learn WEB front-end development, but facing a large number of front-end learning materials (video tutorials, online tutorials, books), do not know where to start.

As a programmer who has been engaged in front-end development for many years, in order to let novice programmers take fewer detours, here is the experience of Tencent’s front-end bull to learn front-end development quickly:

First, front-end learning ideas

A common problem with front-end learning is that it feels like the programming language is dead, the code is boring, and many people find it hard to learn or difficult to learn. Such a situation, nothing more than learning programming ideas wrong!

First, let’s talk about the idea of front-end learning. Personally, if you don’t get it right at the front end, it can be a struggle and a pain, and you’ll end up with no idea what you’re learning.

It’s been my experience that learning programming through life analogies with a purpose and a problem-solving mindset is fun and easy.

Front-end learning is generally divided into three parts: HTML, CSS, javascript. The first step is to familiarize yourself with these concepts by living analogies.

Learning HTML, for example, can be used to design the overall structure of the house. The head, the body, the foot are like the roof, the room, the foundation of a house.

Learning CSS is like decorating a house, what color to paint the walls, what tiles to choose to decorate the room.

With javascript, you can think of it as a variety of interactive on-off controls, such as pushing a button to switch the TV on and off to change the channel, or to control the light.

Second, interesting programming experience

For a beginner of front-end development, a fun way to learn programming will help you master front-end development faster. Because a fun way means a lot of learning.

The induction phase, I use the front end of the development programming tutorial is done with w3cschool website This is mainly recommended by my computer teacher in university, because W3CSchool is quite old, official and focuses on actual combat. The courses above are very suitable for beginners.

On the website of W3CSchool, in addition to detailed explanations, there are also a large number of practical examples.

My method is to adopt a step-by-step approach. For example, for “Creating a Canvas”, I will type the code from beginning to end according to the example provided on the official website of W3CSchool. Because programming is all about being able to do it!

In order to get started, I mainly learned the three basic courses of HTML, CSS and javascript on the WEBSITE of W3CSchool (now I am studying the advanced course). Here I want to explain that you should not jump to learn the following things if you do not understand a problem, or you will have to fill in many holes later.

The most important thing in the early stage is to step by step, go through the code, when you have a solid foundation, it is very helpful for the later interview.

Of course, sometimes the code is tired, I play the w3CSchool APP front-end micro class. The micro class adopts the mode of learning and practicing, which is similar to the mode of gamification. I just play it as a game and keep swiping copies.

Personally, I like the bonus points above, because W3CSchool has made an official ranking board, which can motivate me to do a lot of programming exercises every day and check whether my name appears in the ranking board.

In addition, novice front-end programmers still need to gain some perceptual experience to understand the front-end knowledge through visual and audio, so it is recommended to use MOOCs to watch some front-end video tutorials.

There are two things to do when watching a video: one is to understand everything in the video and write down any ambiguities. The second is to use mind maps to record the main points, otherwise the next time you watch an instructional video you have to start all over again and play the whole video.

Recommendation of video courses

I have to mention the front-end video courses of MOOCs. Take the basic VIDEO course of HTML+CSS for example, the theory is explained in an easy-to-understand way. Video courses mainly concentrate some key points of front-end development and some core concepts, we directly to thoroughly understand and master the core concepts, is equivalent to taking a shortcut.

Four, talk about the interview questions

Because of my solid basic skills, my tutor in university asked me to do some projects with him, so I accumulated some project experience in front-end development and successfully got the offer upon graduation.

For the front-end development interview, the interviewer will mainly ask a lot of technical details, front-end development foundation questions. Before I get the offer, I often read the interview questions of famous companies (Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent and Xiaomi) on W3CSchool App, because I still need to know some indirect experience in the interview.

You need to know something about open source code, too, or you’ll be embarrassed if the interviewer asks you what code you’ve seen! As for where to look for open source, github is a popular choice.

Finally, summarize the learning experience of front-end development:

1. Use life analogies to learn programming

2, as far as possible to choose the old programming website, the first time to learn the right;

3. Interesting programming, playing w3CSchool APP micro class;

4. Supplementary learning via video through MOOC, Geek Academy, etc.;

5, before preparing for the interview, brush some famous enterprises interview questions, accumulate interview experience.