“This is the fourth day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”

In my previous article, explained the integration and use of Mybatis -plus, I believe there are many students also want it code generation tutorial, this > I will not only tutorial to you, even the source of the release.

This article project code gitee address: gitee.com/wei_rong_xi…

A list,

When we develop business code, we have to do a lot of copying, such as creating a new table, adding, deleting, changing, and reviewing, and without a code generator, it would be a pain.

Fortunately, MyBatis provides reverse engineering to improve our coding efficiency, and it is encapsulated in myBATIS – Plus, which further simplifies the code generation process.

How about a code generator that can operate in the page UI? For example, from groovy files of database structure, to Java code, and even to the basic add, delete, change and check interface of front-end VUE?

This article uses the mybatis -Plus-generator capability, combined with the Velocity template engine, to implement the capabilities mentioned above, I believe for your own management system development process, can be a great help.

Two, get to work

This article relies on Mybatis – Plus, please make sure your project has completed the integration of Mybatis – Plus, if not, please refer to my previous article.

2.1 Project Preparation

Why is there this section? Because my code generation project is a separate module in my project, with separate database connections, independent dependencies, etc.

The advantage of doing this is that this module, as a service, is decoupled from other services, can be registered in a registry, can be discovered by the gateway’s interface documentation, and can be prepared for us as a uI-operable code generator in the future. There’s no problem if you have to put it together with other projects.

As shown above is my project structure, this project exists as a moudle. How to create a moudle, here is not introduced, don’t know can private chat, I can teach you hand by hand. Or look at the source code for this article, the address is at the beginning.

2.2 Dependency Preparations

For projects based on Maven, springBoot, the important thing is dependencies. We add the dependencies we need first.

Mainly rely on:


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If you are not comfortable with using them, you can modify them to other utility classes:



Copy the code

2.3 Preparing a Velocity Template

For those of you who have not used the Velocity templating engine, its name suggests that it defines the desired content in the form of a template, and then replaces keywords by specifying character variables.

Freemarker is also a well-known template engine, which is often seen when the front and back ends are not separated. Mybatis – Plus-Generator can also achieve the desired effect in this article.

I created a folder named template under Resources to store the templates we needed:

From top to bottom:

  • Api.js.vmTemplate corresponding to api.js in vue
  • Client.java.vmClient for springCloud service invocation
  • Controller.java.vmThe controller
  • Convert.java.vmEntity-class converters, such as DTO <-> DO
  • DTO.java.vmDTO interface and page delivery
  • Entity.java.vmDO service layer and database delivery
  • Groovy.vmGenerate Groovy files that automatically initialize databases for liquiBase users (writing by hand is annoying)
  • Html.vue.vmVue page
  • Mapper.java.vmMapper mapping
  • Service.java.vmThe service interface
  • ServiceImpl.java.vmInterface implementation

All of the above are customizable, and you can add as many as you need.

Take a look at the contents of api.js in vue:

import request from '@/utils/request'

var service_name = '/${serviceName}'
/ * * *@description: paged list * *@author ${author}
 * @date ${date}
export function getPage${className}(data) {
    return request({
        url: service_name+ '/${classname}/pageList'.method: 'post',

/ * * *@description: Added * *@author ${author}
 * @date ${date}
export function create(data) {
    return request({
        url: service_name+ '/${classname}/save'.method: 'post',

/ * * *@description: Update * *@author ${author}
 * @date ${date}
export function update(data) {
    return request({
        url: service_name+ '/${classname}/update'.method: 'post',
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As shown above,${serviceName},${className},${author}, and so on represent the hump name of the service, the lowercase name of the class, and the author, respectively. The code generation is based on the selected table, and the names of these substitutions are also specified themselves.

Here are just a few:

  • Client.java.vm
packageThe ${package}.api;

import com.cloud.bssp.util.R;
importThe ${package}.dto.${className}DTO;
import org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.FeignClient;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;

import java.util.Map;

/** * Description: ${comments} * Create Date: ${date} * Modified By: <br> * Modified date: <br> * Why & What is Modified: <br> * *@author ${author}
 * @version ${version}
@FeignClient(name = "${serviceName}", path = "/${pathName}", contextId = "base")
public interface ${className}Client {

    /** ** paged list *@param params
     * @return* /
    R pageList(@RequestBody Map<String, Object> params);

    /** * list list *@param ${classname}DTO
     * @return* /
    R list(@RequestBody ${className}DTO ${classname}DTO);

    /** * query by primary key *@param id
     * @return* /
    R info(@RequestParam("id") Long id);

    /** * new *@param ${classname}DTO
     * @return* /
    R save(@RequestBody ${className}DTO ${classname}DTO);

    /** * update *@param ${classname}DTO
     * @return* /
    R update(@RequestBody ${className}DTO ${classname}DTO);
Copy the code
  • DTO.java.vm
packageThe ${package}.dto;

import com.cloud.bssp.util.BaseDTO;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
    #foreach ($column in $columns)
        #if($column.attrType == 'LocalDate')
        import java.time.LocalDate;
    #foreach ($column in $columns)
        #if($column.attrType == 'LocalDateTime')
        import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import lombok.Data;

 * Description: ${comments}
 * Create Date: ${date}
 * @author ${author}
 * @version ${version}
@apiModel (value = "${className}DTO", description = "${className}DTO")
public class ${className}DTO extends BaseDTO {

    #foreach ($column in $columns)
        /** * $column.comments */
        @ApiModelProperty(notes = "$column.comments")
            #if($column.attrname == 'id' || $column.attrname.indexOf('Id') != -1)
            @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING)
            #if ("date" == $column.dataType)
            @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
            #if ("datetime" == $column.dataType)
            @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
        private $column.attrType $column.attrname;

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2.4 Function Analysis

The following is a simple analysis of the functions of my code generator. From the level of code interface, there are two main functions:

  • Generate rules

    In simple terms, you specify something when you generate code, such as the author, package path, whether to remove table prefixes, and so on.

    This is a complete set of add, delete, change and check functions, the front end can be directly connected.

    The entity class is as follows:

     * Module: GenerateRulesDO.java
     * @author weirx
     * @sinceThe JDK 1.8 *@version 1.0
     * @dateThe T10:2020-07-17 00:32. 925 *@Descriptions: * /
    @TableName(value = "bssp_generate_rules")
    public class GenerateRulesDO {
        /** * primary key */
        @TableId(value = "id", type = IdType.AUTO)
        private Long id;
        /** ** the author */
        private String author;
         * 包名
        private String packageName;
        /** * Service name */
        private String serviceName;
        /** * Whether to ignore prefix 1 yes 0 No */
        private Integer isIgnorePrefix;
        /** * table prefix */
        private String tablePrefix;
        /** * create time */
        @TableField(fill = FieldFill.INSERT)
        @JSONField(format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
        private LocalDateTime createTime;
        /** * update time */
        @TableField(fill = FieldFill.INSERT_UPDATE)
        @JSONField(format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
        private LocalDateTime updateTime;
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  • The generated code

    The main process for generating code is as follows:

    All three have corresponding interface implementations.

2.5 Code logic analysis

For code logic analysis, I have generated a local ZIP as an example to briefly explain the main logic.

  • Define the local code generation location

    # code generation path
       path: rob-necessities-generator/src/main/resources/generate/code.zip
    Copy the code


    private String generatorCodePath;
    Copy the code
  • Generate the interface entry position

    /** * code generation - returns zip **@param tableDTO
    * @return* /
    @apiOperation (value = "code generation - generate zip to project ")
    public void generateCodeZip(@RequestBody TableDTO tableDTO) {
       try {
           ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = generateService.generateCode(TableDoConvert.dtoToDo(tableDTO));
           FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(generatorCodePath);
       } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}Copy the code

    Select TableDTO, TableDTO, TableDTO, TableDTO

    /** * table name array */
    @apiModelProperty (Notes = "creation time ")
    private String[] tableNames;
    Copy the code
  • Generate code interface implementation

    public ByteArrayOutputStream generateCode(TableDO tableDO) throws IOException {
       // Get the build rule
       List<GenerateRulesDO> list = generateRulesService.list();
       if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(list)) {
           return null;
       ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
       ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream);
       // Iterate over the table name
       for (String tableName : tableDO.getTableNames()) {
           // Query the table name to obtain the structure of the table
           TableDO table = generateMapper.queryTable(tableName);
           // Get the table field
           List<TableColumnDO> columns = generateMapper.queryColumns(tableName);
           // Generate logic
           this.generatorCode(table, list.get(0), columns, zip);
       / / close the flow
       return outputStream;
    Copy the code

    It is mainly divided into the following steps:

    • Get the build rule

    • Obtain the structure of the table by querying the table name

      In fact, the following SQL query is performed:

      /** * Created date: 2020/7/15@paramTableName table name *@return java.util.Map<com.cloud.bssp.generator.entity.TableDO>
       * @author weirx
      @Select("select table_name tableName, engine, table_comment tableComment, create_time createTime from information_schema.tables where table_schema = (SELECT DATABASE()) and table_name = #{tableName}")
      TableDO queryTable(String tableName);
      Copy the code
    • Get table field

      Get this from SQL:

      Created date: 2020/7/15 *@paramTableName table name *@return java.util.List<com.cloud.bssp.generator.entity.TableColumnDO>
       * @author weirx
      @Select("select column_name columnName, data_type dataType, column_comment columnComment, column_key columnKey,is_nullable,column_type,column_default, extra from information_schema.columns where table_name =#{tableName} and table_schema = (SELECT DATABASE()) order by ordinal_position")
      List<TableColumnDO> queryColumns(String tableName);
      Copy the code
    • Generation logic

  • Generation logic

    The implementation contains but is not limited to these:

About the code you go to gitee above, the article is not said.

3. Achievements Display

  • This is all for the sake of results. Let’s first look at the interface documentation for the Knife4j integration. If you want to use it, you can read the integration article I wrote earlier, or just look at the code.

    Interface call:

  • Page UI operation, the code provided in this article does not have, but I can show the previous completed renderings:


  • Generated code file:

    • Java file:

    • Vue file

About the article generated Groovy is what to use, after we specialized an article to introduce liquibase component, you will understand, database initialization magic tool.

In addition, if students need to use, after understanding the principle, they need to modify the template content to conform to their own coding style.

On the integration of the introduction of so much, we need to look at the source code, about the content involved in the article have. If you don’t understand, you can refer to this article and the previous article I wrote.

In addition, the source of this warehouse will continue to update the integration of common, emerging components, welcome to pay attention to learning.

This article project code gitee address: gitee.com/wei_rong_xi…