Give it a like and take a look. Good habit! In this paper, making… It has been included. This is the summary of Java interview for first-tier big factories that I spent 3 months summarizing. I have received offers from Tencent and other big factories. In addition, the original articles are first published on my personal blog:, welcome to visit.

Recently, the public has been a friend asked me whether there is a good algorithm book recommendation, how can better brush the question?

I want to say that this is indeed a lot of people have this problem, especially for students just learning computer is a problem, remember that when I was just learning computer, a lot of things are all his slowly groping, indeed is also waste a lot of time, if learn any shortcuts, I want to say is that there is no shortcut to the learning process, But there are shortcuts to learning methods.

Going back five years, if I had been able to find a pattern faster, it would have been better than it is now, so I feel that when I don’t know how to go, it must be very helpful to see the experience of others.

With that said, this article will discuss at least what books you need to read in order to get an offer from a big company.

Data structure books recommended

First of all, I still want to recommend some books data structure, as we all know, in fact, when you will be able to write good algorithms, data structure is indispensable, this is your algorithm framework, if we built a tall building, then the data structure is the foundation, the data structure is unstable, also represents your algorithm can write is good, so, Let’s start with a few books on data structures.

Big Talk Data Structure

Do you think I would recommend Data Structures and Algorithms (C edition) for my first book? No, you’re wrong.

If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t pick this book first, for me, of course, but I think most people are just like me, so I’d recommend a simpler primer.

As you can probably tell from the title, the first book I recommend is Big Talk Data Structures, and that’s it.

Why is it recommended?

First of all, because I have read this book, I personally feel, for beginners entry, simple books can let beginners interested in this art, other books are very good, but, in my experience, when most people see the obscure books, is will be very uncomfortable, so, I would recommend this book first, Data structures are not that hard to learn.

Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis: A Java Language Description

The second book, this is a foreign textbook, but I think this book is particularly good, the algorithm analysis and efficient Java program development organic combination, in-depth analysis of each algorithm, the content is comprehensive, rigorous and rigorous, and carefully explained the carefully constructed program method.

This is the book I have read, compared to other books, I think very good, a lot of very detailed, but, or will let you see more relaxed, so, recommend.

In addition, for beginners to learn Java, it is a benefit, because I was learning Java in college, but at that time, I found Java data structure and algorithm books are really few, I searched all the books in the library, finally found this book, a very good book.

Data Structures (C Language Edition)

This book, I still want to recommend, why, because I learned the first book in college is this book, but, at that time, learning is really painful, because it is too difficult, I do not know whether MY IQ is not enough, think will be very difficult, there is not too much math things ah.

I searched Zhihu and found reviews of the book.

I think low opinion may have been because the book as university teaching material, is a beginner, is more difficult, but, I think not to say that this book is not good, if you start to see the book again, you will find his value, a zhihu netizen said, look not to understand this book, introduction to algorithms do you also see, ha ha, true.

Let’s just say this book is not suitable for beginners, but it must be recommended.

Okay, so if you’ve read these three books, you should have a pretty good grasp of data structures, and then you should look at algorithms.

Algorithm Book Recommendation

The same as data structure books, recommend the introduction of books, first find interest.

Aha, algorithm!

This book is very good, because it is very simple, I have read this book by myself, so, very recommended, the introduction is also relatively no pressure can read, and can feel the fun of learning algorithm, with so difficult books are not the same, of course, to advance, or have to read difficult books.

Diagram of algorithms

This book is also an entry level book for you to choose from.

This is a novel – like introduction to algorithms, with plenty of illustrations, easy to understand.

After reading one or two of the above introductory books, you should have a general understanding of data structures and algorithms. But these entry-level books lack detail and system. So if you want to learn data structures and algorithms in depth, just reading these two books is certainly not enough.

“The algorithm”

This book if the introduction to algorithms will be recommended, then this book is also recommended books, will be very complete, but not so difficult.

In accordance with the friends of the view: “algorithm” the basic data structure said quite detailed, combined with the code, tell you about how to use in the program, an important role is API!

I have also read this book, I hope you read it carefully.

See douban score you will understand.

#### Introduction to Algorithms

This book I read a little bit, but, did not look down, the first is because of time reasons, the second is a little difficult to understand, mathematics knowledge is a lot, have a chance to see again.

However, the book is a must for further understanding.

Ok, after reading the above books, in fact, you have a good understanding of data structure and algorithm, but it does not mean that you can get the offer, you are too young, the last part, I tell you, to get the offer, you have to work hard.

Love my hair !!!!

Take the offer book recommendation

Actually look for a job, still have to want to read a book, because do not have a lot of training, a lot of topics calculate you can do, you still not skilled, except of course big guy.

Sword Finger Offer

The first recommended book “sword finger offer”, nothing to say, looking for a job of the students know, this book is a classic, basically must do, although I have not read this book, but I still put the title of the book have done a time.

The overall feeling of this book is not difficult, but the coverage is very wide, very pay attention to the introduction of the method, recommend must-see books, after reading this book, it is best to do it again, the basic topic of the interview can be made, but, difficult or no rut.

Chew well, work has!!

Code Interview Guide for Programmers: Optimal Solutions to IT Algorithms and Data Structure Problems

Is a new book, the book is not how many years, but I feel very good, because the book I brush for three times, that’s right, is three times, the book has 500 pages, the overall average difficulty, more difficult than the sword refers to offer a lot, but it provides a lot of methods, to improve the ability of brush question, the book is highly recommend I see, And do it more than once.

The book is divided into:

  • The list
  • The stack and queue
  • Dynamic programming
  • string
  • An array of

The overall question type is very comprehensive, the difficulty also has.

Leetcode crazy training

Finally finally, I still want to remind you, do not just read, do not start their own thinking brush, my experience tells me, even if you read the book 10 times, or as you brush the topic.

Best bet: Read the book twice and swipe 500 Leetcode questions. I’m sure you’ll find a satisfying job.

Finally, I wish you all get the offer, good luck!

Finally, I would like to share the Java interview + Java backend technology learning guide that I summarized for three months, which is my summary of these years and spring recruitment. I have received the offer from a big factory and organized it into an e-book. Please take it as follows:

Now free to share everyone, in the following my public number programmer’s technical circle reply interview can be obtained.

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