Spring’s cyclic dependencies are well documented, and probably not for many people. However, many blogs are not clear enough to fully express the purpose of Spring’s design. It only introduces What, but not enough about Why.
This article will analyze the design principles of Spring’s “three-level cache” step by step from a design perspective and explain why it was designed this way.
Bean creation process
Each Bean in Spring is created by a BeanDefinition, after the BeanDefinition is registered. Call getBean to initialize all beans by iterating beanDefinitionMap in the BeanFactory.
Simply put, the creation process of a Bean is divided into the following stages:
- Instantiate beans – Instantiate beans
- Populate Bean – Handles Bean property dependencies, either Autowired injected, configured in XML, or manually created in BeanDefinition (propertyValues)
- Initialize Bean – Initializes Bean, executes initialization method, executes BeanPostProcessor. This stage is the post-processing of various beans, such as proxy object substitution for AOP
After completing the creation process above, add the Bean to the cache – singletonObjects, which will be looked up from the cache when getBean is created.
Map<String, Object> singletonObjects = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(256);
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Leaving Spring’s source code aside, what are the problems with following this creation process
1. Instantiate Bean
The first step is instantiation, which simply calls the Bean Class constructor to create an instance, nothing more. Some of the logic that gets the BeanDefinition constructor is not the focus of the loop dependency.
2. Populate Bean
The second phase – populating the Bean, whose purpose is to find all beans referenced by the current Bean, get these beans using the BeanFactory, and then inject them into the properties of the current Bean.
Normally, there is no problem when there is no circular reference relationship. If you populate with ABean and find a reference to a BBean, go to the getBean with the BeanFactory and initialize it, even if it hasn’t been created yet. Add bBeans to the created Bean cache when done – singletonObjects.
The populate operation then completes by injecting the obtained BBean instance into the ABean, which seems pretty easy.
At this point, the reference relationship changes a little. ABean also relies on BBean, and the reference relationship between the two beans becomes cross-reference, as shown in the following figure:Now look at how populate does this:
Initialize the BBean, then find the ABean referenced by the BBean, now getBean(ABean), find the ABean also not created, start to create the ABean: Populate, populate, ABean, populate, ABean, ABean, ABean, ABean, ABean, ABean, ABean, ABean, ABean, ABean, ABean, ABean This creates an infinite loop, and the two beans reference each other, and the populate operation doesn’t work at all.
The problem is that two beans reference each other and that the other Bean was still in the process of populate.
All you need to do is add an intermediate state cache container to store beans that have been instantiate but not populate. During the POPULATE phase, if the full state cache isn’t there, you’ll look it up from the in-between state cache to avoid the problem of a dead loop.
– Added an intermediate state cache container, earlySingletonObjects, to store beans that have just been instantiated and removed from earlySingletonObjects after the Bean is instantiated. Add to singletonObjects.Going back to the example above,If a BBean reference is found during the POPULATE phase of ABeanIf it does not exist, continue to search from earlySingletonObjects. After finding it, inject it into the ABean. Then the ABean is created (BeanPostProcessor will talk about that later). Now add the ABean to singletonObjects and return to the process of creating the BBean. Populate the BBean by injecting the returned ABean into it, and the BBean completes the POPULATE operation, as shown below:
The problem of cyclic dependency is so easy to solve, it looks very simple, just add an intermediate state. But in addition to the Instantiate and Populate phases, there is a final execution BeanPostProcessor phase, which may enhance/replace the original Bean
3. Initialize Bean
This stage is divided into executing the initialization method, initMethod, and executing the BeanPostProcessor (BPP) defined in the BeanFactory. There is nothing to say about executing the initialization method, but focus on executing the BeanPostProcessor part.
BeanPostProcessor is the soul interface of Spring, through which many extended operations and functions, such as AOP, are implemented. After populate completes, Spring executes all BeanPostProcessor sequentially on the beans and returns the new Bean instance returned by BeanPostProcessor (with or without modifications)
// on
public Object applyBeanPostProcessorsBeforeInitialization(Object existingBean, String beanName)
throws BeansException {
Object result = existingBean;
// Execute all beanpostProcessors on the current Bean sequentially and return
for (BeanPostProcessor processor : getBeanPostProcessors()) {
Object current = processor.postProcessBeforeInitialization(result, beanName);
if (current == null) {
return result;
result = current;
return result;
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Spring’s AOP enhancements are also implemented using BeanPostProcessor. If the Bean has an AOP enhanced configuration, a new Bean will be returned after executing the BeanPostProcessor. The enhanced Bean is also stored in singletonObjects
In our “intermediate state caching” solution above, we store only beans that have just been instantiated. In the loop dependency example, if the ABean was populate with only the instantiated BBean, it would populate the ABean by taking the initialized BBean from earlySingletonObjects.
If the BBean has an AOP configuration, then all that is injected into the ABean at this point is an object that is only instantiated without AOP enhancement. When the BBean executes the BeanPostProcessor, an enhanced BBean instance is created and eventually added to singletonObjects, the enhanced BBean instance instead of the newly instantiated BBean instance
As shown in the figure below, the yellow only initialized Bbean is injected into the ABean, while the final addition to singletonObjects is an enhanced Bbean instance that has executed AOP:
The solution above is invalid because of the BeanPostProcessor enhancements that followed populate. But it’s not completely insoluble. What if we could make the enhanced BeanPostProcessor run ahead of time and then add it to the “cache container for intermediate states”?
However, not all beans have AOP (and other requirements for returning new objects after executing BPP), and it would not be appropriate to have all beans execute BeanPostProcessor ahead of time.
Therefore, we can adopt a kind of “deferred processing” method, and add a layer of Factory in the middle, in which the “ahead of time” operation is done.
If the “deferred processing” Factory of a Bean is not called ahead of time, then the BeanPostProcessor will not be executed ahead of time, and this Factory will only be called in circular dependency scenarios for beans that have only been initialized but not fully created. The Factory pattern is called deferred processing, and BPP will not be executed ahead of time if Factory is not called.
After instantiate, add the Factory to “intermediate state cache container”; This way, when a loop dependency occurs, the previously acquired intermediate state Bean instance becomes the Factory, and executing this Factory completes the BeanPostProcessor ahead of time operation and retrieves the new Bean instance after execution
Now add an ObjectFactory to implement deferred processing:
public interface ObjectFactory<T> {
T getObject(a) throws BeansException;
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We then create singletonFactories as our new intermediate state cache container, but instead of storing Bean instances, this container stores the implementation code to create the Bean
private finalMap<String, ObjectFactory<? >> singletonFactories =new HashMap<>(16);
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Now write another “pre-executed” BeanPostProcessor ObjectFactory and add it to singletonFactories.
// After instantiate the bean
// Create an ObjectFactory that preemptively executes the BeanPostProcessor on the Bean
// Finally add to singletonFactories
() -> getEarlyBeanReference(beanName, mbd, bean)
protected void addSingletonFactory(String beanName, ObjectFactory
singletonFactory) {
synchronized (this.singletonObjects) {
if (!this.singletonObjects.containsKey(beanName)) {
this.singletonFactories.put(beanName, singletonFactory); . }}}protected Object getEarlyBeanReference(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, Object bean) {
Object exposedObject = bean;
if(! mbd.isSynthetic() && hasInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors()) {// Execute BeanPostProcessor ahead of time
for(SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor bp : getBeanPostProcessorCache().smartInstantiationAware) { exposedObject = bp.getEarlyBeanReference(exposedObject, beanName); }}return exposedObject;
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Going back to the loop dependency example, if you populate the ABean and find references to BBeans, then go ahead and look up the BBean instance from our new latency + ahead cache container. Instead, we define the ObjectFactory of the getEarlyBeanReference above, calling objectFactory.getobject () to get the ABean instance of the pre-executed BeanPostProcessor.
Populate with the ABean and find references to bBeans. Then go ahead and look up the ObjectFactory of the BBean from the singletonFactories Get the new Bean enhanced/replaced by BeanPostProcessor
Now that our intermediate state data has changed from Bean instance to ObjectFactory, we also need to check if singletonFactories has the current Bean after initialization. If you do, you need to manually call getObject to get the final Bean instance.
The loop-dependency problem is solved by executing the “deferred execution” + the “ahead execution” operations. However, early execution of the BeanPostProcessor results in the BeanPostProcessor being executed twice, which needs to be handled.
This problem can be solved easily by adding a cache to the BeanPostProcessor that will replace the original object instance to store the enhanced Bean. Each time the BeanPostProcessor is called, if it already exists in the cache, it has been created. Just return the last created one. Spring also design an interface alone, for this name also very image – SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor
If you define a BeanPostProcessor that enhances and replaces an existing Bean instance, be sure to implement this interface and cache it within the implementation to avoid repeated enhancement
Using the singLetonObjects intermediate Cache factories (” SingletonObjects “), you don’t need earlySingletonObjects.
But… If the dependency is a little more complex, such as the following, there are two properties in the ABean that reference bBeansPopulate the ABean with the refB property first. The ObjectFactory of the pre-executed BeanPostProcessor of the BBean is found in singletonFactories. Call getObject to get the BBean instance of the pre-executed BeanPostProcessor, which is injected into the refB property.
When we get to refB1, we still need to get the ObjectFactory of the BBean, execute getObject, because the BBean is still in an uncreated state. The BeanPostProcessor is executed again on the BBean.
To handle this multiple reference problem, there is still a need for an intermediate state cache container – earlySingletonObjects. But this cache container is a little bit different from the earlySingletonObjects we started with; The original earlySingletonObjects store instances of beans that have only been instantiated. Now we store instances of beans that have been instantiated. The beans of BeanPostProcessor are also pre-executed.
After executing the BeanPostProcessor ahead of time, the new Bean instance returned is also added to the earlySingletonObjects cache container. This way, even if there are multiple references (multiple getBeans) in the intermediate state, you can get the Bean from earlySingletonObjects that has already executed the BeanPostProcessor without causing repeat execution problems.
Reviewing the above step by step process to solve the problem of circular dependencies, we finally solved the problem perfectly by using a cache container with deferred processing and an intermediate state container with pre-executed BeanPostProcessor
As for the singletonObjects cache container, it is only used to store all the beans that have been created, and there is not much dependency to handle the loop.
As for this processing mechanism, is it called “level 3 caching”? Depending on your opinion, Spring is not in the source/comments either (such as 3-level cache). And the key loop depends on the processing, which is only the “second level” (deferred processing Factory + pre-execution BeanPostProcessor Bean), and the “third level” should be singletonObjects.
Here’s a diagram that summarizes the core mechanism for dealing with loop dependencies:But does it break the original design to perform the BeanPostProcessor in advance? BeanPostProcessor was used at the end of Bean creation, but has now been moved to a place before populate in order to handle recurring dependencies. It’s not a very elegant design, but it’s a good one for dealing with circular dependencies.
Although Spring supports cyclic dependencies (only property-dependent, constructor dependencies are not supported because instantiation can’t be done), in real projects such cyclic dependencies are often unreasonable and should be avoided by design.
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