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Advantages and disadvantages of arrays and linked lists

1.1 array (Array)

1.1.1 Advantages of arrays

A kind of linear list. In high-level data languages, there is no strict requirement for the type of elements inside an array, which is called generics in the language and can be put into any unit type. Array of the underlying hardware implementation, there is a memory manager, when applying for an array of computing opportunity opening a contiguous address in memory, each address can access through the memory manager, array access the first element and the time complexity of any other elements are the same, is O (1), namely the constant level. Because arrays can access any element randomly, they are time efficient, which is one of the advantages of arrays.

1.1.2 Disadvantages of arrays

The problem with an array is when it adds or removes elements.

For example, if you have an array and want to insert an element F in the middle, then elements C, D, and E should be moved back one position accordingly, so that the time complexity of the array insertion operation tends to be between O(1) and O(n). The same goes for array deletion.

Therefore, the disadvantages of arrays become apparent when the addition and deletion operations are frequent.

Here is the time complexity for each operation in the array:

operation Maximum time complexity
search O(1)
insert O(n)
remove/delete O(n)
append O(1)
prepend O(1)

1.2 linked list (LinkedList)

Singly linked lists

Unidirectional cyclic linked lists

1.2.1 Advantages of linked lists

Compared to an array, list on the increase and delete nodes, will not cause other group of moving nodes, then add, delete the time complexity of O (1), here is a singly linked list to insert a node of the schematic diagram, we can see that only need to change the current node and front nodes and the next pointer, can complete the insert of the node. The following is a schematic diagram of the node insertion operation of a single linked list:

1.2.2 Disadvantages of linked lists

Accessing the position of any element in a linked list is not as easy as an array. You need to start at the head of the list and work your way back, in this case between O(1) and O(n). Here is the time complexity of each operation in the linked list:

operation Maximum time complexity
search O(n)
insert O(1)
remove/delete O(1)
append O(1)
prepend O(1)

1.2.3, jump table

Since the time complexity of the search operation of the linked list is O(n), in order to make up for the defects of the linked list, we can consider adding multiple Pointers to the linked list as the starting Pointers, so that the search of a node will be more efficient and the time complexity of the search will be reduced.

Thus, the idea of skip table is introduced, and multiple starting Pointers are promoted to the concept of index. Time degree optimization is carried out by adding dimensions and changing space to time. The time complexity of search in skip table is O(logn).

The following is a schematic diagram of the first level index in a hop table:

Second, use JS to achieve the linked list

Understand the linked list of several general forms, we can use JS step by step to achieve the linked list of this data structure.

2.1. Single linked list

Singly linked lists are implemented by constantly updating the next pointer to a node to keep the list in series.

class Node {
  constructor (element) {
    this.element = element = null}}class LinkedList {

  constructor () {
    // Initializes the list length
    this.length = 0
    // Initializes the first node in the list
    this.head = null

  append (element) {
    let node = new Node(element)
    let current
    // The linked list is empty
    if (this.head === null) {
      this.head = node
    } else {
      current = this.head
      while ( {
        current =
      } = node
    this.length ++

  insert (element, point) {
    if (point >=0 && point <= this.length) {
      let node = new Node(element)
      let current = this.head
      let previous
      let index = 0
      if (point === 0) { = current
        this.head = node
      } else {
        while (index++ < point) {
          previous = current
          current =
        } = node = current
      return true
    } else {
      return false}}removeAt (point) {
    if (point > -1 && point < this.length) {
      let current = this.head
      let index = 0
      let previous
      if (point= = =0) {
        this.head =
      } else {
        while (index++ < point) {
          previous = current
          current =
        } =
      return current.element
    } else {
      return null}}remove (element) {
    let index = this.find(element)// The deleted node is returned after deletionreturn this.removeAt(index)}find (element) {
    let current = this.head
    let index = 0
    if (element= =current.element){
        return 0;
    while ( {
      if(current.element= = =element) {
        return index
      current =
    if (element= =current.element){
        return index;
    return - 1

  isEmpty () {
    return this.length= = =0

  size () {
    return this.length

  print () {
    let current = this.head
    let result = ' '
    while (current) {
      result+ =current.element + ( ? '->' : '')
      current =
    return result

let l1 = new LinkedList()
Copy the code

2.2. Bidirectional linked lists

The principle of implementing the bidirectional linked list is that the next and prev Pointers should be taken into account every time the linked list is updated, and the updated Pointers should be pointed to.

class Node {
  constructor (element) {
    this.element = element = null
    this.prev = null}}class DoubleLinkedList {

  constructor () {
    this.length = 0
    this.head = null
    // Define the tail node
    this.tail = null

  append (element) {
    let node = new Node(element)
    let tail = this.tail
    if (this.head === null) {
      this.head = node
      this.tail = node
    } else { = node
      node.prev = tail
      this.tail = node

  insert (element, point) {
    if(point >= 0 && point <= this.length) {
      let node = new Node(element)
      let current = this.head
      let tail = this.tail
      let index = 0
      let previous
      if (point === 0) {
        if (!this.head) {
          this.head = node
          this.tail = node
        } else {
 = current
          current.prev = node
          this.head = node
      } else if (point === this.length) {
        current = tail = node
        node.prev = current
        this.tail = node
      } else {
        while (index++ < point) {
          previous = current
          current =} // Disconnect the original list and re-concatenate it using = current
        node.prev = previous = node
        current.prev = node
      return true
    } else {
      return false}}removeAt (point) {
    if (point > -1 && point < this.length) {
      let current = this.head
      let index = 0
      let previous
      let tail = this.tail
      if (point= = =0) {
        // removeThe first onethis.head =
        if (this.length= = =1) {
          this.tail = null
        } else {
          this.head.prev = null}}else if (point= = =this.length - 1) {
        current = tail
        this.tail = current.prev = null
      } else {
        while (index++ < point) {
          previous = current
          current =
        } = = previous
      return current.element
    } else {
      return null}}find (element) {
    let current = this.head
    let index = 0
    if (element= =current.element){
        return 0;
    while ( {
      if(current.element= = =element) {
        return index
      current =} // To ensure that the last bit is foundif (element= =current.element){
        return index;
    return - 1

  remove (element) {
    let index = this.find(element)
    return this.removeAt(index)}isEmpty () {
    return this.length= = =0

  size () {
    return this.length

  print () {
    let current = this.head
    let result = ' '
    while (current) {
      result+ =current.element + ( ? '->' : '')
      current =
    return result


let l1 = new DoubleLinkedList()
Copy the code

2.3. One-way circular linked lists

The only difference is that the next pointer to the tail node points to the head, so that the end of the list is connected in series to form a loop.

class Node {
  constructor (element) {
    this.element = element = null}}class CircleLinkedList {

  constructor () {
    // Initializes the list length
    this.length = 0
    // Initializes the first node in the list
    this.head = null

  append (element) {
    let node = new Node(element)
    let head = this.head
    let current
    // The linked list is empty
    if (this.head === null) {
      this.head = node
    } else {
      current = this.head
      while( && ! == head) { current = } = node }// Keep end to end = head
    this.length ++

  insert (element, point) {
    if (point >=0 && point <= this.length) {
      let node = new Node(element)
      let current = this.head
      let previous
      let index = 0
      if (point === 0) { = current
        while( && ! = =this.head) {
          current =
        this.head = node = this.head
      } else {
        while (index++ < point) {
          previous = current
          current =
        } = node// end to = current= = =null ? head : current
      return true
    } else {
      return false}}removeAt (point) {
    if (point > -1 && point < this.length) {
      let current = this.head
      let index = 0
      let previous
      if (point= = =0) {
        this.head =
        while ( &&! = =this.head) {
          current =
        } = this.head
      } else {
        while (index++ < point) {
          previous = current
          current =
        } =
      return current.element
    } else {
      return null}}remove (element) {
    let index = this.find(element)// The deleted node is returned after deletionreturn this.removeAt(index)}find (element) {
    let current = this.head
    let index = 0
    if (element= =current.element){
        return 0;
    while ( &&! = =this.head) {
      if(current.element= = =element) {
        return index
      current =
    if (element= =current.element){
        return index;
    return - 1

  isEmpty () {
    return this.length= = =0

  size () {
    return this.length

  print () {
    let current = this.head
    let result = ' '
    while ( &&! = =this.head) {
      result+ =current.element + ( ? '->' : '')
      current =
    result += current.element
    return result

let l1 = new CircleLinkedList()

Copy the code

2.4. Bidirectional circular linked lists

The principle of a bidirectional circular list is roughly the same as that of a unidirectional circular list. The difference is that the bidirectional circular list has two Pointers prev and Next at the same time, and the Pointers are updated at the head and tail critical points, and the end of the list is maintained.

Third, summary

The above is my shallow understanding of the linked list array related data structure, if there is any mistake, please point out ~ ~

The above code is referenced in the book javascript Data Structures and Algorithms ~ ~

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