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This article introduces the realization of some components and the home page, the home page components are as follows, the data in the home page through batch asynchronous loading, that is, the data of each component separate request, reduce the data request jam, the realization process is introduced below

PageTitle (pageTitle)

  • First of all, consider the return function of the header. Write a route return function in methods

     methods: {
        goBack() {
          this.$router.go(-1); }}Copy the code


  • Parameters (title content, return button or not) are then passed through component properties, and component properties are placed in the current data via props

    props: ["title"."isBack"].Copy the code


  • The tag determines whether there is a back button based on isBack and displays the title value

      <div id="top">
        <span v-if="isBack" class="back iconfont icon-fanhui" @click="goBack"></span>
        <span class="title">{{title}}</span>
    Copy the code


Banner (Home page rotation)

  • The picture in the rotation diagram component is requested separately, so the model is used to manage data, bussiness is requested, and the data request interaction of the following components is written in this way

  • Model.js content, save banner list, vue instance, page configuration information

    export default class BannerModel {//banner data access
      constructor() {
        this._bannerList = []
        this._pageConfig = {}
      static getInstance() { // singleton
        if(! BannerModel._instance) {Object.defineProperty(BannerModel, "_instance", {
            value: new BannerModel()
        return BannerModel._instance;
      set vueComponent(val) {
        this._vueComponent = val
      get vueComponent() {
        return this._vueComponent
      set pageConfig(val) {
        this._pageConfig = val
        this._pageConfig.picType = 1
      get pageConfig() {
        return this._pageConfig
      set bannerList(val) {
        this._bannerList = val
        this._vueComponent.list = this.bannerList
      get bannerList() {
        return this._bannerList
    Copy the code
  • Bussiness. Js does request and logic processing

    import Vue from 'vue'
    import config from ".. /.. /config/config"
    import BannerModel from "./model";
    import Clone from ".. /.. /utils/clone"
    const {
    } = config
    export default class BannerBussiness extends Vue {// Business processing
      constructor(_vueComponent) {
        BannerModel.getInstance().vueComponent = _vueComponent// Get the display layer Vue instance
      initPageConfig() {// Copy the default paging configuration and leave it unchanged
        BannerModel.getInstance().pageConfig = Clone.shallowClone(DefaultPageConfig)
      getBanner() {// Request processing, this.$crypto.setcrypto
          .get(, {
            params: {
              crypto: this.$crypto.setCrypto(BannerModel.getInstance().pageConfig)
          }).then(res= > {
            switch (res.result) {
              case 1:
                BannerModel.getInstance().bannerList =
                break; }}}})Copy the code
  • Banner. Vue page is displayed

      <div class="swiper">
        <mt-swipe :auto="3000">
          <mt-swipe-item v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index">
            <img class="imgs" :src="imgPath+item.shopPic" @click="clickHandler(item)" />
    import { Swipe, SwipeItem } from "mint-ui";
    import Config from ".. /.. /config/config";
    import BannerBussiness from "./bussiness";
    export default {
      name: "banner".data() {
        return {
          list: [].// List of images
          imgPath: Config.RequestPath// Image root path
      created() {
      methods: {
        init() {
          new BannerBussiness(this);// Initialize the banner request
        clickHandler(_shop) {//banner click jump
            name: "ShopTheme".query: { _type: _shop.shopType, _shopName: _shop.shopName } }); }}};</script>
    <style lang="less" scoped>
    @import ".. /.. /style/init.less";
    .imgs {
      width: 100%;
    .swiper {
      width: 100%;
    Copy the code

TableBar (Navigation bar)

  • Download the corresponding iconfont resources in iconfont, I directly download in hereStyle directoryCreate model.js in tabbar folder to fetch data (this can be placed in config).

    export default class TableBarModel {
      static MenuList = [{
          name: "Home page".path: "/Home".icon: "icon-shouye li iconfont"
          name: "Classification".path: "/Kind".icon: "icon-fenlei li iconfont"
          name: "Shopping cart".path: "/ShopCar".icon: "icon-daohang-gouwuche li iconfont"
          name: "I".path: "/Info".icon: "icon-wode li iconfont"}}]Copy the code
  • Tabbar.vue, via the list

      <ul id="tab">
          v-for="(item, index) in menuList"
          <br />
    import tableBarModel from "./model";
    export default {
      name: "tabBar".data() {
        return {
          menuList: tableBarModel.MenuList }; }};</script>
    <style lang='less' scoped>
    @import ".. /.. /style/init.less";
    #tab {
      display: flex;
      box-shadow: -1px 0 8px # 999;
      z-index: 100;
      justify-content: space-around;
      position: fixed;
      bottom: 0;
      left: 0;
      right: 0;
      .bcolor(a);.li {
        box-sizing: border-box;
        padding-top: unit(10 / @pxtorem, rem);
        width: 25%;
        text-align: center;
        .fontColorOff(a); }.li::before {
      .li {
      .change {
    Copy the code

Title (Title)

  • Title made a simple style change with H2

    export default {
      props: ["title"]};</script>
    <style lang="less" scoped>
    @import ".. /.. /style/init.less";
    h2 {
      .h2Font(a); }</style>
    Copy the code

A shopItem

  • Create a new model.js to hold the list of read and write items, vUE component instances, and the default paging configuration

    export default class ItemModel {// Stores the list of read/write items, vUE component instances, and default paging configuration
      constructor() {
        this._shopList = []// List of items
        this._pageConfig = {}// Default paging configuration
      static getInstance() { // singleton
        if(! ItemModel._instance) {Object.defineProperty(ItemModel, "_instance", {
            value: new ItemModel()
        return ItemModel._instance;
      set vueComponent(val) {
        this._vueComponent = val
      get vueComponent() {
        return this._vueComponent
      set pageConfig(val) {
        this._pageConfig = val
        this._pageConfig.picType = 0// Default item type: single item
      get pageConfig() {
        return this._pageConfig
      set shopList(val) {
        this._shopList = val
        this._vueComponent.list = this._shopList// Get the item list and render it again
      get shopList() {
        return this._shopList
    Copy the code
  • Create bussiness. Js for business processing

    import Vue from 'vue';
    import config from ".. /.. /config/config";
    import ItemModel from "./model";
    import Clone from ".. /.. /utils/clone";
    const {
    } = config
    export default class ItemBussiness extends Vue {
      constructor(_vueComponent) {
        ItemModel.getInstance().vueComponent = _vueComponent//Vue component instance
      initPageConfig(_shopType) {// Get the default paging configurationItemModel.getInstance().pageConfig = Clone.shallowClone(DefaultPageConfig) ItemModel.getInstance().pageConfig.shopType =  _shopType }getShopItem() {// Get the list of items
          .get(, {
            params: {
              crypto: this.$crypto.setCrypto(ItemModel.getInstance().pageConfig)
          }).then(res= > {
            switch (res.result) {
              case 1:
                ItemModel.getInstance().shopList = Render the page
                break; }}}})Copy the code
  • Render the list in shopitem. vue and add click events to jump to the product details page

      <ul class="more">
        <li v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index" @click="clickHandler(item)">
          <img :src="imgPath+item.shopPic" alt :class="'imgs'+index" />
          <span>{{item. ShopName}} {{item. ShopScale}}</span>
          <div>${{item. ShopPrice}}</div>
    import ShopBussiness from "./bussiness";
    import Config from ".. /.. /config/config";
    export default {
      name: "shopItem".props: ["shopType"].data() {
        return {
          list: [].imgPath: Config.RequestPath
      mounted() {
        new ShopBussiness(this);
      methods: {
        clickHandler(data) {
          this.$router.push({ name: "ShopInfo".query: {... data } }); }}};</script>
    <style lang="less" scoped>
    @import ".. /.. /style/init.less";
    .more {
      li {
    Copy the code

The final item theme component is similar to the item list, adding a click event to jump to the topic details page

The home page

Create a new home folder and a home.vue file under the Page folder. Add the above components to home and create a page as follows


    <Top title="Snack vendors"></Top>
    <div class="content">
      <H2 title="Selected Topics"></H2>
      <H2 title="Recent arrivals"></H2>
      <ShopItem :shopType="shopType"></ShopItem>

import TabBar from ".. /.. /components/tabBar/tabBar";
import Top from ".. /.. /components/top/top";
import Banner from ".. /.. /components/banner/banner";
import Theme from ".. /.. /components/theme/theme";
import ShopItem from ".. /.. /components/shopItem/shopItem";
import H2 from ".. /.. /components/h2/h2";
export default {
  name: "Home".data() {
    return {
      shopType: ""
  components: {

<style lang="less" scoped>
@import ".. /.. /style/init.less";
Copy the code

The above is the realization of the home page function and some common components, the next article will be on the commodity classification list, commodity theme interface and functions are introduced