“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


This year is the sixth year I have worked and the third year I have returned to my hometown.

At the end of 18 years, at the beginning of 1919, resolutely returned home from Beijing, gave up everything in Beijing, there are two months rent. In the blink of an eye, I have been back home for three years, and my life has reached one third of this node. A group of 15-year-olds in their dorm room were talking about what they would be doing in 10 years, what kind of adults they would be, and if they would be rich. Imagine all kinds of beautiful future, so hold the expectation of full marks.

Time finally told.


Overall, the job hasn’t changed, and it’s hard to change.

I have been working in a small factory since I left school, so companies in first-tier or third-tier cities are no different for me. There are a few small start-up teams, and most are technology outsourcing companies. The former work content is a little more rich, more strict requirements for details, while the latter are basically a template, complete a program, the customer test passed, life may have nothing to do with the project.

No matter the former or the latter, the same is more complicated, using a variety of technology, but the level of requirements are not very high, 1 year of work experience should be able to eat 10 years.

(The flyover you must pass after work)

It might be a bit boring and totally out of character for me. Of course you can use titty music to shock the emptiness of everyday life. But Luo teacher said, these are low-level happiness, people should pursue high-level happiness. What is high happiness, is to constantly go beyond the spirit, to break through the upper limit of thinking.

For those of us who work on the Internet, it can mean constantly learning new technologies, thinking about how to optimize products, researching open source projects and embracing the wider world of code. Fortunately, THIS is what I do, although I can’t use it in my daily work, at least it fills my boring life.

From the front end to the big front

I have been using VUE in Beijing. After returning to my hometown, I still stick to the habit of reading other technical forums such as Nuggets. I always want to try anything I am interested in. In the past two years, when small programs were just emerging, I learned Wepy and Taro. I thought the technology stack was too simple, and then I learned React. Although vUE was enough for small city posts. I have also learned a lot of things this year, including hooks and actively applied them in the project. I have also learned about Flutter. Incidentally, I have learned basic native Android and iOS development, and realized two Flutter plug-ins of camera SDK. This is high pleasure. I also learned some other things, which were quite interesting.

(The most important learning achievement is in the form of AAR+Freamwork and jar+.a file)

Work and Study Achievements of 2021:

  • React Hooks get to know more and get started with VUE3
  • Dig deeper into Typescript
  • Uni-app completed 1 app project and launched the two ends
  • Flutter completed two full projects, one with dual ends
  • Flutter plugin development and 2 forms of native SDK calls
  • Kotlin&Swift entry
  • MJPEG transcoding and RGB565 conversion
  • Small program watermarking Canvas and HTML two ways to achieve
  • Nestjs + mongodb start

The two FLUTTER projects that took the most time and gained the most in this year are the ones that enable the marriage app to realize various pages with different styles and in-depth page layout. Another camera application that allowed me to master some of flutter’s advanced features and simple native development.

Continue to explore in breadth

In the past few years has been in the Web, background management, small program development, this year Android, iOS have done some, nothing cli, packaging tools have also written demo, front-end things have been slightly dabbled in, but also barely enough.

They say the front end changes a lot, but what really changes a lot and is strange is the requirements of the customer, and the interfaces written by each of the back end colleagues. The customer’s needs are always strange. The account manager understands once, the back end understands once, and then I, the front end, understand again. Each role will have a different understanding of the same thing due to the limitations of cognition and technology, thus reducing efficiency.

(Self-study room – Postman debug their own interface)

The one that works most closely with the front end is the back end. Without understanding the business logic of the back end, you can’t understand why the interface is written the way it is. Therefore, in the second half of the year, I will start with the product-level framework Nestjs of NodeJS and add MongoDB, which I am familiar with, to try to write some simple things. I will try my best to comply with RESTful specifications and rewrite the problems encountered in my work. I may also use it to do some side projects in the future.

Of course, the biggest effect or understanding of the back end, never say you what garbage interface. 😂


The biggest change in these three years is less and less friends and more and more fat. When I first came back from Beijing, I was still tied to my friends in my hometown every day. I would find them two days a week to play games, dine together and hang out everywhere. When you are with friends, you can release the feelings and loneliness that have accumulated outside, but the time gets longer and longer, and you feel bored again.

A maverick

I have a dream, since childhood, is to see the beautiful world. I should say a dream world, because I don’t know if the real world is beautiful or broken. When possible, I can go out to study and work to witness or break this dream.

All the friends around have changed from thinking about making a lot of money to preparing to marry a wife, after all, the ideal is too far, life is too close. Everyone give up the ideal, have not given up on the maverick.

(To learn English, I recommend Teacher Morty from Station B.)

I started catching up on what I lost at school, and now I’m catching up on everything. Study computer again systematically, improve education background, learn English, math from high school. Those who listened to the older people say countless times when they were young, suddenly understand – work simply do not have time to calm down to study.

But I had to force myself to settle down and study. Socializing gradually decreased, gaming gradually ceased, and more time was spent on myself. The friends who used to be able to play together are known in Internet cafes and bars, and there is no common entertainment, so the distance began.

I don’t know where it started. QQ’s colorful profile pictures became fewer and fewer, short video clips became more and more noisy, wechat was mixed with news from work and friends, and “newspeak” constantly appeared on the Internet. Friends are accepting the gift of The Times, and I am rejecting these things, the distance was opened again.

Temporary upgrade of consumption

I bought a lot of things and went to some places this year. I had zero savings, but fortunately I didn’t owe anything.

In terms of big things, I have my own four-wheeled car, but I do not often drive it. With my own scooter, which is my favorite means of transportation and toy, the freedom to move around the city can temporarily make people forget their troubles; I got rid of the wood-plank bed and the old sofa, which I don’t know how many years older than me. The new bed is the most expensive piece of furniture in the house, but I still like to sleep on the sofa.

(Hammer and Pickup monkey sit)

One of the smartest things you can do is upgrade your desktop to a TRIPLE-A game configuration and buy logic peripherals just two weeks before the pandemic and just before the graphics card price hike. This year I also bought a variety of headphones to use in different situations; Before SE2 came out, I bought an iphone8 to experience iOS system. Why not buy a new one? The rectangular screen with solid keys is my last insistence. After finishing the black apple, I still bought a COMPUTER with M1 chip. Now IT has become my main work machine, but the hard is my true love forever.

In addition to shopping, this year also went to Xi ‘an, Wuhan, Shennongjia, Zhengzhou, Chongqing, chongqing this year is the third time to go. The first stop of every city is always the museum, which records the past of a city and its changes. There are still many places I want to visit in the future. I will read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

(Shennongjia Snow Mountain, 950 km round trip by bike)

Why is it a temporary upgrade? I’m not a big spender. Memories of a poor childhood are etched in the bone marrow, just to make up for themselves before the pressure to start a family sets in.

2022 Live like an adult.

Feelings grow up

A tortuous year is also a year of growth

When I was still in school, MY brother said: a relationship is the fastest progress, you will become better for each other. I believe it, but I can’t understand it. After all, it takes experience to understand it.

She met me shortly after the epidemic ended. It all started out great. The first honeymoon was spent every day together, shopping, short trips, cooking, reading, learning design, and nothing else. Together for a long time, to consider the future of both sides, began to look forward to each other. This is a good thing, but both sides are always clinging to themselves, just want the other to change along with them, and expectation becomes a kind of kidnapping. Finally can not meet the requirements of the other side, quarrel more and more frequent, more and more can not see the advantages of the other side, communication only left to complain, a relationship so come to the end.

(Motorcycle Girl)

Shortly after we broke up, an old friend who had not been seen for many years just came back from other places and casually found a barbecue restaurant to catch up. There’s nothing funnier than finding out that she, too, had just broken up and the main topic of conversation was poking fun at her ex. A boy (or our peer) was very careful when we first met. After they got together, they gave priority to themselves, accompanied each other to accompany the computer, calculated gains and losses in the relationship, and felt that they had paid a lot. This is about her ex, but I feel like I’m talking about myself.

At that time, I seemed to be so, their own things first, their preferences first; Be polite to strangers while ignoring the feelings of those around you; Abstract emotions like a computer, to calculate the pay and gain; Making her feel like an outsider when she’s trying but only for herself is not right.

But before the feeling had dissipated, before it was too late, it had chased her back. Cherish the people around you more in the future.


Some people say that it is better to set a modest goal for work and life, and you must work hard to achieve it. Break it down into yearly, monthly, and even daily goals. Each time you accomplish a small goal, you will feel that you are getting closer to your big goal.

Since I left school, I have made my own two-year plan, or two-year expectation. Imagine where you can be two years from now and what your life will be like based on your current situation, abilities and perceptions. The first two-year goal is to master the basic skills needed for the job; In the second two years, I will improve my working ability, master most front-end skills and work independently in the team. In the third two years, I went back to my hometown. My goal was to build my own side project. I passed 12 courses and pets3.

2022 will be my seventh year and my fourth two-year plan. Move on to unfinished goals and set new goals in your life:

  • Continue to deepen the front-end field;
  • Independently completed the first side project;
  • Self-examination of 10 courses under the surplus;
  • Pets3, listening and speaking to reach the normal communication level;
  • Intensive reading of technical books more than 3 books per year, other books about 10 books per year;
  • Keep a journal, review books, and of course practice your handwriting.
  • Lose weight and get back into working shape.
  • Get married (don’t cherish her monastic 😂);
  • On the back of the mortgage (if possible to build a house home);

Life is so ordinary ordinary, but the goal of the front has a flash, let me continue to chase the light forward.