This article was originally written by Chank. The original title “How to design an IM system with 100 million messages” has been revised and modified to improve the content quality.

1, write in front

This paper will be on the premise of 100 million level message volume, distributed IM system technology, analysis and summary of the realization of the system to master the knowledge points, the content of no advanced technical concepts, try to do novice old hands can understand.

This article will not provide a generic IM solution, nor will it judge whether an architecture is good or bad. Rather, it will discuss common challenges in IM system design and industry solutions.

Because there is no universal IM architecture solution, different solutions have their own advantages and disadvantages, and only the system that best meets the business is a good system.

Under the premise of limited human, material and time resources, there are often many trade-offs to be made. In this case, an IM system that can support rapid iteration and convenient expansion is the optimal solution.

2. Related articles

Similar to this article, the following two articles are also suitable for simultaneous reading, if you are interested in studying together.

  • A set of 100 million USERS IM Architecture Technology Dry Products (Part I) : Overall architecture, Service Separation, etc.
  • A set of IM Architecture Technologies for Hundreds of millions of Users (Part 2) : Reliability, Order, Weak Network Optimization, etc.

3, IM common terms

0) ** User: user of ** system.

1) ** message: ** refers to the communication content between users (usually in IM system, messages can be classified as follows: text message, expression message, picture message, video message, file message, etc.).

2) ** sessions: ** usually refers to a relationship between two users that has been established as a result of a chat.

3) ** group: ** usually refers to a group of users who are connected by chatting.

4) ** terminal: ** refers to the machine on which users use IM system (usually Android terminal, iOS terminal, Web terminal, etc.).

5) ** Unread: ** refers to the number of messages that the user has not read.

6) ** User status: ** refers to the status of the user, such as online, offline or suspended.

7) ** relationship chain: ** refers to the relationship between users, usually there are one-way friend relationship, two-way friend relationship, attention relationship, etc. (here we need to pay attention to the difference with sessions: users can only have a session when initiating a chat, but the relationship does not need to establish a chat. For the storage of relational chains, you can use a graph database (Neo4j, etc.) that naturally expresses real-world relationships and is easy to model).

8) ** Single chat: ** one-on-one chat.

9) ** Group chat: ** Group chat.

10) ** Customer service: ** In the field of e-commerce, it is usually necessary to provide users with pre-sales consultation, after-sales consultation and other services (at this time, it is necessary to introduce customer service to deal with users’ consultation).

11) ** Message streaming: ** In the field of e-commerce, a store usually has multiple customer service personnel. In this case, deciding which customer service personnel will handle the user’s consultation is called message diversion (generally, message diversion will determine which customer service personnel the message will be sent to according to a series of rules. For example, whether the customer service is online (if the customer service is not online, it needs to be redistributed to another customer service), whether the message is pre-sale or after-sales consultation, and how busy the current customer service is, etc.).

12) ** Mailbox: ** The mailbox in this paper refers to a Timeline and a queue for sending and receiving messages.

Read diffusion vs. write diffusion

Read diffusion and write diffusion are often involved in IM systems. Let’s take a look.

4.1 read the diffusion

** As shown in the figure above: **A has A mailbox for each person and group to chat with (some blog posts are called Timeline, see Discussion on Chat Message Synchronization and Storage Scheme in Modern IM System). When viewing chat messages, A needs to read all the mailboxes with new messages.

** The difference with the Feeds system is: ** In the Feeds system, each person has a mailbox, and you only need to write once to your mailbox, and you need to read from the mailbox of all the people you follow. But read diffusion in IM systems is usually one mailbox for every two related people, or one mailbox for each group.

Advantages of read diffusion:

  • 1) Write operation (sending messages) is very light, no matter it is single chat or group chat, you only need to write to the corresponding mailbox once;
  • 2) Each mailbox is naturally the chat record of two people, so it is convenient to check and search the chat record.

** Disadvantages of read diffusion: ** Read operations (read messages) are heavy, and in complex businesses, a read diffusion message source requires complex logic to propagate into a target message.

4.2 write diffusion

Now let’s look at write diffusion.

** In write proliferation, everyone reads messages only from their own mailbox.

But when writing (and sending messages), the treatment for single chat and group chat is as follows:

  • 1) Single chat: Write a message to both your mailbox and the mailbox of the other party. At the same time, if you need to check the chat history of two people, you need to write another message (of course, if you can trace all the chat records of two people from the personal mailbox, but this will be very inefficient);
  • 2) Group chat: You need to write a message to the mailbox of all group members, and you need to write another message if you need to check the chat history of the group. As you can see, write diffusion greatly amplifies write operations for group chats.

**PS: ** Actually, message diffusion in group chat is a technical pain point in IM development.

Write diffusion advantages:

  • 1) The read operation is very light;
  • 2) It is very convenient to do multi-terminal synchronization of messages.

** Write spread disadvantage: ** write is heavy, especially for group chats (because if there are many members in the group, a message source has to spread to a “member -1” target message, which is scary).

In the Feeds system:

  • 1) Write diffusion is also called Push, fan-out, or write-fanout;
  • 2) Read diffusion is also called Pull, fan-in, or read-fanout.

5. Technical solution of unique ID

5.1 Basic Knowledge

Generally, ID designs fall into the following categories:

  • 1) UUID;
  • 2) ID generation method based on Snowflake algorithm;
  • 3) Generation method based on application DB step size;
  • 4) The generation method of self-increasing ID based on Redis or DB;
  • 5) Special rules generate unique ids.
  • . .

For detailed implementation methods and advantages and disadvantages, please refer to the following IM message ID feature article:

IM Message ID Technical Topic (I) : Wechat’s Massive IM Chat Message Serial Number Generation Practice (Algorithm Principle)

IM Message ID Technical Topic (2) : Wechat’s Massive IM Chat Message Sequence Number Generation Practice (Disaster Recovery Solution)

IM Message ID Technical Topic (3) : Decoding the Chat Message ID Generation Strategy of Rongyun IM Products

“IM Message ID Technical Topic (4) : Deep Decryption of Meituan distributed ID Generation Algorithm”

IM Message ID Technical Topic (5) : Technical Implementation of Open Source Distributed ID Generator UidGenerator

IM Message ID Technical Topic (6) : Deep Decryption of Didi’s High-performance ID Generator (Tinyid)

Unique IDS are required in IM systems:

  • 1) Chat session ID;
  • 2) CHAT message ID.

5.2 the message ID

Let’s look at three considerations when designing message ids.

5.2.1) Is it ok if the message ID is not incremented?

Let’s see what happens without incrementing:

  • 1) String is used, which wastes storage space, and adjacent messages cannot be stored together by using the characteristics of the storage engine, which reduces the performance of writing and reading messages;
  • 2) If numbers are used, but numbers are random, and adjacent messages cannot be stored together by using the characteristics of the storage engine, random IO will be increased and performance will be reduced; And random ids don’t guarantee uniqueness.

Therefore, the message ID is best incremented.

5.2.3) Global increment vs user level increment vs session level increment:

Global increment: Indicates that the message ID increases over time across the IM system. Snowflake is generally used for global increments (of course, Snowflake is just an incrementation of the worker level). At this point, if your system is read spread, in order to prevent message loss, each message can only carry the ID of a message, the front end according to the last message to determine whether there is a lost message, if there is a lost message need to pull again.

Increasing user level: Indicates that the message ID is guaranteed to be increasing only for a single user. The message ID does not affect different users and may be repeated. Typical representative: wechat (see “Wechat’s massive IM chat message serial number Generation Practice (Algorithm Principle)”). If a write diffusion system is used, the mailbox timeline ID and the message ID need to be designed separately. The mailbox timeline ID increases at the user level, and the message ID increases globally. If the system is read diffusion, the need to use user level increment is not very great.

Session level ascending: Indicates that the message ID is guaranteed to be ascending only in a single session, which does not affect different sessions and may be repeated. Typical representative: QQ.

5.2.3) Continuous vs. monotone increase:

Incrementing continuously means that ID presses 1,2,3… N generation; Monotonically increasing means that the ID generated later is larger than the ID generated earlier. It does not need to be continuous.

As far as I know, THE MESSAGE ID of QQ is the continuous increment used at the session level. The advantage of this is that if the message is lost, the next message will request the server if the ID is not continuous, so as to avoid the loss of message.

At this point, one might be thinking, can’t I just use a timed pull to see if any messages are missing? Of course not, because the message ID is only continuously increasing at the session level and if one person has thousands of sessions, how many times would that have to be pulled, the server would not be able to resist.

For read diffusion, sequential increment of message ids is a good approach. If monotonic increment is used, the current message must have the ID of the previous message (that is, chat messages form a linked list), so that the message can be determined if it is lost.

5.2.4) Summary:

** Write diffusion: ** Mailbox timeline ID uses user level increment, message ID global increment, as long as the monotonic increment can be guaranteed.

** Read diffusion: ** Message ids can be incremented at the session level and preferably continuously.

5.3 the session ID

Let’s look at some of the considerations for designing session ids.

There is a simple way to generate session ids: a special rule generates a unique ID by concatenating from_user_id with to_user_id.

The concatenation logic could look like this:

  • 1) If both from_user_id and to_user_id are 32-bit integers, it can be easily concatenated into a 64-bit session ID using bitoperations, i.e.

    Conversation_id = from_user_id < < 32 ∣ {the from \ _user \ _id} < < 32 | from_user_id < < 32 ∣ {to_user_id}

    (Before joining, ensure that the user ID with a small value is from_user_id, so that any two users who initiate a session can easily know the session ID);

  • 2) If from_user_id and to_user_id are both 64-bit integers, then you can only concatenate them into a single string. If from_user_id and to_user_id are 64-bit integers, then you can concatenate them into a single string.

The former company used the first method above, but the first method has a flaw: as the business expands globally, the 32 bit user ID will need to be drastically changed if it is not enough to expand to 64 bit. 32-bit integer ids seem to hold 2.1 billion users, but in order to prevent people from knowing the real user data, we usually use non-consecutive ids, and then 32-bit user ids are completely inadequate. This design relies entirely on user ids, which is not a desirable design approach.

** Therefore: ** Session ids can be designed using global increments with a mapping table that holds the relationship between froM_user_ID, to_user_id and conversation_ID.

6, new information “push mode vs pull mode vs push and pull combination mode”

In IM systems, there are three possible ways to get new messages:

  • 1) Push mode: when there is a new message, the server actively pushes it to all terminals (iOS, Android, PC, etc.);
  • 2) Pull mode: the front end initiates the request to pull the message. In order to ensure the real-time performance of the message, push mode is generally adopted. Pull mode is generally used to obtain historical messages.
  • 3) Push-pull mode: when there is a new message, the server will first push a notification with a new message to the front end, and the front end will pull the message to the server after receiving the notification.

The simplified figure of push mode is as follows:

** As shown in the figure above: ** Normally, messages sent by users are pushed to all ends of the receiver after being stored by the server.

* * but push is likely missing: * * is the most common case users might pseudo online (means if push service based on the long connection, while long connection may have been disconnected, namely the user has dropped, but usually after a cardiac cycle server is needed to perceive that the server will be wrongly assume that users will also online; Pseudo online is a concept I want to, did not think of the right word to explain). Therefore, it is possible to lose messages if you use the push mode alone.

**PS: ** Why does the author describe the “pseudo online” problem? You can read “Why Does TCP based mobile IM Still Need heartbeat?” .

The simplified figure of push-pull combination mode is as follows:

The push and pull mode can be used to solve the problem that messages may be lost in push mode. That is, when a user sends a new message, the server pushes a notification, and the front end requests the latest message list. In order to prevent message loss, the server proactively requests the latest message list at intervals. As can be seen, it is best to use the push-pull combination mode to use write diffusion, because write diffusion only needs to pull a timeline of personal mailbox, while read diffusion has N timeline (one for each mailbox), if also timed pull, the performance will be poor.

7. Reference of IM solutions in the industry

Now that you’ve seen common IM system design issues, let’s take a look at how the industry is designing IM systems.

Studying the mainstream solutions in the industry helps us to understand the design of IM systems. The following research is based on the public information on the Internet, may not be correct, we just for reference.

7.1 WeChat

Although many of the basic frameworks of wechat are self-developed, this does not prevent us from understanding the architecture design of wechat.

From the article “Fast Fission: Witness the evolution of wechat’s powerful background architecture from 0 to 1 (II)” published by wechat, we can see that wechat mainly adopts the combination of writing diffusion + push and pull. Since group chats also use write diffusion, which consumes resources, there is a cap on the number of people in wechat groups (currently 500). So this is also an obvious disadvantage of writing diffusion, if you need tens of thousands of people is more difficult.

It can also be seen from the article that wechat adopts multi-data center architecture:

▲ Picture quoted from “Fast Fission: Witness the Evolution of wechat’s Powerful Background Architecture from 0 to 1 (II)”

Each data center of wechat is autonomous, and each data center has a full amount of data. Data is synchronized between data centers through self-developed message queues.

To ensure data consistency, each user belongs to only one DATA center and can only read and write data in the data center to which the user belongs. If the user is connected to another data center, the user is automatically connected to the data center. If you want to access other users’ data, you only need to access your own data center.

Meanwhile, wechat uses the three-park Dr Architecture and Paxos to ensure data consistency.

As can be seen from the practice of Generating serial numbers of Wechat’s Massive IM Chat Messages (Disaster Recovery Scheme) published by wechat, the ID design of wechat adopts the generation method based on the application DB step length + user level increment.

As shown below:

▲ The picture is quoted from the Practice of Generating serial Numbers of Wechat’s Massive IM Chat Messages (Disaster Recovery Scheme)

The sequence number generator of wechat generates the routing table from the arbitration service (the routing table holds the full mapping of the UID number segment to AllocSvr), and the routing table is synchronized to AllocSvr and Client. If the AllocSvr fails, the quorum service reschedules the UID number segment to another AllocSvr.

**PS: ** wechat team has shared a large number of technical information. If you are interested, you can see “QQ, wechat Technology Sharing – Summary”.

7.2 nailing

Dingding public information is not much, from the “Ali Dingding technology sharing: enterprise-level IM king – Dingding back-end architecture of the outstanding place” this article we can only know that Dingding at the beginning of the use of write diffusion model, in order to support the crowd, and then seems to optimize into read diffusion.

But when talking about Ali’s IM system, I have to mention Ali’s Tablestore: Under normal circumstances, IM systems will have an auto-increment ID generation system, but Tablestore creatively introduced the primary key column auto-increment, that is, the generation of ID is integrated into the DB layer, support user level increment (traditional MySQL DB can only support table-level auto-increment, that is, global auto-increment), specific can refer to: How to Optimize High Concurrency IM System Architecture.

**PS: ** Dingding team discloses very little technology. This is another article: Dingding — Technical challenges of a new generation of ENTERPRISE OA Platform based on IM technology (video +PPT). If you are interested, you can study it.

7.3 the Twitter

What? Isn’t Twitter a Feeds system? Isn’t this article about IM?

Yes, Twitter is a Feeds system, but Feeds system and IM system actually have a lot of common design, the study of Feeds system helps us to design IM system for reference. Plus, there’s no harm in researching the Feeds system to expand your technical horizons.

Twitter’s increment ID design is probably well known, known as Snowflake, so ids are globally increasing.

As you can see from this video sharing How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Fan-in at Twitter, Twitter started out using a proliferation model, The Fanout Service writes to the Timelines Cache (using Redis), and the Timeline Service reads the Timeline data, which is then returned to the user by the API Services.

However, since write diffusion is too costly for big V to write, Twitter uses the combination of write diffusion and read diffusion later.

As shown below:

For users with few followers, if they still use the write diffusion model to send Twitter, the Timeline Mixer service will integrate the user’s Timeline, big V’s write Timeline and system recommendation, and finally the API Services will return it to the user.

7.4 58 home has implemented a universal real-time messaging platform:

▲ The picture is quoted from “58 Home Real-time Messaging System Architecture design and Technical Selection experience summary”

** MsG-server stores the mapping between applications and MQ topics. According to this configuration, msG-server pushes messages to different MQ queues, which are consumed by specific applications. Therefore, a configuration change is all you need to add an application.

In order to ensure the reliability of message delivery, the home server also introduces an acknowledgement mechanism: the message platform receives the message from the database first, and the receiver receives the message from the application layer ACK and then deletes it. The best way to use the confirmation mechanism is to use single sign-on (SSO). If multiple ends can log in at the same time, it is more troublesome because all ends need to confirm that they have received the message before deleting.

**PS: ren Taozhu, the head of platform department of 58 Home, also shared the article “Protocol Design and other technical Practice sharing of 58 Home Real-time Messaging System”, which can be read together if you are interested.

As you’ve probably seen, designing an IM system can be challenging. Let’s move on to the considerations of designing an IM system.

7.5 Other Industry Solutions

IM network also includes a large number of other industry IM or im-like system design solutions, limited to space reasons not listed here, interested in selective reading, the following is a summary of the article.

Sharing of mobile TERMINAL IM Architecture Design Practice of a Set of Massive Online Users (with detailed pictures and texts)

Theoretical Architecture Scheme of an Original Distributed Instant Messaging (IM) System

From Zero to Excellence: Evolution of The Technical Architecture of JINGdong Customer Service Instant Messaging System

Architecture Selection for Mogujie INSTANT Messaging /IM Server Development

Design practice of a set of highly available, Scalable and Concurrent IM Group chat and Single Chat Architecture

From Guerrilla to Regular Army (1) : Evolution of IM System Architecture of Hornet’s Nest Tourism Network

From Guerrilla to Regular Army (III) : Technical Practice of Distributed IM System of Hornet’s Nest Tourism Network Based on Go

Data Architecture Design of Guazi IM Intelligent Customer Service System (collated from the live speech, with accompanying PPT)

Ali Technology Sharing: E-commerce IM Messaging Platform, technology practice in group chat and Live broadcast

A set of 100 million USERS IM Architecture Technology Dry Products (Part I) : Overall architecture, Service Separation, etc.

Technical pain points that IM needs to address

8.1 How to ensure the real-time performance of messages

**PS: ** If you don’t know what real-time messaging in IM is, be sure to read this article “Getting Started with Instant Messaging (part 2) : What is Real-time messaging in IM Systems?” ;

In the selection of communication protocol, we mainly have the following choices:

  • 1) Use TCP Socket communication, design their own protocol: 58 home and so on;
  • 2) Using UDP sockets for communication: QQ, etc. (see “Why QQ uses UDP instead of TCP?” );
  • 3) Use HTTP long round robin: wechat web version and so on.

Either way, we can be notified of messages in real time, but what may affect the timeliness of our messages is the way we process them.

** For example: ** If we push when using MQ to process and push a message of ten thousand people, push a person needs 2ms, then push ten thousand people need 20s, then the message behind will block 20s. If we need to complete the push within 10ms, the concurrency of our push should be: Number of people: 10000 / (total push duration: 10 / single push duration: 2) = 2000.

** Therefore: ** We must evaluate the throughput of our system when choosing a specific implementation scheme, and every link of the system must be evaluated by pressure measurement. Only when the throughput of each link is evaluated well, can the real-time performance of message push be guaranteed.

There is a big difference in the processing of group chat messages and single chat messages in real-time IM messages. If you are interested, you can read further:

Realization of IM Message Delivery Guarantee Mechanism (I) : Ensuring reliable Delivery of Online Real-time Messages

How to Ensure the Efficiency and real-time performance of Mass Group Message Push in MOBILE TERMINAL IM?

8.2 How to Ensure message timing

In the technical implementation of IM, messages can be out of order in the following situations. (Note: if you do not know what IM message timing is, be sure to read the introduction to Zero-base IM Development (4) : What is IM Message timing consistency? ).

8.2.1) Sending messages may be out of order if HTTP is used instead of a long connection:

Because the backend is usually clustered, HTTP requests may be sent to different servers. Due to network latency or different server processing speeds, messages sent later may be completed first, resulting in message disorder.


  • 1) The front end processes messages in turn and sends the next message after sending one message. This method reduces user experience and is generally not recommended.
  • 2) Bring a sequence ID generated by the front end and let the receiver sort by that ID. This is a bit more cumbersome front-end processing, and a message may be inserted in the middle of the recipient’s history message list during the chat, which may be strange, and the user may miss the message. This can be resolved by rearranging the message when the user switches the window, with the receiver appending the message to the end each time it receives it.

8.2.2) In order to optimize the experience, some IM systems may adopt asynchronous send confirmation mechanism (e.g. QQ) :

That is, the message reaches the server and the server sends it to MQ. If the sending fails due to permissions or other issues, the back end pushes a notification down.

In this case MQ will choose the appropriate Sharding strategy:

  • 1) Sharding according to to_user_id: If multi-end synchronization is required using this policy, the synchronization of multiple ends on the sender may be out of order, because the processing speed of different queues may be different. For example, the sender sends M1 first and then M2, but the server may process M2 first and then M1. In this case, the other end will receive M2 first and then M1, and the session list of the other end will be messed up.
  • 2) Sharding by conversation_ID: Using conversation_ID will also result in multi-endpoint synchronization out of order.
  • 3) Sharding by from_user_id: this is a good choice in this case.

It is often possible to push MQ before pushing to optimize performance, in which case to_user_id is a good choice.

**PS: ** In fact, there are many possible ways to cause IM messages to be out of order.

How to Ensure “timing” and “consistency” of IM Real-time Messages?

Discussion on a Low-cost Method to Ensure IM Message timing

A set of IM Architecture Technologies for Hundreds of millions of Users (Part 2) : Reliability, Order, Weak Network Optimization, etc.

8.3 What Can I Do when a User is Online

Many IM systems need to show the user’s status: online, busy, etc.

To realize the storage of user online status, you can mainly use:

  • 1) the Redis;
  • 2) Distributed consistency hash.

Redis stores user online status:

Looking at the picture above, you might wonder: Why does Redis need to be updated every heartbeat?

If I’m using a TCP long connection, don’t I have to update every heartbeat?

** True: ** Normally the server only needs to update Redis when creating or disconnecting a connection. However, because the server may fail, or the network between the server and Redis may fail, the event-based updates may fail, resulting in incorrect user status. Therefore, it is best to update your online status by heartbeat if you want to be accurate.

Since Redis is a stand-alone storage device, we can use Redis Cluster or Codis to improve reliability and performance.

Distributed Consistent Hash storage user online status:

When using distributed consistency hashing, migrate user Status before expanding or scaling down the Status Server Cluster. Otherwise, user Status may be inconsistent during the initial operation. In addition, you need to use virtual nodes to avoid data skew.

**PS: ** User status update on the client is also a very challenging problem. If you are interested, you can read “Should I use” Push “or” pull “to synchronize the status in IM single chat and group chat? .

8.4 How can I Perform Multi-terminal Synchronization

8.4.1) Read diffusion:

** As previously mentioned: ** For read diffusion, message synchronization is mainly in push mode. The message ID of a single session increases in sequence. If the message ID of a pushed message is found to be discontinuous, the front end requests the back end to get the message again.

But you can still lose the last message of the session.

In order to increase the reliability of message: * * * * can be in session history list session with a last message ID, front end when received a new message will pull the latest session list first, and then determine whether the session last message, if not, the message may be lost, front end need to pull a session of the message list; If the last message ID of the session is the same as the last message ID in the message list, the front end no longer processes it.

The performance bottleneck of this approach will be in pulling the historical session list, because every new message needs to pull the back end once, if the magnitude of wechat, the message alone may have 200,000 QPS, if the historical session list is placed in MySQL and other traditional DB, it will not be able to resist.

Therefore, it is best to store the list of historical sessions in a Redis cluster that has AOF enabled (you may lose data with RDB). I can only lament that performance and simplicity can’t be both.

8.4.2) Write diffusion:

For write diffusion, multi-terminal synchronization is simpler. The front end only needs to record the last synchronization site, bring the synchronization site during synchronization, and then the server will return all the data behind the site to the front end, and the front end can update the synchronization site.

**PS: ** Multi-terminal synchronization this is also a technical pain point in IM compared pit, please go to the “Brief Introduction to mobile terminal IM multi-point login and message roaming principle”.

8.5 What Can I Do if no Reading is Displayed

In IM systems, unread handling is very important.

Non-reading is generally divided into session non-reading and total non-reading. If not handled properly, session non-reading and total non-reading may be inconsistent, which seriously reduces user experience.

8.5.1) Read diffusion:

For read diffusion, we can have both session unread and total unread back end, but the back end needs to ensure the atomicity and consistency of the two unread updates.

It can be achieved in the following two ways:

  • 1) Using Redis multi transaction function, transaction update failure can be retried. Note that transactions are not supported if you use a Codis cluster;
  • 2) Use Lua to embed scripts. Using this approach requires that both session unread and total unread are on the same Redis node (you can use Hashtag for Codis). This approach leads to decentralized implementation logic and increased maintenance costs.

8.5.2) Write diffusion:

For write diffusion, the server usually downplays the concept of sessions, meaning that the server does not store a list of historical sessions.

Unread calculation can be responsible by the front end, mark read and mark unread can only record an event to the mailbox, each end by replaying the event in the form of processing session unread.

Using this method can cause inconsistent readings on each end, at least as far as wechat is concerned.

If write diffusion also stores the unread through the historical session list, then the user timeline service is tightly coupled to the session service. In this case, atomicity and consistency are required, then distributed transactions can only be used, which will greatly reduce the performance of the system.

8.6 How Do I Store Historical Messages

** Read diffusion: ** For read diffusion, just Sharding a copy of the session ID is needed.

** Write diffusion: ** For write diffusion, two copies of the message list for the user Timeline and the message list for the session Timeline are stored. The message list based on the user Timeline can be Sharding by the user ID, and the message list based on the session ID can be Sharding by the session ID.

**PS: ** If you’re not familiar with the concept of Timeline, please read this article on Synchronizing and storing Chat messages in modern IM systems.

8.7 Separation of hot and cold data

For IM, the storage of historical messages has a strong time series nature, and the longer the time, the less likely the message will be accessed, and the less valuable it will be.

If we need to store history messages for several years or even forever (which is common in e-commerce IM), then the separation of hot and cold history messages is very necessary.

Hot and Cold data separation is usually a Hot-Warm-Cold (HWC) architecture.

The message just sent can be put into Hot storage system (Redis can be used) and Warm storage system, and then the Store Scheduler migrates the Cold data to Cold storage system periodically according to certain rules.

To obtain messages, you need to access the Hot, Warm, and Cold storage systems in sequence. The Store Service consolidates data and returns it to the IM Service.

Wechat team shared this article “wechat background Based on time order of mass data cold and hot classification architecture design practice”, may be some inspiration.

8.8 What can I Do at the Access Layer

For distributed IM, the access layer must be considered.

Load balancing at the access layer is implemented using the following methods:

  • 1) Hardware load balancer: for example, F5, A10, etc. Hardware load balancing has strong performance and high stability, but the price is very expensive, so it is not recommended for local rich companies to use it.
  • 2) Using DNS to implement load balancing: It is relatively simple to use DNS to implement load balancing. However, it takes a long time to implement load balancing if switchover or expansion is required. The number of IP addresses supported by DNS for load balancing is limited and the load balancing policies supported by DNS are relatively simple.
  • 3) DNS + layer 4 load balancing + layer 7 load balancing architecture: such as DNS + DPVS + Nginx or DNS + LVS + Nginx;
  • 4) DNS + Layer-4 load balancing: Layer-4 load balancing is generally stable and rarely changed. It is suitable for long connections.

** For point 3: ** One might wonder why add layer 4 load balancing?

This is because layer 7 load balancers are CPU intensive and often need to be scaled up or downsized. Large websites may need many layer 7 load balancers, but only a small number of Layer 4 load balancers. Therefore, the architecture is useful for large applications with short connections such as HTTP.

Of course, if the traffic is small, just use DNS + 7 layer load balancing. But for long connections, adding layer 7 load balancing to Nginx is not so good. Because Nginx often needs to change the configuration and reload configuration, the TCP connection will break during reload, resulting in a large number of dropped calls.

For long connection access layer, if we need more flexible load balancing strategy or need to do gray scale, then we can introduce a scheduling service.

As shown below:

Access Schedule Service enables Access Services to be assigned according to various policies.

Such as:

  • 1) Allocate according to gray scale strategy;
  • 2) Distribute according to the principle of proximity;
  • 3) Allocate according to the minimum number of connections.

9. Write at the end

After reading the above content, you should be able to deeply understand that it is quite difficult to achieve a stable and reliable distributed IM system with a large number of users. There is a long way to go.

In the constant pursuit of better experience, higher performance, more load, lower cost of power, THE IM architecture optimization road is endless, so in order to delay the programmer less anxiety, we must be slow to code, cool head is very uncomfortable drops ~~

**PS: ** This article is mainly from the POINT of view of IM architecture design, for IM beginners is not easy to understand, it is recommended that beginners start from this article: “A beginner is enough: Developing mobile IM from Scratch”.

10. Reference materials

[1] 58 Architecture design and technology selection experience summary of home real-time messaging system

[2] A set of mobile IM Architecture Design practice sharing of massive Online Users (with detailed pictures and texts)

[3] Discussion on synchronization and storage of chat messages in modern IM system

[4] A set of 100 million user IM architecture technology Dry product (Part I) : overall architecture, service separation, etc

[5] IM Message ID Technology Topic (2) : Wechat massive IM chat message sequence number generation practice (Disaster Recovery Scheme)

[6] Fast Fission: Witness the evolution of wechat’s powerful background architecture from 0 to 1 (II)

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