
When I was a freshman, I learned how to make videos in my department. When I was in the class group, the counselor asked me if anyone could make videos. I replied.

To sum up my relationship with service outsourcing: I helped to do the video contact service outsourcing competition in my freshman year. I officially participated in the service outsourcing competition in my sophomore year and won the first prize. In my junior year, I participated in the service outsourcing competition and won the second prize.

I am writing this after the best time to record my mental journey, so this article is more of advice and encouragement, because I think you must be better than I was then, I can do it, you can do it, believe in yourself!

—— Start the text ——

If you want to hear the story, you can read the whole article, if you just want to hear my experience, skip to the end.


It all started with a group message. It was the guidance counselor Ginger who asked us if we could make videos. I was a freshman and only knew a little about it. Senior said again is a senior sister to ask for help, very urgent. I think to wait our class those make a video to do a good reply, however after a while no one, I look at the total can not no one to help this, is not what bad thing, so I replied: I will do video a ~

I was assigned the task of making an introduction video of their course system. It was from this time that I learned a lot of technology. I remember that I could not read many nouns at that time.

At that time, the video changed to crash :(this file has been kept for three years)

Made a video clip of:

In fact, it was really difficult, and the time was very pressing. Also, because I was really unable to make videos at that time and couldn’t meet their expectations, I finally brought Along Lao Han (Han Zijian) and stayed up all night to finish the video of more than four minutes.

In the end, my senior student won the third prize. Although my name was not on the certificate, I felt that I had gained a lot, which also planted the seeds for me to think that my name was on the certificate.

Never thought of the road

The first did not think: I when the group leader, the second did not think: choose a candidate for the topic, the third did not think of: sophomore take a country 🏆

Really is never thought of the road, in fact, midway a very panic, as the group leader also pressure. But hard work always pays off, and I always have faith in our project. I may not be the key person in the technology, but the feeling of everyone doing their job and achieving a big goal is wonderful

The run-up

After Wei Shuai (Mr. Liu Wei) brought all our groups together to talk about the topic (there were so many people that the whole machine room 3 was full), we printed out five PDF copies of the enterprise proposition that night and went to the snail noodle shop in the snack street to discuss the proposition.

First topic discussion:

Problem matching: we sifted through the questions page by page with a pen and scratched out the impossible questions, including but not limited to big data quantification, hardware design, need to write artificial intelligence core logic, need a lot of money, and so on. It was really a bit of a discussion in the field of work. Finally, the topic falls on four above: two wechat small programs (one of which is A11), a traditional cross-border e-commerce, and a A15 scenic spot identification.

Classic two choice one: there are two voices in the back of the team discussion: Zhao Zhenrui and Wu Ruofeng (above, two people far away from me) advocate the choice of wechat small program, reasons:

  1. Bunsen’s wechat is a domestic platform.
  2. Documentation is plentiful and learning costs are low.
  3. The function points of propositions are many but very clear.

Han Zijian and Miao Chuanpeng advocate A15 for the following reasons:

  1. Write this code must use Xcode, that thing only exists in white apple and black apple, white apple is not every family has this brush off a batch of people, black apple is not every family will brush off a batch of people, and Han Zijian just can install black apple, this is a congenital advantage.
  2. The good thing about Swift is that it brings us all back to the same starting point, starting from scratch, which is not something college students are going to be studying.
  3. Participate in this competition basically is to study, even if did not take a prize also does not matter, can be used in the future workplace.

It’s two to two. What would you have done?

At that time, we just entered the sophomore year, in summary, barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, what all want to learn, why not choose a interested? After the three of us (me, Miao and Han) persuaded, the five of us agreed. Say that at that time we are quite confident, probably do not know what to face in the future 😅

1. What is Google’s API? 2. There were only two black apples among the five computers in the team. 3. How to realize the logic of scenic spot identification has no clue. 😂 is really very reckless, but for us at that time everything is a challenge, maybe this challenge is bigger, but if we achieve the feeling can blow for a lifetime.

The quiz question:

The problem started

Start and crisis: not long after finishing the question, the final… Everyone is busy revising… The end of the term will finish the training again… The winter vacation is over… Even if the time again compact also still want to squeeze time to come, at this stage still can’t write code, then want function, want innovation, chat division of labor, there is always something that can do 💗.

Demand analysis at that time:

It’s an important winter holiday

Winter vacation is more difficult to get, it is easy to be distracted, although early anticipated, did not expect the heart to spread so fast 💔. Just back home for a while, there is no one to speak, everyone seems to do not know what to do, not much energy, I think it is mostly my problem, so there is a picture below, according to this picture clear function points clear division of labor.

Soul interrogation:

  • Do you need five people to code? What are you gonna do about it?
  • What if the team members can not find, or something happens, and the project participation is low?
  • What if the project is slow? I do not say in this first, at that time I do this is not too good, later in the third year to participate in the time to learn a lesson, specific how to do in the back again.

Positive face: the whole winter vacation is not smooth, first of all, I am crazy and active in the group, to avoid silence, basically except coding, I can do everything, mainly watch them

Ink knife prototype (part) :

During the period, I did all kinds of documents, which was no easier than writing code. If I had to choose, I would rather write code. However, I didn’t have to choose 😭.

Document at that time, all kinds of changes (don’t do this like me, it was silly at that time) :

Back to school

The winter vacation is over: text, picture and voice translation are available, that is to say, we have basically completed the core translation function, of course, I also know that this alone can not win the award. However, I still need to brag to the team members, and they will always report the progress to me and send a small video to demonstrate the effect. Besides, the black apple is very slow, so it is very good to accomplish these under such extreme conditions.

The functional demo made in winter vacation is very simple:

Initial inspection: Soon after returning to school wei Shuai will check the project! How to do, no interface, take this to not be scolded dead 😧? But there are still many advantages to going back to school. We got together and soon began to get on the right track. At that time, we delivered a template that Han Zijian had lifted out with Flutter and talked about the general proposition needs and ideas that we understood.

That day Wei Shuai in the machine room put forward a lot of ideas. Aren’t you guys in AR (probably because we implemented an AR demo)? AR to make a balloon, show the distance between the scenic spot and you, the farther the smaller, he will fly away to guide you to the destination. There is no NLP sentiment analysis, can identify the public opinion rating of this scenic spot, and then make recommendations there are many. After walking out of the three religions, Wu Ruofeng said, “Why not heaven?” 😂 hahahahahaha

Departure: because there is only one month to hand in the work, the time is very, very tight, we come back to stay up all night writing logic, interface. Zhao Zhenrui and I were responsible for the preliminary writing of the PPT and so on. At that time, there were only two normal black apples in the team, so Often Han went to bed after finishing some functions and Miao took over his computer and continued to work. Our tech boys stayed up all night for the past few weeks, and it was no trouble to stay up until three or four.

End: because of the nature of our software, we go to shoot the introduction video is inevitable “sightseeing”, we went to the Wuyi Square, Orange island head shot material. Shoot after the old Han (Han Zijian) started, here put a GIF, the video is really good, so say the big guy is big guy, there is a big feeling, with a great music. As for me, I was still “doing miscellaneous work”. With the help of my team members, I wrote everything I could and made PPT. Finally, I uploaded the document, PPT and video, plus the compiled IPA.

Video clip made by big Guy:


The finals!

We were still in class that day, and the team members suddenly sent me a message saying that we had entered the final. A look at the document confirmed that we had entered the final, which meant that we could go to Wuxi! That night we went to the snail noodle shop to have a meal, looked at the list of A15 into the final of the national only five teams, before the south Central, South Post selected this topic were brushed, can not help but sigh. A11 has 11 teams, and the other two finalists of the school also selected A11, anyway, how to think that did not choose A11 or another micro channel small program topic how correct the decision ✌️. Plus we had AR, and actually from that point on we had a lot of confidence, a lot of confidence in the core code logic, and a lot of the core functionality was written by ourselves. Wei Shuai called us to the meeting, let us prepare for the defense, make PPT to record a good video, ready to draft what.

Good news!

To the hotel: after a day of high-speed rail, our line of people are very tired, but that night wei shuai or pulled us again in a room to a rehearsal, at that time Wu Ruofeng has been very familiar with PPT, can do not watch PPT from beginning to end. Miao Chuanpeng was still changing the code. The next morning, he told me that AR translation can achieve what you see is what you get without delay. He spent the whole night adding multiple threads to AR drawing, which greatly improved the speed. I am so happy to hear that. Before, I was worried that the judges would not come out for a long time to demonstrate AR. Now IT is true that I am not panic at all.

Early in the morning, Miao Chuanpeng is still changing the code:

Reply: we draw the sign that arrive at 1 o ‘clock in the afternoon, at that time of our school of the other two teams have already answered, look at all quite relaxed, we also not panic, enter reply room before all is to have a laugh. Once in, go through the normal process, defense, video presentation. Answer the question is the same, because the innovation point, the function point is on your side, you know why you want to do this function, you know how to do this function, so, in fact, the dominant power in your hands, no matter how the teacher asks, the change is the matter. In other words, as long as the teacher asked about the function of our design, we can answer very well. What worries us is that if they ask us about the cost, the market value, these illusary things, we might get nervous, but it doesn’t matter, because we’re 100% prepared…

A defense door, we all whispered steady, steady, wei Shuai see us with a smile came, also smiled, do not need to ask us, we are still on the way to think that our three teams will take the first prize ha ha ha.

A phone call: the next morning I originally wanted to sleep late, because last night we celebrate together to play tired, sleepily received a call from a volunteer said to go to the rehearsal, three teams have two received the phone call, we inferred that we are the first prize, can not hide the joy, hurried to Jiangda. Then the stadium rehearsal photos back to the real hammer is the first prize, a happy batch 😆.

The end of the flower: the next is happy to play, wei Shuai also invited us to have a meal, but the time is still limited, also played a day, harvest a full back to school ~ back to school I posted about, at that time if I have a blog can share these to more people:

Junior year

Yes, I attended this competition again in my junior year. I really felt that I did not learn much in the previous competition in terms of technology, so Zhao Zhenrui and I made an appointment to continue to participate. During the junior year, we also learned some new techniques. Two of our team members were members of the project, and the other one was a member of Rigo’s team. Then it is ready to go, began the second service outsourcing competition journey.

Preparation stage

In fact, in general and sophomore is about the same, if you must say the difference, may be more composed? At that time, there was a relatively mature technology stack, I wanted to learn useful new technology for the future job, so I adopted a relatively conservative selection strategy. Then or the old way, is still to test and so on things, but is not very panic problem is not big, after all, different identity, but now old school elder sister ha ha ha ~

The outbreak hit

Before returning home for the winter vacation, we had completed the prototype design, requirements analysis, innovation point analysis, and learned about some framework for the front end. Then I went home and made a series of plans, staffing, and making sure everyone had something to do. If the only thing I didn’t expect was the outbreak, I couldn’t have. To be honest, it was a bit of a mess for a while. Every day, I watched all kinds of information in real time. From time to time, I was moved and angry, and MAYBE I could not sleep well. Fortunately, the epidemic gradually got better, and my mood was no longer so easy to fluctuate.

But if you think about it, the five of us are supposed to be sitting at home writing code. Of course, there will still be problems, such as a function point for a long time to achieve, how to do too many documents required by the contest, really can not think of innovation and how to do? Wait…

Long vacation: feel every day is repeated, every day is doing the same thing, but the meal has changed a little, often is writing the afternoon has passed, again to eat dinner. In addition to the epidemic, we changed the teaching to online, and our original plan to go back to school to discuss writing code and other things fell through, and the “vacation” felt much longer… Therefore, we can only continue to use the management plan of the holiday. In the day, we write code freely and have classes, and in the evening, we will hold a conference video from 7 to 10. It is not necessary to talk about anything, but we can quickly discuss and solve the problems together.

I don’t know how many black photos I produced because of this meeting video:

One report per week:

Take responsibility: in addition to writing code, there is a major project, that is to make videos, there was han in the past, now I have to face it alone ah ~. There is no way to pick up the mouse is dry bai, find material recording clip, all self-study, direct practice, now look back to feel really is quite fierce. However, it is still not very perfect, after all, the time was still relatively tight, although not as high grade as the video of Lao Han, but the flat small fresh style of the video is still in line with the feeling of our software introduction.

Here’s a clip:

Go back to school

I went back to school, perfected everything I had to submit, and finally handed it in, waiting for notification. But we’re not going to stay up late. We’ve done everything we need to do, which is probably to change the interface, change the video, change the documents.

Regionals: What’s different is that this year (2020) starts regionals. You have to go through one more round to get to the finals. The threshold is much higher than before, and the pain is also doubled. Still remember the same scene at that time, or in the class break, received wei Shuai in a large group of the award list, with uneasy mood to open it, searching for our group name, into! Suddenly the stone falls, even want to cry 😭

Defense: I am the person who knows most about our project. There is no doubt that the task of the main speaker of the defense falls on my head. I wrote the main speech all night, and every time I still made some mistakes. I take the manuscript every day back, sleep at night in the brain will automatically think of the contents of the manuscript. At that time, I felt that I had problems, my Own Hunan accent is difficult to correct, which is one. Two, I spoke too fast and often smoothly or stuck. Three, in wei Shuai’s words, I had no passion, which caused a big blow to me

The final

In fact, it is a pity that I could not go to Wuxi again, so I could only see the finals remotely and rehearse at home.

Pressure: I had thought of entering the final, after all, we had made sufficient preparation and the defense process was good. I didn’t think that we were the only team in the final, which meant that the teachers would stare at us ~ although I didn’t think of paddling, but the pressure will be there. Add demand, change video, add creativity and so on a pile of things come again, do not want to talk again, in short, it is quite boring.

After several days of remote rehearsals, the day of the final is finally here. I gave my speech as I had rehearsed before, but instead of speaking to the teachers I knew, I spoke to the judges. Soon it was over like water, and we had answered all the questions. It felt so unreal when it was over. Was it over? I opened the phone, the volunteers in the next group to prepare, turn off the phone, sigh, all over ~

Bad news: the award of course is still a remote view, the announcement of the award is a list, careful search found no our team, even our this question is not a first. We can only smile, busy half a day or second prize, before also thinking of the first prize did not run 😂

Maybe it is the online reason, I am not so sad, I also asked Wei Shuai, it is true that there are some questions without a first, after all, there are so many questions, some questions may have two first. We can only sigh and admit that we did not choose the topic well. The same day also want to send a say, a turn there is nothing appropriate photos, if there is no epidemic, our game is offline, can also “white whao” school sponsorship, can also play in Wuxi 😭

Well, that’s the end of the story… No pictures…

💜 Here are some of my tips for juniors participating in service outsourcing competitions 💜

A few tips from me

The advice I give is completely based on my own experience, in fact, each group’s situation is different, but I hope you don’t step on the pit I stepped on, some of my experience can give you some reference ~

Advice for sophomores

In the sophomore year, the task we chose was to build an iOS software for intelligent identification language translation of scenic spots developed based on SWIFT

Stage of the problem

Then we chose a without a team selection problem, but we have confidence, the confidence comes from the thinking of the problem, the situation of the players we had is very confident, what also not afraid, because what is new for us, bare feet are not afraid of the shoes, but the energy we all have to learn new knowledge, and aspirations is to get the first prize.

It boils down to a few things:

  1. toHave the confidenceNot only for yourself but for your team
  2. carefullyStudy each problemGet to know the group and choose the best problem for you
  3. forDon't be afraid of new knowledgeBe motivated to learn new things

Before you go home (junior too)

Clear division of labor, clear time planning (the simplest is to take notes, of course, you can also find some efficient collaboration tools), it is best to go home before the team’s responsibilities are very clear, to their own team members to have a basic understanding, discuss more together.

At home (junior too)

Project report to supervise seriously, don’t fool the teacher fool yourself.

It is true that the team members cannot be found, but in the end, we should understand the reason and the consequences, and then discuss and adjust within the group.

Advice for juniors

In the junior year, we chose to build a green integral system embedded code uplink APP.

Topic selection is still a sophomore almost, but the students of the third year should have a relatively mature technology stack, recommended to use the strategy of conservative topic selection, but the key or see you.

Other planning and management is similar to the sophomore year, we can try to use some communication tools other than QQ, here we can use some efficient remote collaboration tools, such as remote video (Nail, Tencent Conference), document collaboration and so on, to improve efficiency and reduce communication costs.

Some recommended tools

Many students ask me how to make a video, how to manage a team, and so on. I have some tools to recommend to you. For documentation:

  • ProcessOnCan realize free online drawing, real-time collaboration
  • XMind: Do mind mapping, super easy to use
  • Tencent documents, Kingsoft documents, graphite documents: Collaborate to edit documents online
  • starUMLDrawing UML and other diagrams

PPT needs (aesthetic) :

  • If you just want to do a simple powerpoint presentation, use itoffice PPTjust
  • If the pursuit of beauty, it must use PPT template ah:52PPT(You can go to the free POWERPOINT),Package diagram network(Ask for the borrowing member of the Network department),Thousands of grid(Also to borrow members, can also go to buy),iconfontIcon libraryflaticon(PPT icon library, need to access the Internet)

To make the video

  • Can be used conditionallyfinalCut“I don’t have this condition and have never used it, but Han Zijian used it and said it worked (the video of sophomore year).
  • Master of colorful animation, I recommend, very good to get started, novice friendly, flat, template is also more
  • prIt’s normal. I’m used to it, because I only have a few features, and I use it when I’m done adding an audio clip
  • ae, easy card, template is not much, difficult to get started, I did not play, do not recommend it, but with it to do special effects should be good, but generally we do not have this demand, right?

So these are just auxiliary tools, it depends on how you use them, maybe some of them you forgot to write down, but that’s pretty much it, right

A final note:

  • It is very useful to keep a careful record of every meeting organized by teachers. The official and school question groups pay attention to the news in time, and make good use of the q&A system provided by the official website to submit questions on the question.
  • Thinking through the problem, thinking through the problem is more than just identifying requirements, mining requirements, ordering requirements
  • The team leader should visualize the requirements, visualize the schedule, and repeatedly evaluate and analyze according to the scoring rules
  • The team is important, otherwise it becomes one person writing the project. If we don’t keep each other up to speed, we can’t finish the project
  • Finally, make sure you leave enough time to write the documents and make the videos, this is very important, and everyone understands that what you hand in is the documents and the videos, and the ratings are basically based on the documents, videos and PPT that you submit, so plan ahead

💜💜💜 that’s it. Actually, it should have been posted earlier. It has been delayed until now, but it is also a summary of a large part of my college life

Write this article also do not know will no one see 💔, if you see this, think the story is good or have a little help to you, give a three consecutive to go ~❤️