Recently, Hr of the company complained that they received all kinds of strange resumes, which were focused on the outside and tender.

Take a look at this:

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My dear fellow, you are really not modest! If you repost 500 times, you are an Internet celebrity. What do you do with those millions of fans?

There are also the following reasons for leaving, you stay in the company are closed, let a person how dare to recruit feed!

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And this guy, who participated in a fortune 500 company’s 200 million project planning, and got a bonus at the end of the year.

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This installs, I give full marks!

I’ve seen over the years

I have worked for many years and participated in some interviews in the company. Generally speaking, Hr will do the first selection of resumes, and only the ones they feel are suitable will be presented to technical interviewers. As a result, most of the wacky resumes above are passed in the primary, and most of the time they are not actually seen by technical interviewers. But even so, there are a lot of outrageous CVS out there, which are highlighted in the following ways:

01 Too long, the focus is not prominent

Some students in order to fully express themselves, or is too lazy to screen and summarize, write a very long resume, this is actually unnecessary.

Generally speaking, the interviewer looks at a resume and scans it for no more than a minute, up to about 20 seconds.

So don’t make your resume too long!

Fresh graduates do not have project experience, one page is enough; For experienced developers, no more than 2 pages is recommended.

** The most important content is displayed on the first page. ** As mentioned above, keep your resume to two pages or less. But the most important content should be on the first page. In addition to personal information, the middle 1/3 of the page is the most carefully and carefully read by the interviewer.

** Learn to delete useless information. ** Because your resume has limited space, you need to delete a lot of useless information. For example, CVS that include a photo don’t need to include a gender because it’s immediately obvious.

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02 Too much nonsense, not related to work

Some candidates seem to have a lot of project experience, but a closer look at the description will reveal a variety of non-job related stories, including specific things that happened at the company, specific features of the project, and so on. None of this has anything to do with work. Take the following example:

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For technical projects, interviewers generally really care about what you can do and what difficulties you solved in the process. As for what the project itself is, it can be said in one sentence, and it doesn’t need to be that long.

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List techniques and dig holes for yourself

Many students often list a lot of technical terms on the resume, wish to CS encyclopedia, such as the following:

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** The higher the proportion of technical terms in your resume, the better. ** A person’s energy is limited, and the higher the proportion, the more likely the candidate is to have dabbled in most of the technology involved.

Also, you’re creating a hole for yourself because when you’re interviewing, the interviewer is going to ask you questions based on your resume, and you’re going to be embarrassed if you’ve written so many skills that you can’t answer them.

How to list technical terms?

When you find yourself listing technical terms, rank your skills and see which ones you have a clear understanding of, from principle to application. If you have in-depth understanding and are familiar with your resume, you will be more convincing and more targeted in the interview.

04 layout clutter, too unconventional

Resume layout doesn’t have to be different, but concise is best. Specific efforts can be made from font, line spacing and other aspects.

The font

** Fonts need to be unified. ** Don’t use different fonts for the same level of content, giving a confusing feeling;

** Fonts don’t need fancy art fonts and color fonts. ** simple Song style and regular script is enough;

** underline, italics carefully use! ** If emphasis is needed, bold will suffice. Italics and underlining are best left out.

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Line spacing

Your resume should never be too dense! Line spacing can be set to 1.25-1.5 times, giving a sense of hierarchy.

** Information is best written as a list, ** line by line rather than paragraph by paragraph. Most people read “from left to right”, so it’s clearer to click on the text.

The photos are obscene and the impression is terrible

If you read too many resumes, there are all kinds of photos, and you will be surprised.

Although many companies ask for a recent photo, it’s important that you don’t look too casual, especially if it’s sloppy or slutty, or you’ll impress the interviewer.

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As a special reminder, here are the pluses

Make your resume more targeted

The purpose of a resume is to get you through the resume and into a written interview. So be sure to tailor your resume to the company you’re interviewing with.

First of all, the situation of the company you want to apply for is clear, carefully consider the requirements of the company’s recruitment position! Then, tailor the content, refine the wording, and adjust the format according to the requirements of the position.

For example, if companies have job descriptions, focus on what skills they’re looking for.

In fact, this requires us to deliver resumes when not blindly sea cast, otherwise the situation of each company are not clear, once received a phone call do not know what the situation is.

If the candidate knows exactly what the company is like as soon as he gets a call, the company will see you differently.

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02 Use your resume to guide the interviewer

We tend to think of ourselves as the passive and the interviewer as the active. No, the resume we present to the interviewer can actually guide the interviewer’s behavior.

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A lot of times, the interview process is about the interviewer looking at your resume and bombarding the candidate with different aspects.

So, after you have some information about the company you are interviewing with, choose the things that you are good at and guide the interviewer to ask what you are good at. Try to avoid the things that you are not good at and are unfamiliar with.

When writing your resume, highlight what you are good at.

In the interview, if you happen to be asked a question you are good at, do not just answer the question on the line, to say more, so that he feels that you are really good at this aspect, lead him to this aspect, wait for him to “on the road”, the following process of course easy ~

In a word,

Every time we apply for a job, we should take it seriously!

Do enough preparation, don’t waste time and don’t fool yourself!