Frida is a Hook framework based on Python + Java, which can run on android, ios, Linux, WinosX and other platforms. It mainly uses dynamic binary peg technology.

One: Installation of frida tools

1. Install python3.7, as shown in the following figure.

2. Configure Python environment variables, as shown in the following figure.

3. Open CMD and run PIP install frida to install the software, as shown in the following figure.

4. Run the PIP install frida-tools command to install the frida tool, as shown in the following figure.

If an error occurs, run the python -m PIP install –upgrade PIP command and wait until the Frida tool is successfully installed.

5. After frida is installed, run frida -help to check whether the installation is successful, as shown in the following figure.

2. Download the frida-server file and run frida-server

  • Note: the version of the frida-server file must be the same as the version of Frida you have installed!

1. Send the frida-server file to /data/local/ TMP of the mobile phone, enter adb shell, and then su to obtain the root permission. Run CD /data/loca/ TMP to go to the corresponding directory, as shown in the following figure.

2. Then ls -L finds the file name of the server in the list and grants chomd 777 permission, as shown in the following figure.

Adb Forward TCP :27042 TCP :27042, as shown in the following figure.

4. Run corresponding commands to run the script.


This time, we will share the introduction and basic properties of Frida, the installation and download of the environment, the installation and start of the server, and run it through Anaconda.