1. Packet capture analysis

When you get an APP, analyze data packets first

Oauth_signature_method oauth_signature_method oauth_signature_method oauth_signature_method Is an hMAC-SHA1-encrypted base64 binary encoded string (%3D is the result of urlencode encoding =).

For this encryption algorithm, the Python code is implemented as follows (PY2, if py3 please note encoding issues) :

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
print (hmac.new(Token,data,hashlib.sha1).digest().encode('base64').rstrip())
Copy the code

From the above, we need to know the data and Token values passed in

2. JEB analyzes the Java layer

Throw apK into JEB, search for “oauth_signature” and find

Java_com_mfw_tnative_AuthorizeHelper_xAuthencode in libmfw.so

3. IDA analysis of SO layer

Click on the Java_com_mfw_tnative_AuthorizeHelper_xAuthencode function, and you can clearly see the entire process of encryption

As long as the Update down break can be found before encryption data

4. frida hook

The frida hook function is chosen to get the value

Why frida? A lot of times if we choose the dynamic debugging function will encounter a variety of anti debugging, crash, compared to Xposed and Substrace Cydia, Frida advantage is that its dynamic execution does not need to restart, and Android \ios\ Linux \ Win \ OSX platform kill

Frida installation and configuration reference: https://www.frida.re/

Get the process where the most front-end Activity is located

import frida
import sys
rdev = frida.get_remote_device()
front_app = rdev.get_frontmost_application()
print (front_app)
Copy the code

Get all processes

import frida
import sys
rdev = frida.get_remote_device()
processes = rdev.enumerate_processes()
for processe in processes:
	print (processe)
Copy the code

An enumeration process loads an export function in the specified module

import frida
import sys
rdev = frida.get_remote_device()
session = rdev.attach("com.mfw.roadbook") # Attach (PID) is also available
modules = session.enumerate_modules()
for module in modules:
	# print (module)
	if module.name=="libmfw.so":
		export_funcs = module.enumerate_exports()
		for export_func in export_funcs:
			print ("\t%s\t%s"%(export_func.name,hex(export_func.relative_address)))
Copy the code

Hook Java layer first, what is the input

import frida
import sys
rdev = frida.get_remote_device()
session = rdev.attach("com.mfw.roadbook")
scr = """ Java.perform(function(){ var native = Java.use("com.mfw.tnative.AuthorizeHelper"); native.xAuthencode.implementation = function(a,b,c,d,f){ console.log('Params : '+a+' || '+b+' || '+c+' || '+d+' || '+f); }}); """

script = session.create_script(scr)
def on_message(message,data):
	print (message)

Copy the code

(This script has a minor error, but does not affect parameter fetching)

Hook the update function in so

import frida
import sys
rdev = frida.get_remote_device()
session = rdev.attach("com.mfw.roadbook")
scr = """
Module.findExportByName("libmfw.so","_ZN3mfw4Sha18CContext6UpdateEPhjb"),{ onEnter: function(args){ var param = Memory.readUtf8String(args[1]) send("Param : "+param); }}); """

script = session.create_script(scr)
def on_message(message,data):
	print (message)
Copy the code

In addition to some parameter input frida error, Token and data are already displayed. Token is passed in first, and then data, which is the second parameter passed in by xAuthencode, Token is discovered to control the value through the fourth parameter passed in by xAuthencode

If you want to hook the data output after base64, you can write this

session = rdev.attach("com.mfw.roadbook")
scr = """ Interceptor.attach( Module.findExportByName("libmfw.so","_ZN3mfw6Base6413base64_encodeEPKci"),{ onLeave: function(retval){ send("result : "+Memory.readUtf8String(retval)); }}); """

script = session.create_script(scr)
def on_message(message,data):
	print (message)

Copy the code

Analysis so far, the encryption algorithm is omitted