Hi. I’m looking forward to the nuggets in the summer.

The interview essay exhibition theme has been carried out to the third round. With fresh noodles by April interview 】 don’t panic, digging | nuggets technology with the help of friends strategy essay (first) and fresh surface via technical interview 】 is not difficult, dig friends experience ashore essay | the nuggets technology exhibition (second), the purpose of the essay show not only to exhibit entry articles, but the nuggets of knowledge and experience in community collection and transmission, Digging gold sauce hope that through this way, let the whole community the most fresh out of the face have been able to gather, show to dig friends in front of, so that students need to save time one by one to find, can see and use, smooth ashore.

The 2020 spring recruitment interview season is drawing to a close. But your interview experience doesn’t lose its value after one interview. Instead, it will shine through the next interview season, helping you make new contacts and maybe even you in the future.

Finally, in the final days of the sprint stage, also remind everyone not to forget to share their interview experience, the prize is still waiting for you, remember to take it home ~

For another year, or your interview experience for awards | nuggets technical essay (including OPPO Reno3, Airpods, Tmall elves 130 + prize), poking the understanding.

“The process” @ caiyongji: in 2020, fundamental thinking | nuggets technical essay about the interview

Let me start with my experience. After graduation, I worked for a Domestic project in a Fortune 500 company, and then I worked for a project in Japan in the same company. Then I moved to a South Korean company to work for a project in Korea, and then I moved to an American company to work for an international project. Later, I made some top friends in the industry, and when I had enough time, I applied to one of the organizers of Google, and occasionally organized some sharing activities of ARTIFICIAL intelligence.

In fact, I haven’t worked much overtime since graduation. In the past seven years, I should have counted the number of overtime days on two hands, but I can count the number of nights before 12 o ‘clock on both hands. After work, I also do coding, reading and other things. It is necessary to work hard, just for myself or for the company. So I’m not totally against 996, so let’s just click on that.

I still have some say in whether I change jobs within the company or between companies. Do you think I am proficient in Japanese, Korean and English? Don’t. I captured the core appeal of the business, plus luck.

Don’t deny luck. Whether you want to admit it or not, luck always plays a big part. To increase your luck, go to job interviews. It’s a matter of probability, and when you try it enough times, you might get a chance.

“The process” @ fairyly: thinking from an interview essay | the nuggets technology

Ever also wrote his own interview experience, interview is each of our career path, starting from the most afraid of the interview, interview to the ordinary heart, had written a little about the job interview, it is your previous interview experience, write down the summary, every year also compiled on making interviews before the knowledge of the problems encountered in the process of peace, I won’t repeat it this time.

This specific interview questions would not be in said, I want to write these interview questions and interview experience has countless, said the main thinking about yourself for the interview, the content should not be a lot of, hope to have an interview for the needs of a friend is a little help, is also preparing to write about his work for a few years later, from the product, design, front-end and back-end multi-angle thinking, thinking about company.

[Whole process of interview] @Ouyang Sihai: The real experience of two months ‘interview tells us how to work in a big factory? | the nuggets technical essay

Today to share their experiences in the group, when I talk about at least brush leetcode 100 questions, a lot of people think it’s very difficult, indeed, actually this is has the certain difficulty for many students, if it is not turn to professional English major students, in the face of such a bitter esoteric topic, afraid of the hair is sparse.

Actually, this problem I is empathy, when I was in college, I was trying to find a job, and finally he found out a good is state-owned enterprises, but at that time, I am most lack of ability should be the ability of algorithm, that is, when the interview they say hand tore code segment, the time during the interview in a very simple question, I should have no ideas, now it seems very simple, that time interview with hand code is send subtopic is good, in the junior year, when I go to xiamen to find an internship, also met some hand code, then I am racking my brains, or was the interviewer Dui, say you coding ability is too poor, I collapse is ok.

  • My real experience: after interviewing 20 major factories, I found that the project experience was introduced like this, which seemed to be a great project! | the nuggets technical essay

Interview preparation process + @ so _ 】 : into what need to prepare for a consortium (already get offer) | the nuggets technical essay

Recently I changed my job. I have interviewed many famous companies, including JINGdong, Autonavi, Didi, Meituan, Xiaomi, Tencent, Perfect World, iQiyi and so on, and have received suitable offers. This article mainly from the resume, front-end basic technical knowledge, projects, team selection, to sort out the preparation and attention we need to do when looking for a job.

And don’t forget the interview summary and review. Of course, the most important thing in an interview is to find a job that suits you. But after that, we can consciously pick up and pick up extra things. Such as identifying your own shortcomings, knowing your goals, and knowing what other teams are doing.

@ MaiMaiZao: the process 】 【 away my three series, naked resignation essay also need not panic | the nuggets technology

Recent market may not be very good, see a lot of friends are looking for horses. But it’s strange to see so many of our friends fail to find the right horse for so long. When I talked to them, I learned that most of their questions were “I didn’t respond to my resume” or “I didn’t respond to my interview.”

In recent years, I have interviewed some people in the company, and I have also interviewed some large and small companies. So there are a few things I’d like to share with you about the interview. “From sending a resume to going to an interview” here, summed up three points to pay attention to, resume, self-introduction, good speech.

@ the process 】 【 bald monk: autumn recruit 2 bachelor, no practice on how to get drops jingdong 58 hkust xunfei sp offer essay | the nuggets technology

Here’s what you’ll learn after reading this article. There is no internship and garbage CRUD project in the second bachelor’s degree. I only got dry experience of DIDI Jingdong 58 Iflyte SP in the autumn recruitment of 19 years by relying on basic knowledge. Autumn recruitment, spring recruitment, daily practice overall process.

And will also get the basic review scope of the monk (summed up the interview brain map) and how to write the resume, the project to achieve what degree, > project low how to do, how to choose the foundation and project, bad street projects can be done, non-related technology stack projects need to write?

Finally, there are some interview routines, skills and mindsets that I have summarized. For example, what is the focus of the interview review? Face to face and the choice of interview knowledge, interview knowledge can not remember how to do? From what point will the interviewer evaluate the interviewer and the pressure side of the point. The interview of handwritten code, the form of hand tearing algorithm, my opinion on how to write a resume. Where can I get an internship? School low how to do such bumpy offer story. Finally, there are didi, JINGdong, 58, Shell, Ali, Byte, Bigo, etc.

Front end school recruit @ wangly19 】 : flowers in May, before the hot face after don’t miss | the nuggets technology essay

I am a junior college student in 2020 and have had one-year internship experience. Big factories cannot get in and small factories have low prices. I am a front end engineer in a 15-member Team of the company, responsible for collaborative development and independent completion of the company’s projects. Every day after work, I would think about my future development, and my job-hopping plan was disrupted by the story of a bat.

The reason why I have the idea of job-hopping is that the company’s business and my growth have reached a time when I need to seek a breakthrough. In addition, the city is not very developed with the Internet and the economy is not very prosperous. Slowly contacted a few telephone interview, can be helpless at his academic record of specialized subject, do not have many good opportunity. My goal was simple, to find a company that had its own product and a business plan. It’s not that you’re not good enough, it’s that you’re not good enough to get noticed. The goal of 2020 is to find a company with its own products in the frontline and settle down.

@ ten one: front end school recruit 】 【 2020 front-end for experience summary, the distance between you and giant may be your distance with this article ~ | the nuggets technical essay

This scum master one, read in Sichuan agricultural university. Although in numerous colleges and universities before it is dregs, but I quite like my school, because I did not find satisfaction with the job melancholy in my fourth year, gave me to protect grind quota (whole school only 10, hard-won, Thanksgiving school, thank oneself). Bachelor degree in computer science, master degree in agricultural information engineering. Love front-end wySIWYG development feeling, love JavaScript cross-end ability, love the combination of new technology and front-end! At present is through the tao department of technology channel and D2C team interview! The following will be some of their own experience and past summary, I hope to bring help to other students.

Front end school recruit @ Horace_ 】 : belated ali and drops by the two aspects, please find ~ | the nuggets technical essay

The author met several companies at the end of spring recruitment. Generally speaking, the topic is relatively simple. For fresh graduates, the foundation is really, really important

In fact, the interview is also a good learning process. First, in the process of preparing for the interview, you can constantly improve the aspects involved in the interview, but in the process of the interview, you can obviously feel which aspect of your own is not good enough, so that in the future learning will be more purposeful. Interview is a two-way street. It’s important to break the ice. If you keep the interviewer looking at you with a straight face, you’ll be nervous too. So the interview skills are very important, the interview is also an important part of their learning process, because the interview process can always harvest a lot of unexpected

Face questions before @ lhyt 】 : experience front-end club for a year and a half & unicorn all seven companies experience essay | the nuggets technology

In goose factory also stayed more than a year, business is general, mainly is too busy, no time to breathe, no time to plan life. Hoping for a more relaxing job, I came out to see an opportunity. Principles of personal choice: at least meet the work-life balance (hard conditions), pay balance, business future

In the past 3 weeks, I have met 7 companies (Pinduoduo, Bytedance, Xipi, Homework Gang, Simian Tutoring, Sensetime and Kuaishou), all of which are online video interviews, usually at home at night or on weekends. It went well. It’s all over. Time is very tight, there is almost no time to prepare and review, ring after ring, so it all came together to sum up once and for all

The interview questions below, will give you some reference ideas, also can indicate the nature of every question, as follows: description: a description of the concept, process, pure theoretical question Example: say application scenarios, or his team practice Pseudo code: write code, but do not need to run, you can literally write, main purpose is to describe the ideas programming: To actually write code, you need to run, you need to have test cases, you need to see results

@ end exams before 】 【 Big shark @ LX front-end high-frequency interview questions The front two years – earning 30 k | the nuggets technical essay

Whether it is the beginning of the front-end novice or several years of work in the middle and advanced front-end. The front end foundation must be firmly grasped, is not sometimes feel that they can answer a question seven or eight, but the distance from the perfect answer or almost mean. So this article can help you quickly attack the front-end high frequency interview questions, including CSS basics, DOM events, JS related, HTTP protocol related, front-end communication, front-end security, rendering mechanism, performance optimization, front-end error monitoring and reporting, front-end modularization and other content. After mastering these, it is easy to deal with the front-end interview. Wish you all have a good offer!

Face questions before @ Nordon 】 : 8 high frequency interview problem essay | the nuggets technology

Json-parse, apply, new, singlecase mode, compose, attribute reading, prototype pollution and JSONP were the basic and frequent interview questions I encountered in the interview process during the week

@ front end of the interview knowledge 】 【 wind first nine javaScript syntax | a summary of the nuggets technology thirty thousand words essay essence (is)

The Master said, “I am wild when I smell, I forgive when I see, and I am wise when I walk.” The vernacular is: it is heard, easy to forget, see, will vaguely remember, but only after the physical practice, people can truly understand. Give the newbie a js base version that I understand, and give the veteran a patch version. Read, their own practice, JS can be basic entry.

@ front end of the interview knowledge 】 【 decimal point: a little bit of front-end modular summary essay | the nuggets technology

Front-end modularization is an old topic. Before writing this article, I fumbled through a lot of articles, found that the summary is very good, I want to take advantage of this opportunity to share their own experience, but also to master the knowledge to do a review, but also hope that you are looking at the front-end modular have a new understanding and understanding.

This article mainly involves knowledge points: IIFE, CommonJS, AMD/CMD/UMD, ES6 and CommonJS differences, module.exports/exports and export default/export differences

Backend interview @ program ape stone 】 : after six rounds of Google interview, failed essay | the nuggets technology

Last year, when I changed my job, I had an interview with Google (here is Google China ha), and came to Google six rounds of interview tour, but I failed. 🤣 Now share my specific process of Google interview and what I think should be paid attention to, hoping to be helpful to you.

First, I would like to introduce my own background, 985 bachelor’s degree, Top2 master’s degree (in fact, large companies tend to value the first degree). At school, there were no scientific papers to write. In social recruitment, I have more than 4 years of work experience, and developed TL for dJI back-end during the interview (with only 3~4 people). The overall interview process of Google is basically as follows:

A Recruiter should Prescreen a Phone to help you get your own Onsite Interview. Hiring Committee Review → Offer Review → Offer Delivery (Yippee!)

@ the back-end interview 】 【 Liu Yue technology blog: how to deal with outsourcing company (Vince hisoft) Python back-end call interview | nuggets technology

For recently, and I come into contact with a few classmates have also tried to go to the market of water, have to say because of the influence of the outbreak, led to the current medium level developers’ with a little difficult, after all, not everyone can go to a second line of large, sometimes the waves of the sea is too big, we have to pack up the sail, thrashing about, harbor dormant, Therefore, we can focus on some positions with relatively low requirements, such as outsourcing positions. Of course, there are some prejudices and low evaluations of outsourcing companies in the industry.

Objectively speaking, outsourcing companies do have some unsatisfactory places, but there are also some benefits can not be ignored: Projects such as contact, contact more people, the accumulation of experience is fast, suitable for people who want to accumulate experience, and have an opportunity to enter the party a, if the business is doing good, have the opportunity to enter the company of party a, party a if it is a big word directly into the generally don’t go after but through outsourcing in certain probability can turn to party a, can yet be regarded as a curve route for saving. Pactera is the leading outsourcing company at home and abroad, and its interview questions are relatively representative. Here, we analyze and summarize the interview questions of Pactera for outsourcing jobs. The technical stack is mainly Python, supplemented by some simple front-end knowledge points.

@ aoho: backend school recruit 】 【 trill, tencent, ali, Meituan hardcore for server-side development position (on) the interview essay | the nuggets technology

First, the identity of the writer’s junior brother Xiaomin classmates. Wang students graduating college recruit is engaged in the development of a service, since the school recruit interview, coplanar four companies of server-side development jobs: trill, IES entertainment tencent, PCG application data China treasure, ali Meituan new retail supply chain, to store business So far, in addition to ali waiting for cross, other offers have been received, hard nuclear power. Wang said he was a technical slacker and that he was a demanding student. This article shares the interview experience with you, hoping to be of some help to the students who participated in the interview of first-line Internet companies.

Backend school recruit @ byene 】 : 2020 for after training plane (20 + big companies) | the nuggets technical essay

Background: Undergraduate double non + terminal 985 master algorithm: no ACM/OI experience, Leetcode 500 + (weekly average top 200) internship: no experience including the following companies

  • Tencent WXG (4 rounds of technology + 1 round of HR + 1 round of technology (HC is not enough to transfer to another WXG group)
  • Tencent CSIG (3 rounds of technology + 1 round of HR) OC
  • Tencent IEG (2 rounds of technology) rejected the second round of interview (technology stack mismatch)
  • Jingdong (once passed, ready to reject, for the same reason as above)
  • Netease Cloud Music (written test 1 + 1 + 0.6 + 1 2 rounds of technology + HR) waiting for the results
  • Meituan to shop
  • Ali news in Taiwan (advance batch 2 rounds of technology) hang
  • Bytedance (written test: 1 + 1 + 0.25 + 1) waiting for the second interview
  • Douyu (written test: 0.8 + 2 rounds of technique) awaits the result
  • other

@ the back-end knowledge 】 【 the ancient prajnaparamita socket asynchronous communication and state machine | the nuggets technical essay

I just talked with the colleague in charge of recruitment. In network socket programming, candidates often have no experience in asynchronous communication, and the client will block and wait after sending data, or start a process or thread to deal with communication problems. Few candidates could write an elegant flow of asynchronous communication that would accommodate the current requirements of large-scale parallel computing. I’d like to share this with you using FTP as an example.

This is a review guide for Android developers

I believe many students will have such a feeling, the first three days just review the knowledge point, today when asked how can not tell why?

The purpose of this article is to help you build as much Android knowledge as possible, and I hope you’ll enjoy it

I often hear some students joke that Boss is not hired, the future is worried, pull hook, indeed, this year’s environment is grim, but some senior positions are still scarce.

Let me talk about myself. I have a small factory background, graduated in 18 years and went to an ordinary school. Therefore, big factories have never given me an interview opportunity. So what am I trying to say? Blacksmithing also needs its own hard, must be to establish a relatively complete knowledge system under the premise, when the opportunity comes, to be able to firmly grasp, I hope to encourage with you ~

【 】 Android interview @ cats eat fish: Android – Flutter after | the nuggets technology essay

I started my first interview with the first company on March 26, during which I did not consider applying for other companies’ resumes. The main purpose was to practice my interview, after all, I had not had an interview for four years, and it was still very empty. Stumbling over two eventually won the first round interview on Friday offer, at the same time the company human there also know that I want to leave for indirect urged me to submit OA departure, our very passive, a impulse directly submit OA, reserved two weeks the delivery time, also is to have two weeks time to look for a job, getting anxious, Directly on the boss to open the resume, and cast five, and then a day past without any reaction, is very anxious, until the third day received 4 interview invitation, hanging heart finally relieved.

The interview officially began on April 15th, and on April 16th, I asked for leave and sat down at home for the interview. There were five rounds of interviews in three companies in one day, and each round of interviews lasted about an hour. Because I expressed that time was tight, the HR of the interviewing company followed up with great efforts. On April 20th, I basically got three offers and one company was satisfied with them. In the following days, the second interview of the other two companies also started, but I didn’t make an appointment with the new interview company, so I passed. There are still three companies that have reached the final offer, but they rejected the offer because it took too long.

I have met with 7 companies and experienced 27 rounds of interviews. I have received 4 offers (including one for FLUTTER development), and have directly refused to participate in 3 HR interviews. Seven companies range from large BBA companies to medium-sized series D companies.

IOS interview @ CodingSuccess 】 : ordinary 2 from white to join the goose factory customs | nuggets technical essay

Some people get into “BAT”, “TMD” and “FLAG” when they graduate, but many people don’t. For example, the most typical one — me.

Hard work can change your fate. Is it true? In my opinion, although I am not particularly smart (but not stupid either), working hard does bring me more opportunities. Through my efforts, I successfully got the offer from the big factory. I believe that you who are reading this article will also be able to do it. So whether you want to move to the big work party, or is about to graduate to find a job this year, if you want to be into the big but don’t know where to begin, hope you can give this article, several times according to the content of this article find the correct and suitable method, grinding hard, and then stick to keep keeping, I’m sure you can get a giant offers.

[resume] @libinfs: Save yourself and stop writing your resume like this

The job-hopping season is coming to an end. As an interviewer of the department, I have acquired many resumes during this period. Unfortunately, the number of resumes received is too high, but it is less than desirable. Some candidates fail to make it to the interview process, not because of their lack of ability, but because the resume itself does not show their ability well, so they miss the opportunity to interview.

In order to avoid the recurrence of similar “tragedy”, I plan to take advantage of this activity, stand in the interviewer’s point of view, share some of my experience and advice on resume making, hoping to help readers in need in the next job hunting more smoothly.

In the following paragraphs, I will describe the three most important parts of my resume, which I hope will enlighten the readers: technical skills; Project experience; Overall impression;

In my experience, there’s no reason why you can’t get an interview with a resume that follows these three principles, so without more words, let’s get started 🙌.

[Resume Writing] @ Shadow How to write a good resume? | the nuggets technical essay

Recently in the busy recruitment of things, this update will talk about the recruitment of the first step – resume. Resume is the applicant’s stepping-stone, in general, there are several optimization direction: 1, find their own expertise and ability; 2. Prove from multiple dimensions; 3. Summarize and refine your resume; A bad resume can cost you an interview. A good resume can not only qualify for an interview, but also reflect your attitude and serve as a guide for the interviewer in the interview process.

In the end, only solid ability is the cornerstone of a lofty building. My career is still long, and temporary disappointments are the best driving force for progress.