A very practical graduates job hydrological, guaranteed to let you find the direction of the job!


Today I am writing an article on hydrology. I hope to give some advice on job hunting at the request of my junior students in school. I wrote this article on hydrology in 2015

The following is my review process and job hunting experience in 2015, although some time ago, but similar

In the job-hunting process of this year’s graduates, I got a total of 4 offers, respectively zhancheng Technology, Wuhan Baina, Beijing Peerless Technology, Beijing Baidu, the following will be my personal experience to share with you, I hope in the future job hunting on the road to school students can be helpful.


I formally review began, on June 20, was going to July 1, be free and at leisure for a few days in advance, since began to review, it’s essential to choose good review data, after the introduction of the elder sister, also combining with the experience of job people at the same time, I bought “programmer interview treasure dian” and “software engineers”, Then previously seen the beauty of “programming”, “computer network”, “operating system”, “design patterns”, added the “data structure” and “object-oriented programming”, is one of the whole data, in order to have a good review environment, I have bought a bike, every day to the north of the library and one’s deceased father grind the junior drove to review together, Looking back on that experience now, I still feel full.

Since want to review, develop a detailed review plan is indispensable, draw lessons from the experience that a set of one’s deceased father grind, I put the review stage is divided into three rounds, and the first round of 6.20 to 7.20, need to read the bible programmer interview, at the same time with the review “data structure”, and “software engineer” in the knowledge of the operating system, computer network and database read, And finish nearly 4 years in the multiple-choice part of the real questions, and “the beauty of programming” the first three chapters read again; The second round of July 21 to August 15, is to read the content of the last round again, and review “Design Patterns”; From August 16 to September 1 of the third round, I went through the “Guide of Programmer Interview” and “The Beauty of Programming” again, and then I began to search the online examination questions of major companies, and practiced writing algorithms on paper, and at the same time completed the writing of resume. After September 1, I did not review any new content. I just reviewed what I had read before, and then I submitted my resume to the official websites of major companies until September 8. Calculated down, before and after a total of two and a half months to prepare for the job, during the period of a lot of detours, listed here, I hope the younger students take warning:

  1. Did not review good “computer network” and “operating system”, this is my most failure place! These two pieces of content I am according to “software engineer” this book will review, this kind of method can draw lessons from, but some knowledge inside is not met basically take an examination of, and more difficult, for example of disk move arm, read disk file, but this knowledge point is in soft take an examination of more, can be misled! At the same time, there are a lot of content is lacking, such as the difference between TCP and UDP, socket programming. For these two pieces of content, it is suggested to take a look at what each company has tested in advance, and then for the review, when you see the company test of the question type, you will know how to review these two pieces of content, for those who have not learned these two courses of students, it is more to work hard!

  2. Finished the software engineer, multiple-choice section in nearly four years.it looked back and feel a waste of time, in fact, the bo just do in data structures, the knowledge of the operating system, computer network, database can see, because the database multiple-choice exams less, more is to give a big problem, let you write more complex SQL statements. If you don’t have a lot of time, you don’t have to do it. Take a look at the examination questions of the company over the years in advance. (The reason for the “Software Engineer” in the real exam, is that I heard the senior students said that the annual exam questions and soft exam are very similar, but now looking back, the data structure part is very similar, the other is very different)

  3. “The beauty of programming” content to see much, the first chapter is completely unnecessary to see, only need to see the content of chapter 2 and chapter 3, which on the array, string aspects of the operation are very classic, sometimes the written interview will also test to the original question. Chapter 1 and Chapter 4, on the one hand it’s hard, on the other hand it’s almost impossible, but if you’re really interested in algorithms, you can check it out. Saw the beauty of the programming but it is mainly for programming problem behind the written test and interview, it can provide you with a lot of regular topic of different problem solving ideas, especially in the interview, I often want to give a relatively low scheme, and then give a improved scheme, because few people can suddenly thought of good method, but also for time to think about myself, This is what I learned from Beauty of Programming. There is another book “sword point offer”, and “beauty of programming” belongs to the same series, HEARD very good, I suggest two books to choose one, and then see through it, do not be greedy for perfection.

  4. Time no coordination is good, I take 75% of the time used to prepare a written test, 25% of the time to prepare for the interview, it was a big mistake, actually can get the offer of the company, mainly to see the interview and written test is just a ticket, and the interview is usually 2-3 face, so everyone in the preparation, review more conscious knowledge of the interview. Another point I would also like to mention, in the written examination, many students are in copy, especially choice, remember in the middle of September, I took part in five to seven consecutive written test, not a to the interview, I have confidence in their own written on principle, the feeling is very unfair, but can get a lot of interviews after October, reason I can not speak, repetitive sentence again, Whether you can get the offer depends on your interview.

  5. The database part did not review, I just reviewed the basic knowledge of the database, did not review how to write more complex SQL statements, so in the written test, encountered write SQL statements, many will not, I suggest that we practice more, the online information is more complete.

The above are just some of the detours I took in my review, and some suggestions, to add:

  1. “Data Structure”, I will not say the importance of the degree, in addition to the basic knowledge, linked list, queue, stack, binary tree non-recursive traversal, six sorting algorithms to write. So let’s do the statistics. I think we’ve done three non-recursive traversals of binary trees, notice that we’ve done three non-recursive traversals of queues, we’ve done seven or eight linked lists, not stacks alone, but non-recursive traversals of binary trees are done by stacks.

  2. “Programmer interview treasure book”, the most important, at least have to see 2 times, 3 times best, strive for each question will. One of the big weaknesses of this book is that it has very little to do with the operating system, computer networks, and databases, so these areas will have to be patched up, as explained above. For the database part, in addition to write SQL statements, but also let you design the table, this test 3 times, feel is also very important, as for how to improve the database query efficiency, transaction characteristics, test many times, also mentioned.

  3. “Computer network” and “operating system” these two books, the content inside too much, did not highlight the key point, actually see “software engineer” in the relevant content on the line, not enough to supplement, this is just personal opinion, of course, if you feel directly read the effect of these two books better, that can also.

  4. “Design pattern” is a very classic book, the book let me a bonus during an interview, I read this book three times, if you want to deal with an interview, I don’t have to like me, you can choose three or four more classic and difficult design patterns, and then put them in the whole, usually the interview, the interviewer may ask you to know which design patterns, this is your chance to, But don’t give it away!

Written test + Interview (Innovation Works)

Thought on September 10, to formal job, didn’t know some company in the very early, the first written company is innovation works, start all don’t know this company is a what, only know is kai-fu lee, and then go to its announcement, followed by the written test, choice is a data structure, operating system, and knowledge of computer network, Choice just have two problems seen in the “software engineer” bo, and there’s a tencent year written original question, question 3, the first is a singly linked list node deletion, wrote a N time, is the name of the second part of the loop string reversal, feeling a little difficult, but I still write out, the third problem is don’t write the source code, can give only thought, concrete can’t remember, I took a page out of The Beauty of Programming and gave two approaches, and was delighted to be called for an interview the next morning!

The next day after I got the interview notice, I went to the interview site of Huaco early in the morning. It was a small office, where there were directors from five companies, and the interview was conducted in the order of arrival. I was the first one, I felt very nervous, I gave you a problem, split the array, remember then used a dichotomy, and then also divided by the case. In the interview process, he also repeatedly to put pressure on you, I was very nervous, more nervous right now, the surface for about 40 minutes, before and after are around this algorithm, after the plane, the feeling is very bad, go back to find the teacher younger brother teasing, had just teasing, received double choose will notice in the evening, I feel very surprised, can’t, so is passed, really let me very surprise!

The double selection meeting began that evening, and nearly 70 students came. At that time, there were five companies in charge, all of which were incubators of Innovation Works, including Zhancheng Technology, Qiushibaike, Doodle Mobile, Micro car, and I forgot another one. At that time, I felt a little disappointed that there were no Yandanjia and Zhihu that I wanted to go to. It turns out that we need to choose 3 companies, and then they will inform you of the final face, damn it, and the other side, I chose Exhibition Technology, Qiushibaike and Doodle Mobile.

In huake written examination the next day afternoon after tencent, is riding a bicycle to the big dining room to catch, just to the door of the canteen to show interview process technology, and then went back to huake, find the exhibition of end face location technology, there is only one interviewer, is the exhibition of process technology of boss, inquire about, sit inside are huake students, for more than 20 people, Feeling stressed out! Because I am finally, HR is going to let me under a surface, good let me get back to school, I entered the room, need to fill out a form, when it was my turn, I gave HR said I didn’t fill out table, let me back to my classmate in front, in fact I want to hear what questions will be asked during the whole interview, also let oneself have a psychological preparation. After a general understanding of the interviewer’s interview questions, I organized the language, estimated the salary I would need, and then began the interview. Because the boss non-technical background, didn’t ask technical issues, combined with a little of work before, the whole interview going quite well, give me a salary higher than I had expected, the mood is very excited, after go out, I will give my dad a call, the first company interview is to get the offer, really feel very lucky.

Failure + failure

To offer the next day, he started the interview graffiti, begin to write a heap sort, unexpectedly nearly ten days didn’t write this algorithm, all of a sudden to write some hard, but in the end or write out, and then asked me the difference between the stack and heap, two-dimensional array initialization, the difference between const and typedef, network protocol, such as seventy percent feel are based. Maybe the heap sort was written in disorder, and I could not see clearly in some places. Then I did not pay attention to some boundary conditions. At the same time, I did not answer the knowledge about computer network. The first question is how to use the stack to obtain the minimum number when the time complexity is O(1). After thinking for a long time, I did not come up with it. The following questions are also not very good, and then there is no news. Tencent later interview, come up and write algorithms, this is simple, then the pointer offset, feel no problem, but then ask the knowledge related to memory, threads and processes have several heap and stack, for example, has knowledge of files, in all operating system knowledge, the more the just at that time, this didn’t review well, also hung up! Is every day after the written test, after obtaining the first offer from, hanging almost every round of written examination, then remember to have hung up the five to seven rounds in a row, not the written test is doing is not good enough, is everyone can do well (everyone in copy, crazy dizzy), combined with their own school 985, major of computer, more naturally no advantage, but if the written test is very strict, I think I can get more interview opportunities. Although the basic are hung in the written test, but there is still a company through the written test, is Wuhan Baina, at that time to my feeling is, finally have an interview opportunity, not easy ah!

Written test + interview (Wuhan Baina)

Wuhan baina lates pen questions, front is the foundation, feel no degree of differentiation, but a few big problem behind comparison test programming level, the choice is all data structure, operating system, and the knowledge of the computer network, each accounted for a third big problem there seems to be a 6, the first 3 very basic, are correction program, after three difficult, take an examination of is your programming thinking. Estimated wuhan baina does not discriminate to the big students, this time together to interview classmates have 6, the feeling is unprecedented, before can have 1-2 know already good. Side to ask you the examination paper on the subject, check whether you copied, especially the choice, then ask some more basic knowledge, how to judge whether a circular linked list, memory management methods, such as TCP, finally asked a comparison test of thinking subject, seems to be about big data sorting, I was the first to a relatively low method, Then he offered a way to improve it. I didn’t review the knowledge of operating system and computer network well and didn’t answer the last question well. So I waited for the notice and was preparing to pack up my things and go back to school. Unexpectedly, HR told me that I had entered the second interview and was arranging an interviewer for me. Followed by two face, the face I was Daniel, I was holding the pot broken falls, anyway, pick up the two opportunity, even if not on three sides, I think it doesn’t matter, it is this point of view, let me particularly relaxed, during an interview with the interviewer talk about smile, don’t feel like the interview at that time, more like technical exchanges, even some places do not understand, he will give me prompt. Remember the last question, when the data in the database is very big, what to do at this moment, I was just thinking of distributed database, and then he asked me how to build the distributed database, how to find the corresponding data, how to efficient query data, etc., I was good to be true, the hash table all full out, but feel the interviewer is satisfied. During the interview process, he will guide me, actually he is not to give you a definite answer, but for a haven’t met the problem, the way you think, in fact, for this problem, I didn’t met before, distributed database, I’ve just heard, through his boot, when I give a satisfactory answer, I felt there was no problem with the second interview, and sure enough, he directly let me enter the HR interview. Although the HR did not offer me directly in the end, I guess there was no problem. This offer gives me a lot of confidence. Although I failed the written test all the time, I still feel that the preparation before was not in vain.

Written test + interview (Baidu, Beijing)

Dolphin interview after the end of the second day is baidu’s written test, feel baidu’s written test is very formal, invigilation is very strict, this let me feel very fair, but at that time I applied for the mobile development of Shenzhen, the country only recruit 10, at that time did not think can enter Baidu, just hope that they can lead baidu side, is very satisfied. Baidu’s written test have no choice, it is a big problem, and these questions are not simple, there are trees of non-recursive traversal, Android interface design, database table design, etc., the title is very flexible, but feel a good, together with the written test is fair, so I have confidence in yourself to the interview or, sure enough, the next day baidu one side of the notice. Later, I asked other students in the class, and one of them also passed baidu written test, so I feel that the passing rate of Baidu written test is relatively low.

Baidu side, than I imagined to be much simpler, unlike Tencent, up is pit dad’s memory. Baidu’s knowledge was very basic, from C++ to data structure, from operating system to computer network, and I wrote algorithms and asked about design patterns. After more than 40 minutes, I had no problems except for the last intelligence question. In the evening, I received a notice from baidu for the second interview.

The next day the same time point to Wuwu For Baidu’s second face, a little not nervous, but when entering the second face, I was nervous. Second interview is a technology and, as a result of started a little nervous, a lot of not clear answer described, face to face for nearly 30 minutes, the whole interview has entered a stalemate, the mood is not very good, feel hopeless, strange to say, when I feel no mind suddenly a lot better, it doesn’t matter, anyway, plane surface, can enter baidu second interview, That’s enough, actually. With this in mind, and for more than an hour, ask the question a lot, c + +, data structure, operating system, computer network, database, can feel ask asked, lasted for 2 hours before and after the last 2 minutes for me, let me write a algorithm, using the method of recursive inversion list, but it took me less than a minute to write, the whole interview will stop here, It was also the longest interview I had ever had. (For this interview, there was a small incident, because at that time I had some physical problems, I could not sit, let alone walk, so I was lying down during the interview, I sincerely thank the interviewer, I hope to see him in baidu in the future, to express my thanks to him!)

The third day is baidu’s three, really did not expect to enter Baidu’s three, pass through the six, this is not false, Baidu’s three is still technical, the first two test your foundation, the last test your ability to write code and thinking. First self-introduction, and talk about their own advantages, then let me write a queue, at that time, there is a place to write some questions, asked for a long time, the second question is a train ticket booking system related database design topic, let you design a database that can satisfy user’s booking and refund function, can satisfy the quick query function at the same time, the design is the foundation, the query is the key, Although didn’t buy train ticket, but haven’t eaten pork always seen a pig run, I also know that the interviewer does not entertain wild hope I can give a satisfactory answer at once, he just wanted to see the way you think and problem solving skills, I design database first, and then to transform query problem, also can’t remember the details, however, At least I gave my own solution to the problem, and it is feasible. (After the three interviews, excellent students received the offer in a few days, while I didn’t notice my performance in the third interview and didn’t give me the offer until early November. Therefore, students who didn’t get the offer immediately after the three interviews on Baidu don’t need to be discouraged.)

Other companies

The last offer is Beijing Wushuang, I got this offer on October 10th, I had a written test and an interview, I feel quite smooth, I will have 4399 on three interviews on October 15th, I need a week to get the notice, because Wuhan Baina is in a tight hurry and the salary is quite good in Wuhan, I signed dolphin on the afternoon of 15th. So on October 15th, I ended the job hunting journey early, but after I got the offer from Baidu, I planned to destroy dolphin and sign with Baidu, but that is a story later. In the process of looking for a job, I actually interviewed a lot of companies, in addition to the companies mentioned above, sohu, Deep convinced, coolpai, jingdong, etc., written test companies are more, PPS, Meituan, flight home, ThougntWorks, digital political, etc., as for the specific written test how many, I can not remember!


Is looking for a job with a very obvious characteristics, is considered a “school, due to the large companies of 985 school students in September when looking for a job in a big disadvantage, so most of the students is to find a job in October, 211 and for those of us who non-computer majored students, want to find a job in September, even harder, So students have yet to find a job in September, don’t worry, in October is when we take the offer, but there are words “golden nine silver ten”, namely the big Internet companies like BAT recruitment is concentrated in the September, October, small and medium-sized companies, so if you want to get a BAT offers, or very difficult, but as long as there is a chance, Hope everyone can strive for it! Finally, I wish you all can find the right job!

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