Generally speaking, spend half a year to cultivate people, hope you can stay more than 2 years of the company to see personal ability and foundation.

Hope you can start to do the project immediately, to your expectations are not high to see the project.

But often they take people who have good foundation and run away after they have project experience.

Those with project experience spent two years catching up on the basics.

If the interviewer is young, fresh out of college or with two or three years of work experience, I tend to ask more in-depth questions about basic knowledge of operating systems, data structures, network knowledge, and relational database theory.

If it’s an experienced person, I would generally ask for a few simple basics to make sure that the person is not a gray market in the general sense (if it is… That, caocao asked after it announced the end of the interview a few problems, bai), and then the other party in the past project experience used in technology or design in-depth questions, sometimes the other project said did some technical details of inconvenient public, that I’ll live to a design topic, let the other side to a design solution.

In general, the other party if it is really have idea about technology, his willing to study, I asked the deeper, the other should have been better, but the reality is that generally I asked a little darker, began to hard each other, but to be honest, demanding are not penalised, as long as he really think about things they used before, something to talk about it is, in general, Only copy paste programmers, at this stage basically have nothing to say, or some empty talk.

So say, as long as do not talk empty talk, I generally let. Our company’s requirements are not high, not required to be excellent, and not required to talk about any technology can be easily, talk with ease, basically, is to see whether the interviewer like technology, whether there is their own understanding and thinking about technology.

We think that can meet this requirement, it is ok, high level, high salary, more work, almost level, low salary, less work, also is.

By the way, during the interview, I asked you a wide range of questions and details. Only when I was hired did I find that you were still a screw.

During the interview, many interviewers asked very carefully and in detail, very standard. For a moment, I thought that the company’s project was very standard, the code was very rigorous, and my colleagues were very good.

However, when I entered the company, I found that there were no norms and preciseness. There is no the