Tomcat could not find the JRE or start the JVM
When Tomcat is started, the Windows environment will find the JAVA_HOME variable, which will find the JRE.
By default, Tomcat port 8080 is occupied
JVM_Bind< NULL >: port 8080 is set to server.xml in /conf
CATALINA environment variable
CATALINA_HOME is the environment variable that Tomcat uses to look up the tomcat root directory
Tomcat deployment problem for Eclipse Mars
If the. DLL cannot be found, copy the tcnative-1. DLL from tomcat/bin to JDK /bin
Eclipse Mars is automatically packaged into the Tomcat/Webapps directory
Change Server Locations to use Tomcat Installation and change Deploy Path to webapps
Garbled, modify the default encoding
URIEncoding=” utF-8 “in /conf/server. XML
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