Introduction to the

Make an App where you can look at girls.

The main features

  1. Support to browse pictures, support up and down page
  2. Support collection of pictures


Technical point

  1. Retrofit+okHttp: Access the network interface for data
  2. Coroutines: asynchronous invocation
  3. ViewPager2: To turn pages
  4. Glide: Display pictures
  5. Room: Operates the sqLite database to record and read data
  6. BottomNavigationView: Bottom navigation bar
  7. Recyclerview: Displays the list

Code directory screenshot

Complete source code…

About me

Xiamen university computer professional | huawei eight years senior engineer Ten years software development experience, 5 years experience in teaching programming training Currently engaged in the teaching of programming, software development, software class graduation design guidance. All programming materials and open source projects can be found at…