Why code extensibility

We write the code for certain requirements of the service, but the demand is not invariable, when the requirements change, if our code has a good scalability, we may simply have to do is add or remove modules, if extensibility is not good, may be required to rewrite all the code, that is a disaster. So improving the extensibility of code is imperative. What is good scalability? Good extensibility should have the following characteristics:

  1. When requirements change, the code does not need to be rewritten.
  2. Local code changes do not result in wholesale changes. Sometimes when we refactor a piece of code, we find that it is mixed with the rest of the code. There are all kinds of coupling, one thing is done in several places, and to change this piece of code, we have to change a lot of other code. That means the code is too coupled and doesn’t scale well.
  3. It is easy to introduce new functions and modules.

How to improve code extensibility?

Of course, I learned from excellent codes. This article will go deep into Axios, Node.js, Vue and other excellent frameworks, summarize several design patterns from their source code, and then try to solve the problems in the work with these design patterns. This article focuses on the chain of responsibility pattern, the observer pattern, the adapter pattern, and the decorator pattern. Let’s take a look:

Chain of Responsibility model

As the name implies, the responsibility chain mode is a chain, which is connected with many responsibilities. An event can be dealt with successively by the responsibilities on the chain. His advantage is that each responsibility on the chain, you only need to care about their own affairs, do not need to know what is their last step, what is the next step, with the responsibility of the upper and lower are not coupled, so when the upper and lower responsibility changes, they are not affected, add or reduce responsibility on the chain is very convenient.

Example: Axios interceptor

Those of you who have used Axios should know that the interceptors for Axios have request interceptors and response interceptors. They are executed in the order request interceptor > request request > response interceptor, which is basically a chain of three responsibilities. Let’s see how this chain works:

// Start with the usage, usually we add interceptors like this
// instance.interceptors.request.use(fulfilled, rejected)
// Write an Axios class for this usage.
function Axios() {
  // The instance has an interceptors object with request and Response attributes
  // Both properties are instances of the InterceptorManager
  this.interceptors = {
    request: new InterceptorManager(),
    response: new InterceptorManager()

// Then implement the InterceptorManager class
function InterceptorManager() {
  // There is an array on the instance that stores interceptor methods
  this.handlers = [];

// InterceptorManager has an instance method use
InterceptorManager.prototype.use = function(fulfilled, rejected) {
  // This method is very simple, put the incoming callbacks in the handlers
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The above code actually completes the logic of interceptor creation and use, it is not complicated, so when are these interceptor methods executed? Is, of course, we call the instance. The request, call the instance. The request of the real execution is request initiated interceptors – > request – > the interceptor chain, so we need to implement the Axios. Prototype. Request:

Axios.prototype.request = function(config) {
  // chain stores the method chain we want to execute
  // dispatchRequest is a method for making network requests. This article focuses on design patterns. This method is not implemented
  // The method that initiates network requests should be placed in the middle of the chain
  const chain = [dispatchRequest, undefined];
  Handlers take methods from request.handlers and put them in
  this.interceptors.request.handlers.forEach(function unshiftRequestInterceptors(interceptor) {
    chain.unshift(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);
  Handlers take methods from response. Handlers and put them in
  this.interceptors.response.handlers.forEach(function pushResponseInterceptors(interceptor) {
    chain.push(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);
  // The chain looks like this:
  // [request.fulfilled, request.rejected, dispatchRequest, undefined, response.fulfilled,  
  // response.rejected]
  // This is done in the order of request interceptor > initiate request interceptor > response interceptor
  let promise = Promise.resolve(config);   // Make an empty promise to start then
  while (chain.length) {
    // make chain calls with promise.then
    promise = promise.then(chain.shift(), chain.shift());

  return promise;
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The above code is simplified from Axios source code, and it can be seen that he skillfully uses the chain of responsibility model, organizing tasks to be done into a chain. Tasks in this chain do not affect each other, and interceptors can be optional, and there can be multiple, very compatible.

Example: Chain of responsibility organizes form validation

Having seen the application of the chain of responsibility model by the excellent framework, let’s take a look at how this model can be used in our daily work. Now suppose you have a requirement to do a form validation that requires the front end to verify the format and so on, and then the API sends it to the back end for validation. Let’s first analyze this requirement, front-end verification is synchronous, back-end verification is asynchronous, and the whole process is synchronous asynchronous interweaving. In order to be compatible with this situation, the return value of each of our verification methods needs to be wrapped as a promise

// Write a method for front-end validation
function frontEndValidator(inputValue) {
  return Promise.resolve(inputValue);      // Note that the return value is a promise

// Write a method for backend validation
function backEndValidator(inputValue) {
  return Promise.resolve(inputValue);      

// Write a validator
function validator(inputValue) {
  // Copy Axios and put each step into an array
  const validators = [frontEndValidator, backEndValidator];
  // Axios is a chain of responsibilities that loops through promise.then, so we use async instead
  async function runValidate() {
    let result = inputValue;
    while(validators.length) {
      result = await validators.shift()(result);
    return result;
  // Execute runValidate. Note that the return value is also a promise
  runValidate().then((res) = > {console.log(res)});

// The above code is ready to execute, but we do not have specific verification logic, the input value will be returned unchanged
validator(123);     // Output: 123
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In the code above, we use the chain of responsibility pattern to organize multiple validators. These validators are independent of each other. If you need to reduce a validator later, you simply remove it from the Validators array and add it to the array. The degree of coupling between these validators is greatly reduced, and they encapsulate promises, which can also be used by other modules, which can organize their own responsibility chains as needed.

Observer model

The observer mode is also known as publish/subscribe mode, which is well-known in the JS world. The most common one is event binding. Some interviews will require candidates to hand write an event center, which is actually an observer mode. The advantage of the observer pattern is that the producer and consumer of an event can be unaware of each other and only need to generate and consume the corresponding event, which is especially suitable for the situation where the producer and consumer of the event are not convenient to call directly, such as asynchronous. Let’s write an observer model:

class PubSub {
  constructor() {
    // An object holds all message subscriptions
    // Each message corresponds to an array with the following structure
    / / {
    // "event1": [cb1, cb2]
    // }
    this.events = {}

  subscribe(event, callback) {
    if(this.events[event]) {
      // If someone subscribed, the key already exists, just add it to it
    } else {
      // If no one subscribed, create an array and put it in the callback
      this.events[event] = [callback]

  publish(event, ... args) {
    // Retrieve all subscriber callback execution
    const subscribedEvents = this.events[event];

    if(subscribedEvents && subscribedEvents.length) {
      subscribedEvents.forEach(callback= > {
        callback.call(this. args); }); }}unsubscribe(event, callback) {
    // Delete one subscription and keep others
    const subscribedEvents = this.events[event];

    if(subscribedEvents && subscribedEvents.length) {
      this.events[event] = this.events[event].filter(cb= >cb ! == callback) } } }// When used
const pubSub = new PubSub();
pubSub.subscribe('event1'.() = > {});    // Register events
pubSub.publish('event1');                // Publish events
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Example: EventEmitter of Node.js

A typical application of observer mode is EventEmitter of Node.js. I have another article that reads the source code of EventEmitter of Node.js from the perspective of publishing and subscription mode. It explains the principle of observer mode and EventEmitter source of Node.js in detail from the perspective of asynchronous application. I won’t repeat the writing here, the handwritten code above is also from this article.

Example: Spin around a raffle

The same, look at the source code of the excellent framework, we also want to try to use it, here is an example of the circle lottery. Must be a lot of friends in the online lottery, a rotary table, inside all kinds of prizes, click on the lottery, and then the pointer began to spin, and finally will stop at a prize there. We’re going to do that in this example, but we also need to go a little faster with each turn. Let’s analyze this requirement:

  1. To draw the wheel, we must draw the wheel first.
  2. The lottery will definitely have a result, whether there is a prize or not, the specific prize, generally this result is returned by API, many implementation schemes are to click the lottery to initiate API request to get the result, the circle animation is just an effect.
  3. So let’s write a little bit of code to get the wheel moving, and we need a motion effect
  4. We need to speed up every turn, so we also need to control the speed of movement

Through the above analysis we found a problem, rotary motion is need some time, when he finished movement need to tell the control wheel under the module to speed up the pace of motion in a circle, so sports need an asynchronous communication module and control module, the asynchronous communication requires us to solve the observer pattern. The final result looks like this, and since it’s just a DEMO, I used a few DIV blocks instead of the dials:

Here’s the code:

// Take the previous publish/subscribe model
class PubSub {
  constructor() {
    this.events = {}

  subscribe(event, callback) {
    if(this.events[event]) {
    } else {
      this.events[event] = [callback]

  publish(event, ... args) {
    const subscribedEvents = this.events[event];

    if(subscribedEvents && subscribedEvents.length) {
      subscribedEvents.forEach(callback= > {
        callback.call(this. args); }); }}unsubscribe(event, callback) {
    const subscribedEvents = this.events[event];

    if(subscribedEvents && subscribedEvents.length) {
      this.events[event] = this.events[event].filter(cb= >cb ! == callback) } } }// Instantiate an event center
const pubSub = new PubSub();

// There are four modules: initialization page - Get final results - Motion effects - motion control
// Initialize the page
const domArr = [];
function initHTML(target) {
  // There are a total of 10 optional prizes, i.e. 10 divs
  for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    let div = document.createElement('div');
    div.innerHTML = i;
    div.setAttribute('class'.'item'); target.appendChild(div); domArr.push(div); }}// To get the final result, i.e. the total number of turns, we use a random number plus 40(4 turns).
function getFinal() {
  let _num = Math.random() * 10 + 40;

  return Math.floor(_num, 0);

// Motion module, specific motion method
function move(moveConfig) {
  // moveConfig = {
  // times: 10, //
  // speed: 50 // Speed of this lap
  // }
  let current = 0; // The current position
  let lastIndex = 9;   // Last position

  const timer = setInterval(() = > {
    // Each move adds a border to the current element and removes the previous border
    if(current ! = =0) {
      lastIndex = current - 1;

    domArr[current].setAttribute('class'.'item item-on');


    if(current === moveConfig.times) {

      // Complete a loop of broadcast events
      if(moveConfig.times === 10) {
  }, moveConfig.speed);

// Motion control module, control the parameters of each turn
function moveController() {
  let allTimes = getFinal();
  let circles = Math.floor(allTimes / 10.0);
  let stopNum = allTimes % circles;
  let speed = 250;  
  let ranCircle = 0;

    times: 10,
  });    // Manually start the first rotation

  // Start the next rotation automatically after each rotation
  pubSub.subscribe('finish'.() = > {
    let time = 0;
    speed -= 50;

    if(ranCircle <= circles) {
      time = 10;
    } else {
      time = stopNum;

      times: time,

// Draw the page and start to rotate
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The difficulty of the above code lies in that the motion of the motion module is asynchronous, and the motion control module needs to be informed to rotate the next time after the completion of each circle. The observer mode solves this problem well. I have uploaded the complete code of this example to my GitHub, so you can take it down and run it.

Decorator mode

For example, Vue 2.x listens for Array changes and adds responsiveness, but it can’t change array. prototype directly. In this case, it is particularly appropriate to use the decorator pattern, to redecorate the old method into a new method to use.

The basic structure

The structure of the decorator pattern is also very simple, which is to call the original method and then add more operations, which is decoration.

var a = {
  b: function() {}}function myB() {
  // Call the previous method first
  // Add your own new operation
  console.log('New operation');
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Example: Vue array listening

If you are familiar with the principle of Vue responsivity, you will know that the responsivity of Vue 2.x objects is implemented via Object.defineProperty, but this method does not listen for array changes. These methods are native to arrays, so we can’t change them. With decorator mode, we can extend them while maintaining their functionality:

var arrayProto = Array.prototype;    // Get the prototype of the native array
var arrObj = Object.create(arrayProto);     // Create a new object using the prototype of the native array to avoid contaminating the native array
var methods = ['push'.'shift'];    // There are only two methods that need to be extended, but there are more

// Loop through the methods array to extend them
methods.forEach(function(method) {
  // Replace the method on arrObj with an extended method
  arrObj[method] = function() {
    var result = arrayProto[method].apply(this.arguments);    // Start with the old method
    dep.notify();     // This is the Vue method used to do the response
    returnresult; }});// For a user-defined array, manually point its prototype to the extended arrObj
var a = [1.2.3];
a.__proto__ = arrObj;
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The above code was simplified from the Vue source code and is a typical example of using decorators to extend the functionality of the original method. Because Vue only extends array methods, if you operate on arrays directly through subscripts instead of using these methods, responsiveness will not work.

Example: Extend an existing event binding

As usual, we learn their code, let’s try it ourselves. The requirement for this example is that we need to add some operations to the existing DOM click events.

// Our previous click event only needed to print 1
dom.onclick = function() {
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We can go back to the original code and change it, but we can also use decorator mode to add functionality to it:

var oldFunc = dom.onclick;  // Start with the old method
dom.onclick = function() {   // Rebind the event
  oldFunc.apply(this.arguments);  // Execute the old method first
  // Then add the new method
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The above code will extend the dom click event, but if need to modify the dom elements are many and we want to one by one to rebind events, and there will be a lot of similar code, one of the purpose of our learning design patterns is to avoid duplicated code, so we can be extracted to bind a common operation, as a decorator:

var decorator = function(dom, fn) {
  var oldFunc = dom.onclick;
  if(typeof oldFunc === 'function'){
    dom.onclick = function() {
      oldFunc.apply(this.arguments); fn(); }}}// Call the decorator and pass in arguments to expand
decorator(document.getElementById('test'), function() {
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This approach is especially suitable for third-party UI components, we introduce some UI component encapsulates a lot of their own features, but does not expose the interface, if we want to add functionality, but not directly modify his source code, the best way to do is use the decorator pattern to expand, and decoration factory, we can also bulk changes quickly.

Adapter mode

The adapter must have been used by everyone. My old graphics card at home only has HDMI interface, but the display is DP interface. These two can not be plugged in, how to do? The answer is to buy an adapter and convert the DP interface to HDMI. The adapter pattern here is similar in principle. When we are faced with a non-generic interface and mismatched interface parameters, we can package a method outside of it that takes our current name and parameters and calls the old method inside to pass in the old parameter form.

The basic structure

The basic structure of the adapter pattern is as follows: if we want to use a log function called mylog, but we want to call the existing window.console.log implementation, we can package it.

var mylog = (function(){
  return window.console.log; }) ()Copy the code

If you think the above structure is too simple and still don’t know how to use it, let’s look at another example.

Example: The framework has changed

If we are faced with A problem that the company has been using the A framework before, but now decides to change to jQuery, most interfaces of the two frameworks are compatible, but some interfaces are not compatible, we need to solve this problem.

// An interface for modifying CSS
$.css();      / / jQuery CSS
A.style();    // A frame is called style

// An interface to bind events
$.on();       / / jQuery is called on
A.bind();     // A framework is called bind
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Of course, we can also use global search to change the use of the place, but it may be more elegant to use the adapter to change:

// Replace the previous A with $
window.A = $;

// 适配A.style
A.style = function() {
  return $.css.apply(this.arguments);    // Leave this unchanged

/ / a. ind
A.bind = function() {
  return $.on.apply(this.arguments);
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The adapter is so simple, the interface is different, the package layer is changed to the same.

Example: Parameter adaptation

The adapter pattern can be used not only to accommodate inconsistent interfaces as described above, but also to accommodate diversity of parameters. One way if we need to receive a very complex object parameters, such as webpack configuration, there may be many options, but the user may only use to the part, or the user may be in an unsupported configuration, that we need a user into the configuration process of adaptation to the standard configuration, this actually do is simple:

The func method receives a very complex config
function func(config) {
  var defaultConfig = {
    name: 'hong'.color: 'red'./ /...
  // To adapt the user's configuration to the standard configuration, we loop defaultConfig directly
  // If the user passes in the configuration, use the user's; if not, use the default
  for(var item indefaultConfig) { defaultConfig[item] = config[item] || defaultConfig[item]; }}Copy the code


  1. The core of high scalability is actually high cohesion and low coupling, with each module focusing on its own function and minimizing direct dependence on external.
  2. The responsibility chain pattern and the observer pattern are mainly used to reduce the coupling between modules. Low coupling makes it easy to organize them and give them extension functions. The adapter pattern and the decorator pattern are mainly used to extend without affecting the original code.
  3. If we need to perform a series of operations on an object that can be organized into a chain, we can consider using the chain of responsibilities pattern. Specific tasks on the chain do not need to be aware of the existence of other tasks, only focus on their own work, the chain is responsible for the transmission of messages. With the chain of responsibilities model, tasks in the chain can be easily added, deleted, or reorganized into new chains, like an assembly line.
  4. If we have two objects that need to communicate asynchronously at indeterminate points in time, we can consider using the observer pattern. The user does not need to keep an eye on other specific objects, but simply registers a message with the message center, which notifies him when the message appears.
  5. If we have some old code that doesn’t meet our needs and we can’t change it, we can consider using decorator patterns to enhance its functionality.
  6. For old code modification or new module introduction, we may face the situation that the interface is not universal, at this time we can consider writing an adapter to accommodate them. The adapter pattern also applies to parameter adaptation.
  7. Again, design patterns are more about ideas, not code templates. Instead of trying to impose design patterns everywhere, use them when we really need them to increase the extensibility of our code.

This is the third article on design patterns, focusing on design patterns for extensibility. The other three are:

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Not sure how to improve code reuse? Take a look at these design patterns

Don’t know how to improve code quality? Take a look at these design patterns!

A design pattern for improving code quality follows.

At the end of this article, thank you for your precious time to read this article. If this article gives you a little help or inspiration, please do not spare your thumbs up and GitHub stars. Your support is the motivation of the author’s continuous creation.

The material for this article comes fromNetease Senior Front-end Development Engineer Micro majorTang Lei’s design pattern course.

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