Today I mainly share is: MY personal gains and losses in the process of self-learning programming, simply speaking is their own learning experience, as well as summed up programming learning experience, methods and skills and so on.

At the same time, I will continue to study on my own, master more programming knowledge, and then I will put what I have learned, what I have learned into a suitable beginner to learn the introductory tutorial, hoping to achieve the purpose is to help those who want to learn the novice to learn faster and more efficient entry.

Self-study programming because I know is not easy, especially their beginning, what also don’t understand, encounter problems do not know how to start, the feeling is really very uncomfortable, so I just start to learn programming, really hope to have personal always ask, ask, or some people can share some programming learning experience, methods and techniques, etc.

While most success could not be copied, but the experience of predecessors accumulated is can help us to walk a lot less detours, I have seen many people who want to self-study programming, haven’t start has ended, because just started to really not easy, so all things are difficult before they are easy, I want to do now is to help these people smooth introduction to programming and they grow up together!

So here, you get the following:

1, constantly upgraded programming learning experience, methods and skills and other dry goods 2, constantly updated original introductory tutorial 3, programming learning on the road of mentor

I will also do my best to do the above three points!

Today’s content is very short, but very dry! I look forward to your likes and forwarding. As for praise, it is the first time to open praise after all, haha, you know!

A lot of people ask me all kinds of questions about learning to program in private, like:

1. Can I teach myself programming? 2. What language should I learn? 3. How to improve learning efficiency? Learn to forget how to do? 5. Do you have any learning experience to share?

In fact, as a college four years in self-learning programming aspiring youth, these questions I have deep feelings, nonsense not to say, this time I share with you four about programming learning experience and skills, which can be summed up by my trial and error, remember to like collection oh!

Number one: Good times never come

A lot of people at the beginning of learning programming always want to wait until they are ready to do, for example, I learned what to do what, no, I can’t do this, can’t do that, the current level of knowledge is not enough, I still need to continue learning to do what.

Really, don’t wait for the good state, because the good state will never come, you need to do it right now, for a self-learner, a good state is now!

Second: do not understand to ask? A big mistake

We often say that if you don’t understand, you should ask. Is it true that you are a good scholar? In terms of programming learning, I think that is a big mistake, in fact, it should be a search if you don’t know, that is to say, if you are determined to start learning programming, then you must change a concept, that is, “don’t ask if you don’t know” to “don’t know”, when you don’t know, don’t rush to ask others, Take the time to find relevant solutions online first, and remember, this ability will serve you well throughout your life!

The more you learn to program, the more you realize the cold truth is that a lot of times, when you have a problem and you want to find someone to help you out, it’s really hard.

Remember, your best teacher is the search engine. Suggest Google.

Third: knowledge forgetting is not a disease

Surely every programming learner suffers from it, that is, the knowledge learned is forgotten, I think I was trapped here, I tried a lot of solutions, but the effect is not good, until finally, I was enlightened to understand

1, the knowledge itself complex, a lot of content, you can not what will, what all remember 2, don’t forget as a problem to solve, because you can not solve, forget is normal, everyone is so 3, use more natural remember, use not much remember it why 4, forget to see again

(What I have shared above is really important. I hope you can think about it carefully. Sometimes when you want to understand something, you will feel suddenly enlightened and relaxed.)

So, as a programmer, blogging is highly recommended! On the other hand, if you’re just starting out as a blogger, I’d actually rather stick to some of the more established blogging platforms like CSDN, Blogosphere, nuggets, etc., than start your own blog.

Because in the beginning, all you need is feedback, a positive boost!

Fourth: see again, as the actual operation again

Programming learning, ultimately, is to use, so, no matter what programming language you learn, you should try to use the language to create something, something, you see many times, it is not as good as your own operation, remember, programming learning, the actual combat is a very, very important stage, The goal is to use the language you’ve learned as a tool you can use to implement your ideas.

A lot of people who teach themselves how to program feel like it takes them a long time to learn, but they just don’t feel like they’re getting much better at it, in large part because maybe you’re lacking in actual practice.

Learning programming, does theory matter? Of course, very important. But I think actual combat is more important. If I had to choose between the two, I would definitely choose actual combat without hesitation.

The more you learn, the better you will understand.


Master as the saying goes, the church disciple, starve to death, therefore, some empirical due are summed up their hard-won on pit, it took a lot of time and energy, many people are reluctant to share out, especially the programming, feel afraid of others to learn, take yourself, and why I share out, that is, I think, Methods and other empirical things can be constantly upgraded, a person’s thinking is always limited.

So, I share it, we brainstorm and make good ideas better!

In addition, if you are not good at thinking, no matter how good your experience is, it is useless to you. Therefore, I hope you can think about the above four points and look forward to your feedback and upgrading again!

Off topic: hope everyone encourages a lot, the future day, refuels together is right!

I recommend you to add this Java learning garden, for beginners to learn Java friends are very helpful.