You can’t accomplish anything, big or small, if you don’t maintain this state of self-denial.

Jobs is considered one of the smartest, most insightful and visionary minds of his time. Jobs thought that if you make a product and the experience is so good that it makes a qualitative leap, the demand can be created.

The iPhone redefines the mobile phone — a one-stop solution for mobility. Thanks to the rise of the iPhone, mankind has truly entered the era of “mobile Internet”. In the era of mobile Internet, technological progress has made mankind invent subversive products, such as Didi Taxi, shared bikes and driverless cars.

Technology and products are constantly changing the world. As a product manager in the Internet industry, how should you consider the combination of technology and products and what product insight you need?

Let’s talk about product insight.

First, product insight

Product insight is that you can see the trends of The Times and have a belief in the inevitability of the future. Good at observation, understanding user needs, with through the phenomenon to see the essence, in the specific scene, environment to see the ability of user nature needs.

People with product insight can see through the business logic behind things or products at a glance. For example, Liu Qiangdong insists on establishing its own logistics. The core strategy of JD is B2C, and its scarcity value is to ensure the quality of goods and delivery experience.

If a user buys an air conditioner from JINGdong, jingdong will not only guarantee the quality, but also quickly deliver the air conditioner to the user’s door to install it. Other third-party logistics services may not have such a good user experience. Good and fast is liu Qiangdong to B2C electricity commercial state insight.

Ii. How to cultivate product insight?

Yu Jun, the father of Baidu Tieba and a former Vice president of Baidu who is now a product consultant to Didi, said, “The quality of a good product manager is a good insight. “Insight can be developed in four aspects: logic, vision, empathy and the ability to deny yourself.”

1. Logic — Business logic of Internet products


In “Internet Business Logic: The Two Directions of BAT”, I once talked about the three types of business logic in the Internet industry:

  • Type 1: Business logic is selling a good or service directly to the customer.

  • The second type: business logic is to provide users with a part of the product or service for free, and then make profits by paying for the other part of the value-added services.

  • The third type: business logic is to provide products or services for users, slowly accumulate massive access traffic or data, and then introduce a third party to cash.

Insight into the business logic of Internet products, as well as the commercial goals carried by product value through product design and operation means, are things that every Internet product person needs to think deeply.

Here ARE just a few key words:

Scale effect, scope economy, user stickiness, cognitive closure, flow logic

Entry logic, single point breakthrough, category logic, network effects, dimension reduction attacks

Here no longer do specific elaboration, interested students can go to read the Internet business logic: BAT’s didirectional foil this article.

2. Vision — Overall view of products


AlphaGo has played several games that many human chess players consider to be small losses or mistakes. But it turned out that not only had it won, but AlphaGo had been ahead from the start through calculations. After the game, some players said AlphaGo’s chess style was similar to That of Lee Chang-ho, that is, “AlphaGo has an amazing ability to beat opponents step by step with only forehands without any magic moves.”

In fact, AlphaGo’s real fear is the “big picture”. Many of China’s Internet giants are companies with a “big picture” view of their products.

Now LET me talk about the “big picture” of Meituan and Xiaomi, and the product strategy under this “big picture”.

After the merger of Meituan and Dianping, Meituan emerged from the battle of Thousands of groups and became the fifth largest Internet company in the Domestic Internet industry after BAT and JINGdong — New America University. Wang Xing, CEO of Meituan, once said that during the war, Meituan always paid attention to the word “overall” when making decisions, that is, to look at problems from an overall perspective, rather than focusing on the gains and losses of one city or one pool.

Meituan’s “Open City” is a good example. Meituan divides 300 open cities into three levels: The top 20, 20-100, 100 after three categories, final decision resources had not stuck in the middle of the class, do so although Meituan had lagged in the north to guangzhou, such a line area, but Meituan when checking, found from the global perspective, it is in the middle of the second – and third-tier cities help Meituan laid a good foundation, The Battle of a thousand regiments was won — and this was the victory of the whole war.

So look at the bigger picture, and your answers may be very different. Of course, meituan’s management team encountered many challenges with this strategy at the time.

The biggest challenge is the lack of understanding of the board of directors. All the directors live in Beijing and Shanghai, and lack of resource investment in Beijing and Shanghai leads to backwardness. The investor told Gan Jiawei, COO of Meituan, “I bought glutinous rice again today. You can see that there is no merchant I like to open Meituan in my business circle. Then, Gan Jiawei always needs to explain that meituan other cities are very good, depending on the overall number.

So you see, even people in the industry like Meituan investors, they couldn’t understand this “holistic” way of thinking at that point. Insight is a belief meituan chose to adhere to when he saw the trend of The Times.

People who really think about Internet products and do things always have to bear more misunderstandings. Everyone of us is the same. I hope you keep in mind that a chess player has no magic skills.

Now let’s talk about Xiaomi. The emergence of xiaomi ecological chain mode is a general view of returning to the understanding of the nature of business. The history of retail has evolved from the earliest mail-order model to chain stores, department stores, supermarkets, and shopping malls — in essence, it is the division of social labor and the exchange between various forms of business on this basis.

Taobao is an e-commerce business in the form of free market. Jingdong is an e-commerce department store, while Xiaomi’s eco-chain model is the third e-commerce state based on the Internet of Things: remote control e-commerce — the interconnection of smart devices.

Xiaomi’s smart home devices, such as TV series, routers, access control, rice cookers, sweeping robots and air purifiers, can all be controlled by a unified APP. The APP acts as a remote control for all Xiaomi home products.

So the remote control becomes a very big entrance.

What value does this portal create?

For example, the filter element of your air purifier needs to be replaced, or the brush of your sweeper needs to be replaced, it will remind you in real time, and you can buy directly on the top of the button. If there is a Mi smart refrigerator in the future, it may also help you order eggs, milk, and so on. With this remote control, you can make a lot of purchases.

Millet filling mode of the future is to set up a based on Internet of things, in addition to the free market electricity (taobao), department stores, electrical contractor (jingdong) outside the third electric commercial mode, remote control electric business, through family iot devices access to user data, after the artificial intelligence through the analysis of user data reverse influence user decisions. So what is the big picture of Xiaomi ecological chain mode?

The overall view of Xiaomi’s ecological chain model is to systematically improve efficiency.

On the product side, the eco-chain company can coordinate with other Xiaomi products in terms of product selection and add value to the ecology. The target users are Xiao Mi fans, a wide audience, and innovative products that can use economies of scale to reduce costs are included in the Xiaomi ecological chain.

These products are closely linked to existing ecological chain products, and have the imagination to connect with the system in the future and contribute data. The multi-category products produced by Eco-chain companies, compared with traditional companies, realize better data exchange and connectivity, and are based on the Internet of things.

On the channel side, these product combinations of Xiaomi are retailed mainly through online Mi Mall and offline Mi Home. These sales channels are characterized by “almost zero channel cost, zero advertising cost, very efficient”.

After the vision — the big picture of the product — let’s talk about empathy.

3. Empathy — your ability to empathize with others and see things from their point of view

A disciple once asked Confucius, “Is there a man who can say one word and do it all his life?” Confucius replied that the key to a moral life lies in forgiveness. By “pardon”, I mean empathy.

Confucius described empathy with a simple but profound motto: “Do not do to others what you would not have others do to you.”

Confucius believed that if a person could put himself in the shoes of others, he would be on the path of benevolence, which is the essence of empathy.

In my article why Keep is a “fast” company with 100 million users, I talked about how Keep achieved 100 million users. A good example of empathy is turning white.

Wang Ning, CEO of Keep, found that the majority of Keep’s target users are white people who do not go to the gym, rather than those who exercise madly in the gym every day and have a lot of muscles. The basic needs of these users are simple: look thin in clothes and look fleshy when undressed. The biggest pain point of traditional fitness is in four aspects: time, place, money and people.

Keep offers a mobile Internet APP that allows you to get active anytime, anywhere. Keep users can get rid of high private education costs. At the same time, it has social attributes. In the past, dozens of people practiced together in the gym, and tens of thousands of people exercised together through the Internet. This is empathy.

Your ability to see things from other people’s feelings and perspectives is called empathy.

Empathy is a meta-competency from which many abilities have evolved, such as management, professionalism, presentation, and sales. It’s all evolved from the meta-capacity of empathy, like motivating employees, you have to put yourself in his shoes and think about what he needs, not what I can give.

With empathy training, you can not only manage your subordinates, you can manage your peers, your boss, and even outsiders. You can convince people easily. It can be said that empathy is the common mind of all abilities.

So how do we train our empathy?

There are two methods:

The first is: empathy.

We’ve all had the experience of giving directions. One of your friends drove to your house for a party and couldn’t find the way. He has no navigation, so he calls you: How do I drive it? A lot of people will say: You drive to a baozi shop, then turn right.

This is a very unempathetic way of giving directions. If you think from his feelings, from his point of view, it might be as difficult for him to find that baozi shop as it is for him to find your home. What should you do?

You can ask him what he can see now, then match his sense of location from your memory, and tell him to drive 400 meters ahead, make two small openings, and turn right.

Another example: many service industries, a lot of empathy, for example, for guests to pour water, the cup had better be put back to his position, because I don’t know which hand he is used to; If you’re a lady, give her a straw to drink, to avoid sticking lipstick to the cup. If the customer takes a long time to look at the menu when ordering, it indicates that he has a choice obstacle, and the menu design may not be good enough. We should introduce him properly. If he takes a long time to look at the bill when paying, it must be because he is not satisfied and thinks it is not worth the money, etc.

The second is: empathic listening.

In his last book, the late management guru Stephen Covey developed a concept called “empathetic listening.” It means listening with empathy to people who disagree with you. Covey’s idea is that people actually have a natural tendency to want to judge other people. For example, after listening to someone’s speech, someone says, “I didn’t like that person’s speech.” The other person’s natural reaction is to evaluate the sentence from their own point of view, such as “I don’t like it either” or “No, I think it’s fine.”

Developing empathetic listening means that when you hear someone give an opinion, your response is, “Why? I want to hear what you think.” Then, whether you agree with them or not, learn from them.

Whenever he hears someone disagree with him, Mr. Covey says, he goes over and says, ‘You see things differently. Tell me about it.” His attitude was, “Seek to be understood before you seek to be understood.”

In other words, he will try to understand the other person’s point of view first, then state his own, hoping to be understood, rather than subconsciously refuting first.

It’s hard to become an empathetic listener, and even harder to influence others on your team to do the same. Stephen Covey, however, offers a solution: In a discussion, ask each person to briefly repeat what the previous speaker said before making his or her own point. If you keep at it, Covey believes, eventually you’ll be able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see things through their eyes.

4. The ability to deny yourself — Denial is being aware of a rapidly changing industry

Self-denial is the assumption of ignorance, and the process of self-denial is also the process of cognitive upgrading. Do not do painful self-denial, cognition can not be a new level. Because we are in the great turn of the whole human civilization, the cognition of each industry is rapidly superimposed, and the crossover is more and more common.

You can’t accomplish anything, big or small, if you don’t maintain this state of self-denial.

For example, to do small things, you are selling fruit, if you do not know that now people go out with cash less and less, you have to provide wechat pay and Alipay pay TWO-DIMENSIONAL code, you can not operate this fruit stall.

If you’re starting a startup, if you’re just an expert in an industry and don’t know the underlying technology trends, you’ll often end up surprised when a new company comes out of nowhere to disrupt your industry.

From the mobile phone subvert BP machine, fixed telephone, high-speed broadband subvert DVD, takeout subvert instant noodles, obsolete smart phone subvert 21 grams of intelligent elderly machine, shared bikes subvert three sticks. Without maintaining a cognitive state of “self-denial”, it is difficult to have a full understanding of the rapidly changing industry.

Self-denial is built on the premise of insight, you can see the trend of The Times, the inevitability of the future development of things have their own belief, you dare to self-denial. The history of big corporate transformations is all about self-denial based on insight: IBM went from PC to software, from software to cloud computing, from cloud computing to artificial intelligence. Netflix’s transformation from DVD rental business to streaming service is a subversion of its own business.

Three, endnotes

Product insight lies in understanding the business logic behind a product, building a holistic view of the big picture, building empathy for the product, and daring to self-deny the changing perceptions of the industry.

The two articles mentioned in the article:

Internet business logic: BAT’s two – way foil

Why is Keep, with 100 million users, a “fast” company

Author: Huang Chengjia


, End,

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