1. Ali Technology Salon

Club.alibabatech.org/ Ali Technology Carnival each meeting to share the content, this salon was formerly called Taobao technology carnival, held from 2011, more than four years, not easy. Sharing on Android includes: Technical architecture of Alipay Wallet client, exploration and practice of mobile Taobao client architecture, optimization practice of Alipay Wallet traffic and quantity, performance optimization of Xiaomi system, data monitoring and application of UC browser client, sandbox mechanism of Android operating system shared by netease and other good content. The content of other fields is also extensive, mostly sharing the experience of Domestic Internet companies. The following picture shows all fields:

  1. Meituan technology blog

Tech.meituan.com/ has a few blog posts, but most of them are good experience sharing. Create 900 channel packages in less than a minute by adding an empty file named channel number to the meta-INF folder. (2). Resource confusion Confuses certain types of resource files by modifying the resource name rules when adding resource files in AAPT. (3) Adaptation channel packages Use build.gradle to make personalized configuration for different channel packages. In addition to Android, there are also articles on iOS, machine learning personalized recommendations, search, and data storage. 3. IBM paths to www.ibm.com/developerwo… IBM has been a powerful force in the Java open source community, with its own JDK and monitoring tools. The DeveloperWorks Java section was once a mainstay of Java Chinese articles, probably due to the invitation and moderation restrictions. Android developers also recommend looking at topics like Java theory and practice, JVM concurrency, Java next Generation, and functional thinking.

  1. Tencent AlloyTeam

www.alloyteam.com/ is originally the blog of Tencent SNG — the front end of the Web of social network business group. It is mainly about CSS, JS and HMTL content. Now it also has some Android, iOS, Node. JS and HyBird App related content. The overall content point is not advanced, but the update is more diligent. The team blog has been going on for over five years and the maintainers are great.

From: http://www.cnblogs.com/moonandstar08/p/5668510.html

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