The previous chapter took you to understand the concept of IO, synchronous asynchrony, blocking the difference between non-blocking, have not seen a small partner can go to see oh

NIO is the core of Netty. What’s so special about NIO?

Follow the Wolf king down….


Let’s start with a question: why does Netty use NIO instead of AIO?

I think you must have your own answer in mind, let’s read on with the question

Why did Netty choose NIO

Let’s review the differences:

NIO model synchronization non-blocking NIO non-blocking synchronous blocking and synchronous machine has two patterns, generally is about synchronous non-blocking, server implementation pattern for a request to a thread, but the client sends the connection attempt will be registered to the multiplexer, multiplexer polling to connect I/O request to start a thread for processing.

AIO model asynchronous non-blocking server implementation mode is a valid request to a thread, the client I/O request is completed by the OS and then notified the server application to start the thread for processing. Note: AIO is also known as NIO2.0, in JDK7 only began to support.

Then take a look at the Netty author’s exact words on the subject:

Not faster than NIO (epoll) on unix systems (which is true)

There is no daragram suppport

Unnecessary threading model (too much abstraction without usage)

No faster than NIO on Unix systems

Datagrams not supported

Unnecessary threading models (too many unhelpful abstractions)

So we can sum up the following four points:

  • Netty doesn’t value the use of EPOLL on Windows. On Linux, the underlying implementation of AIO still uses EPOLL. AIO is not well implemented, so there is no significant performance advantage, and it is wrapped in a layer of JDK that is not easy to deeply optimize
  • The overall architecture of Netty is reactor model, while AIO is proactor model, which will be very chaotic when mixed together. Transforming AIO into REACTOR model also looks like turning epoll around and back
  • Another disadvantage of AIO is that it requires a pre-allocated cache to receive data, as opposed to NIO, which requires a pre-allocated cache to receive data, so it can waste a lot of memory when the number of connections is very large but the traffic is low
  • AIO on Linux is not mature enough to process callback results faster than processing requirements. For example, there are too few delivery attendants and too many customers, resulting in a bottleneck in processing speed (to be verified).

Introduction of NIO

Java NIO is a new set of IO interfaces released after Java 1.4, which is relatively new compared to the original standard Java IO and Java Networking interfaces. NIO offers a completely different way of doing things.

N in NIO can be interpreted as non-blocking, not just New.

It supports buffer-oriented, channel-based approaches to I/O operations. With the release of JDK 7, the NIO system has been extended to provide enhanced support for file system functionality and file processing. Because of these new capabilities supported by NIO file classes, NIO is widely used for file processing.

NIO vs. IO

1 Channels and Buffers

IO is stream-oriented and NIO is buffer-oriented

  • Standard IO programming interfaces are byte streams and character streams oriented. NIO is channel – and buffer-oriented. Data is always read from a channel to a buffer buffer or written from a buffer buffer to a channel. (All I/O operations in NIO begin through a channel.)
  • Java IO stream-oriented means that one or more bytes are read from the stream at a time until all bytes are read without being cached anywhere;
  • Java NIO is a cache-oriented I/O approach. The data is read into the buffer and further processed using channels. In NIO, channels and buffers are used to handle I/O operations.

2 Non-blocking IO

IO streams are blocked, NIO streams are not blocked.

  • Java NIO allows us to do non-blocking IO operations. For example, a single thread can read data from a channel to buffer and continue doing other things at the same time. When data is read into buffer, the thread can continue processing data. The same is true for writing data. In addition, the same is true for non-blocking writes. A thread requests to write some data to a channel, but without waiting for it to write completely, the thread can do something else in the meantime.
  • The various streams of Java IO are blocked. This means that when a thread calls read() or write(), the thread blocks until some data is read, or data is written entirely. The thread can’t do anything else in the meantime

3 Selectors

NIO has selectors, while IO does not.

  • Selectors are used to process multiple channels using a single thread. Therefore, it requires fewer threads to process these channels.
  • Switching between threads can be expensive for an operating system. Therefore, selectors are useful in order to improve system efficiency.

NIO has three core components

NIO has three entities: Buffer, Channel, and Selector.

  • A Buffer is a container in which the client stores information about the server. When the server is ready, it will be channeled to the Buffer. There are seven types of Buffer: ByteBuffer, CharBuffer, DoubleBuffer, FloatBuffer, IntBuffer, LongBuffer, and ShortBuffer.
  • A Channel is a duplex connection Channel between a client and a server. Therefore, in the process of request, the Channel between the client and the server is constantly performing the process of “connect, query and disconnect”. Until the data is ready, it is channeled back. There are four main types of channels: FileChannel (reads data from a file), DatagramChannel (reads and writes UDP network protocol data), SocketChannel (reads and writes TCP network protocol data), ServerSocketChannel (listens for TCP connections)
  • A Selector is a multiplexer for a server to select a Channel. Seletor has two core tasks: monitoring whether data is ready and answering channels. Specifically, when multiple channels are polled repeatedly, the Selector looks at whether the data needed by that Channel is ready; If it is ready, the data is returned to the client’s Buffer through a Channel, and the client performs subsequent operations. If not, tell the Channel to continue polling. Multiple channels ask the Selector over and over again, and the Selector answers each Channel.


Common subclasses of Buffer

The most frequently used ShortBuffer is the string data stored in the buffer CharBuffer, the character data stored in the buffer IntBuffer, the integer data stored in the buffer LongBuffer, Store long integer data to the buffer DoubleBuffer, decimal data to the buffer FloatBuffer, and decimal data to the bufferCopy the code

Buffer class attribute parsing


attribute describe
Capacity Buffer capacity, which is set when the buffer is created and cannot be changed
Limit Represents the current read/write end of the buffer. No read/write operations can be performed on positions where the buffer exceeds its limit, and the limit can be modified
Position The position, the index of the next element to be read or written, changes each time buffer data is read or written in preparation for the next read or write
Mark tag

Common methods:

public final int capacity( )// Returns the size of this buffer
public final int position( )// Returns the location of this buffer
public final Buffer position (int newPositio)// Sets the position of this buffer
public final int limit( )// Returns the limit of this buffer
public final Buffer limit (int newLimit)// Set the limit of this buffer
public final Buffer mark( )// Set the flag at the position of this buffer
public final Buffer reset( )// Resets the position of this buffer to the position previously marked
public final Buffer clear( )// Clear this buffer, that is, each marker is restored to its original state, but the data is not really erased, and will be overwritten later
public final Buffer flip( )// Reverse this buffer
public final Buffer rewind( )// Rewind the buffer
public final int remaining( )// Returns the number of elements between the current position and the limit
public final boolean hasRemaining( )// Tell if there is an element between the current position and the constraint
public abstract boolean isReadOnly( );// Tell if this buffer is read-only
public abstract boolean hasArray();// Tells whether this buffer has an array of accessible underlying implementations
public abstract Object array();// Returns an array of the underlying implementations of this buffer
public abstract int arrayOffset();// Returns the offset of the first buffer element in the underlying implementation array of this buffer
public abstract boolean isDirect();// Tell whether this buffer is a direct buffer
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Common methods of ByteBuffer

public abstract class ByteBuffer {
    // Buffer creation API
    public static ByteBuffer allocateDirect(int capacity)// Create a direct buffer
    public static ByteBuffer allocate(int capacity)// Set the initial size of the buffer
    public static ByteBuffer wrap(byte[] array)// Use an array in a buffer
    // construct the buffer that initializes offset and upper length
    public static ByteBuffer wrap(byte[] array,int offset, int length)
     // Cache access API
    public abstract byte get( );// Get from position, position will automatically +1 after get
    public abstract byte get (int index);// Get from the absolute position
    public abstract ByteBuffer put (byte b);// Add position from the current position. After put, position automatically +1
    public abstract ByteBuffer put (int index, byte b);// Put from absolute position
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Common channel class

1.FileChannel // File I/O operation

2.DatagramChannel //UDP data read and write

3.ServerSocketChannel and SocketChannel //TCP data read and write

FileChannel Common method

public intRead (ByteBuffer DST), which reads data from a channel and places it in a buffer publicintPublic long transferFrom(ReadableByteChannel SRC, long position, long count), Public long transferTo(Long Position, long Count, WritableByteChannel Target) to copy data from the current channel to the target channelCopy the code

Read and write files using FileChannel and ByteBuffer

public void writeToFile() {
        try {
            //1. Create an output stream and get a channel from the output stream
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("D:\\fileChannelTest.txt");
            final FileChannel channel = out.getChannel();
            //2. Read the string through byteBuffer and write it to channel
            ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
            buffer.flip(); // Reverse the flow of the buffer
            channel.close(a); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void readFromFile() { try {//1. Get the input stream and convert it to channel
            File file = new File("D:\\fileChannelTest.txt");
            FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
            final FileChannel channel = inputStream.getChannel();
            //2. Read data from the channel to buffer and print it to the console
            ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
            while(true) {  // Loop until all buffers are read
                buffer.clear(); // Clear the cache, just initialize the tag, the data is not clear
                int read =;
                if (read == - 1) {  // Exit the loop after reading
            System.out.println("content is " + new String(buffer.array()));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
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File copy

public void readFromFile() {
        try {
            //1. Obtain the input stream and the corresponding FileChannel
            File file = new File("D:\\fileChannelTest.txt");
            FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
            final FileChannel channel = inputStream.getChannel();
            //2. Read data from the channel to buffer and print it to the console
            ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
            while(true) {  // Loop until all buffers are read
                buffer.clear(); // Clear the cache, just initialize the tag, the data is not clear
                int read =;
                if (read == - 1) {  // Exit the loop after reading
            System.out.println("content is " + new String(buffer.array()));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
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Note: When transferring objects through ByteBuffer, the type of the objects written and read must be the same; otherwise, BufferUnderFlowException may occur


The Selector can detect if an event has occurred on multiple registered channels (note that multiple channels can be registered to the same Selector as an event). If an event has occurred, the Selector gets the event and then handles each event accordingly. If no event has occurred, the current thread can handle other things

Common methods

public abstract class Selector implements Closeable { 
public static Selector open();// Get a selector object
public int select(long timeout);// Monitor all registered channels, when there are IO operations can be performed, willPublic Set<SelectionKey> selectedKeys();// Get all selectionkeys from the inner collection
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NIO client and server code implementation

The service side

The implementation process

Build the NIO server

1. Create ServerSocketChannel and bind port 5555

2. Create a Selector object and register ServerSocketChannel with Seletor to listen for accept events

3. Use selectKey.isAcceptable to determine whether any client establishes a connection, register the connected SocketChannel with the selector, and listen for the corresponding read event

4. Run selectKey.isReadable to check whether a read event occurs on the channel, obtain the corresponding socketChannel, read the event into the buffer, and output data

Code implementation:

public static void main(String[] args) throws  Exception{
        // Create ServerSocketChannel, -->> ServerSocket
        ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel =;
        InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(5555);
        serverSocketChannel.configureBlocking(false); // Set to non-blocking
        // Enable selector and register the accept event
        Selector selector =;
        serverSocketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
        while(true) {
  ;  // Listen on all channels
            / / traverse selectionKeys
            Set<SelectionKey> selectionKeys = selector.selectedKeys();
            Iterator<SelectionKey> iterator = selectionKeys.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                SelectionKey key =;
                if(key.isAcceptable()) {  // Handle connection events
                    SocketChannel socketChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept();
                    socketChannel.configureBlocking(false);  // Set it to non-blocking
                    System.out.println("client:" + socketChannel.getLocalAddress() + " is connect");
                    socketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); // Register the client to read the event to selector
                } else if (key.isReadable()) {  // Handle read events
                    ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
                    SocketChannel channel = (SocketChannel);
                    System.out.println("client:" + channel.getLocalAddress() + " send " + new String(byteBuffer.array()));
                iterator.remove();  // When the event is handled, remember to clear it}}}Copy the code

The client

1. Create a SocketChannel on the client and bind the IP address and port number

2. Send messages to the server through ByteBuffer and SocketChannel

Code implementation:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        SocketChannel socketChannel =;
        InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress("".5555);
        if(! socketChannel.connect(inetSocketAddress)) { while (! socketChannel.finishConnect()) { System.out.println("The client is currently connected, please wait patiently.");
        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap("hello,world".getBytes());
        socketChannel.close(a); }Copy the code


In this article, you will learn about NIO, why Netty chose NIO, and explain the three core components of NIO: Buffer, Channel, and Selector.

From the code level more intuitive display, and provide the corresponding code implementation ideas

The second part of the Netty series has also ended. With the foundation of these two chapters, the next part will officially start to talk about Netty. I will update this series of articles continuously in the future, from shallow to deep, from simple to difficult, and bring you to know Netty from various aspects and angles. I hope you are my best audience!

If you’re asked these questions in an interview, I’m sure this article will tickle the interviewer’s heart!

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