This article is reprinted from wechat official account: Big Data Muscle Ape

The work environment


First, writing background

Two, why to enter foreign enterprises

What is the culture of the foreign company

How to find opportunities in foreign companies

How to prepare for a foreign interview


First, writing background

1. I worked as an intern in Kyligence with foreign culture for half a year before, and then I got offers from eight American, Japanese and European companies such as Accenture and NTT. Finally, I chose a Spanish company to do big data development and work in the WHOLE UK. I wrote this article to share some ideas about foreign companies and interview experience.

2. Friends’ eyes: Very cool, even foreign companies can enter, English is very good.

3. Outsiders’ eyes: Foreign companies have high requirements. You have a good education background and great skills.


In fact, otherwise, I am the second school, but English is ok, more interested in it, into the foreign company also has one reason is to improve their English level, see below for details.



Two, why to enter foreign enterprises

Before I write this, I would like to talk about my daily life. I go to work at 9:30 and finish work at 6:00 every day, and sometimes I can finish work at 4:00 or 5:00 for company parties. After work, I can also exercise, watch movies with my girlfriend, learn things by myself, research new technologies and so on.


Due to the moderate work intensity, I often reconstruct company codes, supplement documents and improve the system. The leader also said to me, “We need to learn more new technologies. We can communicate more with each other. It is ok to finish the work and get off work at the right time, without caring whether others leave or not.” That’s a relief.

1. Comfortable working environment. Unlimited supply of coffee, beer, fruit tea and snacks; Lazy sofa, bar working freely; I clean the bathroom every half an hour. I’m sorry. I’m tacky.

2. Rich race. Because I love meeting different people and I love the multicultural feeling. And in a foreign company you see what outsiders call “hotshots”, but inside the company it’s very common because it’s all about them.


3. Don’t work overtime. The real foreign companies are not overtime or rarely overtime, our company does not set overtime meals, do not encourage overtime, overtime to fill in a tuo application form. You arrive early in the morning so you can leave early in the evening, and the workload won’t require you to work overtime. Although I don’t work overtime, I still come here every weekend to read and study, after all, to the book bar also want money, and the environment is not this good.


4. Good benefits. Afternoon tea and holiday bags.

5. International platforms and national standards. In a foreign company, what you can access is global, not limited to China. Some of the industry standards that you have access to are more global. Some companies can also serve as a springboard to realize overseas dreams.

6. Learn English. Every meeting is equivalent to listening practice, writing emails and documents is equivalent to writing practice, communicating with the boss and colleagues is equivalent to speaking practice, for example, our company has English learning courses for employees.


To sum up, it is: good welfare, humanization, contact with many things. As to learn not to learn technology, it really depends on people. You see Oracle inside out also have some interviews a turn, their own time to maintain the core competitiveness is the hard truth.



What is the culture of the foreign company

Just remember these two words: OPEN and DIRECT.


1.OPEN, as the name implies. The openness here is relative. Each company must have its own clear rules and regulations, while the openness here is more relative to state-owned enterprises or some private enterprises.

In a foreign company, you may not see everyone wearing a suit and tie. Everyone is dressed in ordinary clothes, even with a few tattoo earrings, which is normal.

In a foreign company, you can always find someone who stinks like you. On the outside, people might think you’re weird or awesome or something. In a foreign company, you are much more cosmopolitan than you are, have much more outlandish ideas than you are, and can accommodate different people, and these are the people that foreign companies like.

2.DIRECT, as the name suggests. Direct challenge to leaders, team members, etc. You can ask questions directly, you can cross levels. I have worked in two companies with foreign culture, and the meetings were full of opinions and suggestions.

Everyone should have the courage to question, and those who are questioned should be questioned. A few nights ago, I questioned the font of the official account of the new media department in my wechat group. The next day, my boss held a morning meeting on this matter and praised me in the end.


How to find opportunities in foreign companies

In addition to the old foreign enterprise IBM, ebay, there are some domestic comfortable working environment, good technical level of foreign enterprises. In Shanghai, I met and I know there are dozens of big, especially some “small and beautiful” foreign enterprises. So how do you find them?


1.Boss, hook, 51Job. Most foreign companies do not need financing or have been listed, so add a filter filter on the line.



2. Indeed. Indeed, Indeed is the world’s largest job search site. Google the rest. Advanced search side, you can customize play.





3. Affectionately. This we should be very familiar, do not do too much introduction, there will be some foreign headhunters and HR hook up, more search.


4.LinkedIn is equivalent to the Chinese version of LinkedIn.LinkedIn is relatively International, and it is more accurate to find relevant information of foreign companies.



How to prepare for a foreign interview

This section covers everything from resume preparation to technical aspects to HR or general manager soft skills interviews. Because the answers are in Both Chinese and English, the length is quite large, so only part of the questions and solutions will be provided. The next article will show all of them. Those who can’t wait can join the planet and enjoy them first.


1. Resume preparation. Taobao spend dozens of dollars to find someone to translate, and then find a friend or their own change, some professional terms should not be wrong.


2. Introduce yourself (the emphasis of the technical and quality interview is different). Don’t use flowery language at any point in the interview. Tell the truth, native speaker.

Self introduction can be divided into three layers, just like a normal interview. The first layer is personal information, the second layer is work experience, school performance and so on, and the third layer is personal interests, hobbies, personality, interpersonal contacts and so on. Speak slowly, don’t be nervous, and point well.


3. Technical aspects. Technical aspects are generally domestic interviewers, the difficulty depends on the company. Google department of foreign companies from the written test to the interview difficulty is not less difficult than domestic BAT, but more business-driven companies, you can look at the interview feedback before the interview or check, familiar with their own resume, there is no problem.


4. Department intersection. Foreign companies still pay more attention to this link, and sometimes they will let colleagues in other departments check the pass. It is ok to have a psychological preparation for this part. I think it is not a problem for most people, but more related to the problem of team assistance, or related experience described in the resume.


5. The Boss. Boss interview 90% foreigners, that is, the need for a full English interview. This part involves personal experience, personality characteristics more, so with the above technical aspects of self-introduction focus is not the same, the specific details of this aspect of work can be ignored, the main part of the description.


Here’s an example:

In the technical interview, you introduced yourself as XXX and other personal information. I have several internship experiences and several projects. The project technology stack is XXX, and my hobbies and characteristics may be briefly mentioned. (Emphasis on work experience and personal skills)


In the Boss face: I am XXX and other personal information, I have several what kind of company internship, what position, I help the company to complete what, what award… My hobby is playing basketball, bodybuilding, is a big school basketball team, is also a fitness coach… (Heavy results)


Pick a few questions I often get asked:

1. Describe yourself with a few key words: honest, reliable, hard-working, out-of-going, etc

2. D o you work well with other people? (How would you describe your ideal coworker?)

3. What kind of work environment do you want?

4. Company culture: Learn about the company’s business in advance, and use open and direct to talk about the company culture all the way.

5. Success and failure, strengths and weaknesses, views on large and small companies.



This part focuses on highlighting some of your previous accomplishments, both in work and in life, to your boss, who only values results. Just answer the other questions normally and learn something about the company’s business and culture.

6. HR: Open, direct, good communication skill, be friendly with others, do more, get more.

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