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Basic programming, I want to give you these 5 tips

A lot of people want to switch careers to the Internet. Whether it’s for interest, industry prospects, or salary, people who want to switch careers to the Internet must face one problem: how to teach themselves how to code, or more specifically, how to learn to code from scratch.

In fact, I am basically 0 basis self-study programming, the university of telecommunications, for programming language only know a little fur, those content, I believe that most people see some online tutorials can also master.

As someone who has been there before, I would like to give you some advice. No matter you are a student who wants to study by yourself, or you want to change industries, or just as a hobby, you can take my advice as your reference. It will not hurt.

Interest is the best teacher

This sentence everyone heard, but I think, whether you want to engaged in which industry, want to do better, go to a good company, at least you are interested, other ability, professional level aside, if no interest, so why start from 0 to do this business, to learn this technique, is obviously very irrational behavior.

Only when you are interested can you have the motivation to learn everything, whether it is computer fundamentals, programming languages, algorithms and so on. Interest is the driving force. Without it, you will not last long.

May be a lot of people feel that interest is not necessarily the most important, you can rely on efforts, insist on, rely on willpower to learn, but, what is the meaning of that, you are willing to be so unhappy to learn, your persistence and how long can last?

Time is the best friend

Learning to program takes a long time, I don’t know, it takes a long time, it doesn’t happen overnight, you could say you learned a language in three months and you learned the skills for the project.

But in my opinion, it’s just a skill. There’s a long way to go, and whether you’re working on your own projects or working on a job, learning to program is something that needs to be done continuously.

Someone once put forward the 10,000-hour theory, that is, you can become an expert in a field by investing at least 10,000 hours in it, and learning programming is no exception.

Don’t try to make it all at once

Many novices are not afraid of being born. Because they have no knowledge of the programming field, they set some high goals without thinking, such as wanting to enter a big factory, want to do complex projects, want to learn a language in a short period of time and find a job.

The ideal is full, the reality is very skinny, you may underestimate the difficulty, not as long as the heart, can quickly complete the learning process.

Must be easy before difficult, one step at a time, for example, first understand the grammar, try to write a demo, then understand advanced special effects, advanced features, and then break away from the tutorial to write some code, finally do the project, about such a logic.

Although I said simple, in fact, for the couple, it’s not easy to complete the process, although learn some basic grammar is easy, but I really want to get started practice, may encounter many problems, such as environment configuration, installation and use of IDE, these done, error code syntax errors, compile errors, implementation, for newcomers are hard to solve, It’s basically impossible to do without an external force.

So learning to program is not as easy as you might think.

Don’t be afraid of problems

Like I said, if meet with difficulties in the process of learning, may be it’s really hard to resolve, this time what to do, if no one to guide you, so can only crustily skin of head oneself solved, the solution is baidu, Google, the Internet and see if anyone encountered the same problem with you.

If you think this is very inefficient, you can also find some basic books to read first, to understand the basic programming knowledge, or watch some online courses, deepen the understanding of knowledge, and then try to various code practices, may make you more smooth.

Pay attention to the foundation, can go further

Many people think that learning to program is just a matter of learning the syntax, writing a simple demo, learning advanced features, and finally getting started on a project. But these are entry-level programmers, and without the language, they might have nothing left.

Without the basis of computer support, they do not understand the principle of computer network, I don’t know why want to consider network programming, don’t know why want to consider DNS, load balance, don’t know the principle of operating system, it will not be able to understand the root cause of the server problems, unable to troubleshoot, don’t know the data structures and algorithms, just don’t understand why some program is written so, Some collection classes are designed this way.

Every programmer should pay attention to the foundation. Without the foundation, everything else is a castle in the air. If you don’t have a solid foundation, you won’t have the confidence to talk about technology, let alone architecture and business scenarios.

To sum up, I would like to give some advice to those who are learning to program themselves. It is not easy to learn programming by themselves. Be sure to think carefully before starting, especially if you want to change careers and make a living as a programmer.