Java has become one of the most widely used languages in Internet enterprises. With great market demand and broad development prospect, Java development has attracted more and more people to learn it. For the zero-based white, how to systematically learn Java? Below, thousands of feng will give you an introduction.

Step 1: Basic knowledge of Java

Learning Java, we must first understand what Java is, its future development direction and application scenarios? Of course, many practitioners and students tend to focus on the salary scale in the Java industry, which is fine, but not practical for a deep understanding of Java. It is recommended to look at professional analysis of Java books, which will have a great help for later learning.

Step 2: Theoretical knowledge learning

This process is particularly important, after all, this is the key to learning Java, and this process has higher requirements for systematization, how to step by step, have a way to learn, will be the key to learn Java more quickly. So to share with you a learning Java knowledge sequence arrangement, I hope to help you.

1. Java foundation and Web Development foundation — small program project stage Students can master the basic object-oriented knowledge of Java, the use of Java common collection, JDBC and MySQL foundation, HTML/CSS/JavaScript front-end basic technology, Servlet to write server-side programs, and at the same time skillfully use IDEA development tools. Can achieve a simple small program;

2. Advanced Java Foundation, SSM front-end framework, code management and continuous integration, which are advanced stages. I can have a deep understanding of Java object-oriented knowledge points and be qualified for positions such as Java junior software engineer, Web junior front-end development engineer and BI engineer.

3. Service and distributed solution, master the use of Linux, Docker, Vue, SpringBoot, Shiro, distributed transactions, etc., can skillfully use Docker to complete project deployment, qualified for Java intermediate development engineer and other posts;

4. Large Internet solutions, master the development of JUC, Zookeeper, Dubbo, MySQL advanced, MyCat, wechat small program and wechat Payment, and be qualified for the posts of Java senior software engineer.

Of course, there are also real training projects, training practical ability. Nowadays, there are many application cases about Java on the Internet, and there are also many practical training projects, so you can go to carry out independent practical operation.